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Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, Marquis of 1730-

Statesman; born in England, March 19, 1730; became the recognized chief of the Whig party in 1764; and the head of the cabinet in the following year. He made a vigorous effort to establish harmony between the American colonies and the mother-country, against the opposition of the King and his own colleagues. In 1766 he secured the repeal of the stamp duties, but before he was able to carry out the other measures in his scheme he was forced by growing opposition to resign his office. On March 28, 1782, when Lord North resigned the office of prime minister, the Marquis of Rockingham was again called to the head of the cabinet. The avowed principle of Rockingham and his colleagues was to acknowledge the independence of the United States and treat with them accordingly. Lord Shelburne still hoped

Lord Rockingham.

for a reconciliation and the restoration of the American colonies as a part of the British Empire. John Adams was at The Hague, negotiating a treaty [451] of commerce, and overtures were made to him, as well as to Franklin at Paris, to ascertain whether the United States would not agree to a separate peace, and to something less than entire independence. With this object, the ministry appointed Sir Guy Carleton to supersede General Clinton in command of the British army in America, and commissioned him, along with Admiral Digby, to treat for peace. Their powers to treat were made known to Congress, but that body declined to negotiate, except in conjunction with France, in fulfilment of the agreement of the treaty of alliance at Paris. While these matters were under consideration Lord Rockingham died, July 1, 1782.

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Charles Watson Wentworth (1)
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John Adams (1)
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