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Editorial Paragraphs.

Our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to friends who have interested themselves in forwarding us new subscriptions or renewals on old ones. But we very much need mo<*>e work of the same sort. There are hundreds (we believe thousands) who would subscribe to our Papers if their attention were only called to them; and it is surprising how many of our best subscribers allow their names to go off of our list simply because they forget to renew, <*>nd have no one to remind them personally of it. Now we beg our friends to help us in this matter both by getting us new subscribers and inducing old ones to renew.

The Fourth annual reunion Louisiana division A. N. V. Association came off in New Orleans on the evening of February 22d, and seems to have been a very brilliant affair. We regret that we were not able to accept the kind invitation to be present. The following are the officers of the Association for the current year:

John B. Richardson, President; A. Brady, First Vice-President; W. R. Lyman, Second Vice-President; A. S. Herron, Third Vice-President; J. Moore Wilson, Fourth Vice-President; L. Prados, Fifth Vice-President; John H. Murray, Treasurer; John J. Fitzpatrick, Recording Secretary; Fred. A. Ober, Corresponding Secretary; F. L. Taney, Surgeon; Rev. D. Hubert, Chaplain; E. D. Willett, Honorary President. Executive Committee: Albert M. Levy, D. M. Kilpatrick, J. J. Cumpsten, John A. Russell, and John Charles.

The Virginia division A. N. V. Association have happily selected as their orator at their annual reunion in October next, General Fitz. Lee. He has chosen as his subject “Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville,” and we can promise in advance, something which shall be at the same time entertaining to those who may hear it, and of great value to the historian. This Association have been very fortunate in the orators who have represented them at previous reunions, and the series of addresses embraced in the “A. N. V. Memorial Volume” (see advertisement) will compare favorably with any historical addresses ever delivered. But the value of the series will be greatly enhanced when the gallant Fitz. Lee shall have added the true story of Fredericksburg and of Chancellorsville.

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