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Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894

Military officer; born in Franklin county, Va., Nov. 3, 1816; graduated from West Point in 1837, and served in the Florida war the same year. In 1838 he resigned his commission and studied law. In 1847 he served as a major-general of volunteers during the war with Mexico. He was appointed colonel in the Confederate service at the outbreak of the Civil War. He lost but two battles—one at Gettysburg,

Jubal A. Early.

when he commanded a division of Lee's army, and the second at Cedar Creek, where Sheridan arrived in time to rally [175] his men after his famous ride. In 1888 he published a book giving the history of the last year of the Civil War, during which time he was in command of the Army of the Shenandoah. He died in Lynchburg, Va.., March 2, 1894.

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