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Paddlefoot, Jonathan (otherwise written Padlefoote, and Padlfoote), m. Mary Blanford 5 Oct. 1652, and had Jonathan, b. 6 July and d. 29 Oct. 1653; Mary, b. 22 Aug. 1654; Jonathan, b. 13 Aug. 1656; Zechariah, b. 16 Dec. 1657, d. in Framingham 7 July 1737; Edward, b. 14 June 1660, ‘slayn in the wars.’ (Chart.) Jonathan the f. res. on the easterly side of North Avenue, near the Railroad Bridge. He d. 1661; his w. Mary m. Thomas Eames, and had son Thomas, bap. here 12 July 1663. She subsequently removed with her husband and family to Sudbury, and thence to Framingham, where she had five children, and was killed by the Indians at Framingham 1 Feb. 1675-6. Barry.

John Paddleford, grad. Y. C. 1768, was a physician in Hardwick several years. Seth Paddleford, grad. Y. C. 1770, was a lawyer in Hardwick, removed to Taunton, was Judge of Probate, and received the degree of Ll.D. at Brown University. The name, now generally written Padelford, still exists in the southerly part of the Commonwealth, and in Rhode Island; [621] and the descent from Jonathan of Camb. is duly set forth in a chart of the family.

Paine, Moses (or Payne), is styled ‘Mr.’ on our Records 1639. In 1642 he owned house and land at the S. E. corner of South and Dunster streets, which he sold in 1646.

Palfrey, John (otherwise written Palfray, Palfraye, Palfry, Palfory, Paulfrey, Paulfery), m. Rebecca, dau. of William Bordman, 4 Aug. 1664, and had Rebecca, b. 15 Sept. 1665, m. Joseph Hicks 24 Nov. 1716; John, b. 12 Ap. 1667, d. 27 June 1667; Elizabeth, b. 24 May 1668; Martha, b. 18 May 1670, m. Benjamin Goddard 30 May 1689; Thomas, b. 7 May 1672, d. 21 Nov. 1677; Ruth, b. 1 Nov. 1677, d. until. at Medf. 29 Dec. 1737; John, b. Jan. or Feb. 1688-9, a shoemaker, d. unm. 1 Dec. 1759. There were at least two more daughters, one of whom was prob. Mary, who m. Ebenezer Williams 1 Dec. 1700. John the f. was a carpenter, resided on the easterly side of North Avenue, near the Common, and d. in 1689. The name, in this family, became extinct.

Palmer, Stephen, by w.——, had Stephen, bap. 18 Ap. 1697. His former residence not ascertained. He d. 21 May 1697.

2. Stephen, s. of Stephen (1), by w. Sarah, had Sarah, bap. 6 Nov. 1717, m. Jacob Hill, Jr., 14 Sept. 1732; Stephen, bap. 12 Oct. 1718; Mary, bap. 20 Feb. 1720-21, m. William Fessenden; Elizabeth, bap. 21 Ap. 1723, m. Joseph Gibbs 11 Sept. 1749; Bethia, bap. 12 Sept. 1725, m. John Ellis, Jr., 24 Oct. 1750; John, bap. 26 Nov. 1727 (perhaps the same who d. at an ‘advanced age,’ in Newton, between 22 Aug. 1808 and 29 Aug. 1809, naming in his will chil. Thomas, William deceased, Mary Wiswall, Ann Parker, and John); Joseph, b. 2 Sept. 1729, grad. H. C. 1747, ordained at Norton 3 Jan. 1753, and d. 4 Ap. 1791. Stephen the f. was a tanner, and d. about 1766, when his will was presented 23 Ap. by his son Joseph, one of the executors; after whose death, Rev. John Ellis of Rehoboth was appointed administrator de bonis non.

3. Stephen, s. of Stephen (2), m. Sarah Gamage 17 Jan. 1750-51, and had Deborah, b. 23 Dec. 1751, d. 3 Feb. 1752; Stephen, b. 9 Jan. 1753; John, b. 22 Oct. 1754; Joseph, b. 7 May 1756; Joshua, b. 20 Mar. 1758, d. 7 Oct. 1759; Sarah, b. 9 Nov. 1759, m. John Warland 5 Feb. 1806, d. at Plymouth; Joshua, b. 2 Sept. 1761, m. Mary Cooper 23 May 1791, was a baker, resided here and at Chs., d. 15 Jan. 1832, leaving son John, merchant in Camb., and perhaps others; Benjamin, b. 24 Aug. 1763, and d. 5 Jan. 1764; Benjamin, b. 30 Jan. 1765, d. 3 Aug. 1773. Stephen the f. was a tanner, and resided near Brattle Square; he d. 30 Mar. 1806, a. 88; his w. Sarah d. 15 Mar. 1794, a. 73.

4. Stephen, s. of Stephen (3), m. Thankful Child of Wat. 16 June 1774, and Mary Bemis of Waltham (pub. 28 Feb. 1777); his chil. were Thankful, bap. 16 Ap. 1775; Polly, bap. 28 June 1778, m. Samuel Frost Wyman 10 Nov. 1796; Betsey, bap. 23 Ap. 1780, m. Chas. Walker of Fryeburg, Me.; Eunice, bap. 9 Dec. 1781 (this baptism is recorded as that of Eunice, dau. of Mary Palmer, and underneath the line is written, ‘her husband Stephen Palmer was drowned’); Stephen, s. of Stephen and Mary, d. 1 Sept. 1806. Sarah, who m. Lemuel Brown of Chs. 7 Dec. 1797, was dau. of Stephen. Stephen the f. removed to Fryeburg, Me., in 1780, where he was drowned 1 Sept. 1781. Mary Palmer, perhaps wid. of Stephen, m. Ebenezer Day of Fryeburg, Me., 13 Feb. 1783.

5. John, s. of Stephen (3), m. Susanna Stratton 28 Nov. 1781, and had Susan, b. 21 Aug. 1782, d. 7 Mar. 1783; John, b. 4 Oct. 1783, grad. H. C. 1802, d. unm., of consumption, 17 Oct. 1802; Joseph, b. 27 Sept. 1784, d. 27 Mar. 1785; Susanna, b. 26 Feb. 1786, m. Isaac Jones 2 Ap. 1809, and d. before 1822, leaving an only child Lucy Ann, who m. William L. Whitney 18 Oct. 1836, d. in childbed, and was buried 12 Aug. 1838, together with her child; Stephen, b. 14 Mar. 1787, d. of consumption 9 Ap. 1805; Joseph, b. 22 July 1788, d. of consumption 6 Ap. 1807; Lucy, b. 16 Oct. 1789, d. unm., of consumption, 14 Ap. 1818; Abner, b. 21 Ap. 1793, d. of fever 31 Mar. 1805. John the f. was a baker and trader; he was also Major. He resided on the northwesterly side of Brattle Square. He d. 1 Sept. 1822, a. nearly 68; his w.

Susanna was buried 12 Dec. 1837. The family of Major Palmer is extinct. [622]

Pantry, William (otherwise written Pantrey, Pentry, Peintrey, Peyntree), was here in 1633, and in 1635 owned a house near the spot now occupied by the Wadsworth House, so called, on Harvard Square. He went to Hartford with Hooker, and was living in 1649.

Parish, Thomas, by w. Mary,1 had Thomas, b. 21 July 1641, grad. H. C. 1659; Mary, b. 3 Ap. 1643. Thomas the f. resided on the westerly side of Garden Street, near Concord Avenue; was Selectman 1639, 1640, and Savage styles him ‘physician’; he returned to England before 1654, when his homestead (the house having been burned) was sold by his agent, Thomas Danforth, to Thomas Oakes. He is described in the deed as

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Hannah Goddard (2)
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February 28th, 1814 AD (2)
1814 AD (2)
September 26th, 1813 AD (2)
September 23rd, 1813 AD (2)
1813 AD (2)
August 14th, 1812 AD (2)
March 10th, 1812 AD (2)
February 26th, 1812 AD (2)
September 24th, 1811 AD (2)
July 7th, 1811 AD (2)
1811 AD (2)
September 22nd, 1810 AD (2)
June 19th, 1810 AD (2)
January 4th, 1810 AD (2)
September 14th, 1809 AD (2)
August 29th, 1809 AD (2)
March 13th, 1809 AD (2)
August 22nd, 1808 AD (2)
May 18th, 1808 AD (2)
1808 AD (2)
December 17th, 1807 AD (2)
September 6th, 1807 AD (2)
August 18th, 1807 AD (2)
February 24th, 1807 AD (2)
November 12th, 1806 AD (2)
September 2nd, 1806 AD (2)
September 1st, 1806 AD (2)
March 30th, 1806 AD (2)
March 23rd, 1806 AD (2)
March 15th, 1806 AD (2)
February 5th, 1806 AD (2)
October 16th, 1805 AD (2)
October 12th, 1805 AD (2)
August 26th, 1805 AD (2)
March 31st, 1805 AD (2)
March, 1805 AD (2)
May 21st, 1804 AD (2)
January 23rd, 1804 AD (2)
1804 AD (2)
December 18th, 1803 AD (2)
February 20th, 1803 AD (2)
February 7th, 1803 AD (2)
December, 1802 AD (2)
November 18th, 1802 AD (2)
October 17th, 1802 AD (2)
September 24th, 1802 AD (2)
February 23rd, 1802 AD (2)
1802 AD (2)
December 29th, 1801 AD (2)
July 28th, 1801 AD (2)
May 25th, 1801 AD (2)
May 2nd, 1801 AD (2)
January 19th, 1801 AD (2)
January 1st, 1801 AD (2)
March 21st, 1800 AD (2)
January, 1800 AD (2)
September 4th, 1799 AD (2)
June 6th, 1799 AD (2)
November 13th, 1798 AD (2)
December 7th, 1797 AD (2)
November 26th, 1797 AD (2)
November 12th, 1797 AD (2)
May 11th, 1797 AD (2)
March 22nd, 1797 AD (2)
February 19th, 1797 AD (2)
November 10th, 1796 AD (2)
October 15th, 1796 AD (2)
October 10th, 1796 AD (2)
August 18th, 1796 AD (2)
June 30th, 1796 AD (2)
March 20th, 1796 AD (2)
March 1st, 1796 AD (2)
1796 AD (2)
November 19th, 1795 AD (2)
August 30th, 1795 AD (2)
August 25th, 1794 AD (2)
July, 1794 AD (2)
March 15th, 1794 AD (2)
January 24th, 1794 AD (2)
December, 1793 AD (2)
November 11th, 1793 AD (2)
May 2nd, 1793 AD (2)
January 11th, 1793 AD (2)
October 14th, 1792 AD (2)
July 21st, 1792 AD (2)
October 21st, 1791 AD (2)
October 13th, 1791 AD (2)
August 7th, 1791 AD (2)
May 23rd, 1791 AD (2)
January 20th, 1791 AD (2)
January 6th, 1791 AD (2)
August 30th, 1790 AD (2)
April 11th, 1790 AD (2)
February 24th, 1790 AD (2)
November 15th, 1789 AD (2)
October 16th, 1789 AD (2)
September 12th, 1789 AD (2)
March 27th, 1789 AD (2)
July 22nd, 1788 AD (2)
1788 AD (2)
October 28th, 1787 AD (2)
October 22nd, 1787 AD (2)
September 15th, 1787 AD (2)
August 23rd, 1787 AD (2)
March 14th, 1787 AD (2)
November 7th, 1786 AD (2)
June 4th, 1786 AD (2)
February 26th, 1786 AD (2)
February 20th, 1786 AD (2)
December 1st, 1785 AD (2)
July 10th, 1785 AD (2)
June 14th, 1785 AD (2)
March 27th, 1785 AD (2)
December 2nd, 1784 AD (2)
October 21st, 1784 AD (2)
September 27th, 1784 AD (2)
September 21st, 1784 AD (2)
May 9th, 1784 AD (2)
March 21st, 1784 AD (2)
December 23rd, 1783 AD (2)
October 4th, 1783 AD (2)
May 4th, 1783 AD (2)
March 7th, 1783 AD (2)
February 13th, 1783 AD (2)
1783 AD (2)
October 28th, 1782 AD (2)
October 27th, 1782 AD (2)
August 21st, 1782 AD (2)
June 17th, 1782 AD (2)
June 13th, 1782 AD (2)
January 5th, 1782 AD (2)
December 9th, 1781 AD (2)
December 8th, 1781 AD (2)
November 28th, 1781 AD (2)
September 1st, 1781 AD (2)
January 28th, 1781 AD (2)
September 19th, 1780 AD (2)
March 19th, 1780 AD (2)
December 10th, 1779 AD (2)
July 13th, 1779 AD (2)
June 27th, 1779 AD (2)
May 18th, 1779 AD (2)
February 24th, 1779 AD (2)
February 14th, 1779 AD (2)
November 16th, 1778 AD (2)
October 18th, 1778 AD (2)
October 10th, 1778 AD (2)
September 13th, 1778 AD (2)
June 29th, 1778 AD (2)
June 28th, 1778 AD (2)
March 21st, 1778 AD (2)
December 11th, 1777 AD (2)
December 4th, 1777 AD (2)
September 9th, 1777 AD (2)
April 13th, 1777 AD (2)
March 11th, 1777 AD (2)
February 28th, 1777 AD (2)
October 12th, 1776 AD (2)
June 28th, 1776 AD (2)
March 22nd, 1776 AD (2)
March 12th, 1776 AD (2)
March 11th, 1776 AD (2)
March 4th, 1776 AD (2)
November 25th, 1775 AD (2)
November 14th, 1775 AD (2)
November 9th, 1775 AD (2)
September 11th, 1775 AD (2)
June, 1775 AD (2)
May 14th, 1775 AD (2)
October 8th, 1774 AD (2)
July 19th, 1774 AD (2)
July 14th, 1774 AD (2)
June 16th, 1774 AD (2)
June 5th, 1774 AD (2)
May 24th, 1774 AD (2)
May 14th, 1774 AD (2)
1774 AD (2)
October 17th, 1773 AD (2)
August 3rd, 1773 AD (2)
March 29th, 1773 AD (2)
March 5th, 1773 AD (2)
January 31st, 1773 AD (2)
November 19th, 1772 AD (2)
November 10th, 1772 AD (2)
December 8th, 1771 AD (2)
November 23rd, 1771 AD (2)
November 22nd, 1771 AD (2)
October 10th, 1771 AD (2)
September 17th, 1771 AD (2)
March 10th, 1771 AD (2)
February 24th, 1771 AD (2)
January 1st, 1771 AD (2)
December 25th, 1770 AD (2)
October 30th, 1770 AD (2)
September 25th, 1770 AD (2)
August 23rd, 1770 AD (2)
July 22nd, 1770 AD (2)
June 21st, 1770 AD (2)
May 1st, 1770 AD (2)
March 15th, 1770 AD (2)
January 9th, 1770 AD (2)
1770 AD (2)
October 8th, 1769 AD (2)
October 4th, 1769 AD (2)
October, 1769 AD (2)
August 28th, 1769 AD (2)
January 20th, 1769 AD (2)
December 18th, 1768 AD (2)
December 1st, 1768 AD (2)
September 2nd, 1768 AD (2)
June 24th, 1768 AD (2)
June 16th, 1768 AD (2)
December 10th, 1767 AD (2)
November 2nd, 1766 AD (2)
August 22nd, 1766 AD (2)
August 7th, 1766 AD (2)
October 17th, 1765 AD (2)
September 8th, 1765 AD (2)
May 22nd, 1765 AD (2)
March 18th, 1765 AD (2)
January 30th, 1765 AD (2)
January 15th, 1765 AD (2)
1765 AD (2)
December 18th, 1764 AD (2)
November 22nd, 1764 AD (2)
October 5th, 1764 AD (2)
August 28th, 1764 AD (2)
May 7th, 1764 AD (2)
March 6th, 1764 AD (2)
January 5th, 1764 AD (2)
1764 AD (2)
September 26th, 1763 AD (2)
September 22nd, 1763 AD (2)
August 24th, 1763 AD (2)
June 26th, 1763 AD (2)
June 10th, 1763 AD (2)
1763 AD (2)
December 20th, 1762 AD (2)
June 26th, 1762 AD (2)
1762 AD (2)
September 2nd, 1761 AD (2)
July 18th, 1761 AD (2)
May 14th, 1761 AD (2)
May 11th, 1761 AD (2)
September 12th, 1760 AD (2)
June 26th, 1760 AD (2)
March 4th, 1760 AD (2)
1760 AD (2)
December 30th, 1759 AD (2)
December 1st, 1759 AD (2)
November 9th, 1759 AD (2)
October 7th, 1759 AD (2)
August 30th, 1759 AD (2)
January 27th, 1759 AD (2)
June 25th, 1758 AD (2)
June 16th, 1758 AD (2)
May 21st, 1758 AD (2)
March 20th, 1758 AD (2)
October 17th, 1757 AD (2)
September 15th, 1757 AD (2)
March 13th, 1757 AD (2)
March 1st, 1757 AD (2)
February 4th, 1757 AD (2)
October 13th, 1756 AD (2)
May 7th, 1756 AD (2)
March 14th, 1756 AD (2)
June 5th, 1755 AD (2)
May 27th, 1755 AD (2)
March 27th, 1755 AD (2)
February 15th, 1755 AD (2)
January 9th, 1755 AD (2)
December 1st, 1754 AD (2)
October 22nd, 1754 AD (2)
September 29th, 1754 AD (2)
March 1st, 1754 AD (2)
January 4th, 1754 AD (2)
1754 AD (2)
October 18th, 1753 AD (2)
September 13th, 1753 AD (2)
July 27th, 1753 AD (2)
July 15th, 1753 AD (2)
May 26th, 1753 AD (2)
January 9th, 1753 AD (2)
January 3rd, 1753 AD (2)
November 9th, 1752 AD (2)
October 16th, 1752 AD (2)
October 15th, 1752 AD (2)
June 22nd, 1752 AD (2)
February 3rd, 1752 AD (2)
December 23rd, 1751 AD (2)
October 20th, 1751 AD (2)
August 12th, 1751 AD (2)
March 28th, 1751 AD (2)
January 19th, 1751 AD (2)
January 11th, 1751 AD (2)
1751 AD (2)
December 11th, 1750 AD (2)
October 24th, 1750 AD (2)
August 19th, 1750 AD (2)
July 22nd, 1750 AD (2)
January 17th, 1750 AD (2)
1750 AD (2)
November 6th, 1749 AD (2)
October 21st, 1749 AD (2)
September 11th, 1749 AD (2)
March 7th, 1749 AD (2)
February 10th, 1749 AD (2)
January 22nd, 1749 AD (2)
November 6th, 1748 AD (2)
October, 1748 AD (2)
September 24th, 1748 AD (2)
August 28th, 1748 AD (2)
August 13th, 1748 AD (2)
July 27th, 1748 AD (2)
March 13th, 1748 AD (2)
March 4th, 1748 AD (2)
1748 AD (2)
December 27th, 1747 AD (2)
October 27th, 1747 AD (2)
October 25th, 1747 AD (2)
October 16th, 1747 AD (2)
August 11th, 1747 AD (2)
July 10th, 1747 AD (2)
April 7th, 1747 AD (2)
March 2nd, 1747 AD (2)
November 14th, 1746 AD (2)
October 16th, 1746 AD (2)
September 27th, 1746 AD (2)
September 14th, 1746 AD (2)
May 22nd, 1746 AD (2)
November, 1745 AD (2)
October 3rd, 1745 AD (2)
September 22nd, 1745 AD (2)
August 14th, 1745 AD (2)
August 11th, 1745 AD (2)
June 9th, 1745 AD (2)
March 23rd, 1745 AD (2)
January 10th, 1745 AD (2)
1745 AD (2)
December 30th, 1744 AD (2)
November 2nd, 1744 AD (2)
October 7th, 1744 AD (2)
September 17th, 1744 AD (2)
September 9th, 1744 AD (2)
September 7th, 1744 AD (2)
August 12th, 1744 AD (2)
July 1st, 1744 AD (2)
March 17th, 1744 AD (2)
January 3rd, 1744 AD (2)
December 29th, 1743 AD (2)
November 9th, 1743 AD (2)
October 14th, 1743 AD (2)
October 13th, 1743 AD (2)
October, 1743 AD (2)
June 19th, 1743 AD (2)
May 18th, 1743 AD (2)
March 14th, 1743 AD (2)
November 24th, 1742 AD (2)
November 17th, 1742 AD (2)
October 3rd, 1742 AD (2)
August 9th, 1742 AD (2)
December, 1741 AD (2)
November 24th, 1741 AD (2)
August 20th, 1741 AD (2)
August 6th, 1741 AD (2)
May 24th, 1741 AD (2)
January 24th, 1741 AD (2)
January 23rd, 1741 AD (2)
January 5th, 1741 AD (2)
November 29th, 1740 AD (2)
August 18th, 1740 AD (2)
May 25th, 1740 AD (2)
May 21st, 1740 AD (2)
January 25th, 1740 AD (2)
December, 1739 AD (2)
October 31st, 1739 AD (2)
October 10th, 1739 AD (2)
September 22nd, 1739 AD (2)
September 16th, 1739 AD (2)
May 24th, 1739 AD (2)
May 4th, 1738 AD (2)
February 24th, 1738 AD (2)
December 29th, 1737 AD (2)
November 5th, 1737 AD (2)
October, 1737 AD (2)
July 7th, 1737 AD (2)
May 22nd, 1737 AD (2)
March 11th, 1737 AD (2)
March 2nd, 1737 AD (2)
1737 AD (2)
December 23rd, 1736 AD (2)
December 6th, 1736 AD (2)
July 8th, 1736 AD (2)
July 2nd, 1736 AD (2)
March 4th, 1736 AD (2)
February 27th, 1736 AD (2)
December 8th, 1735 AD (2)
December, 1735 AD (2)
August 21st, 1735 AD (2)
August 19th, 1735 AD (2)
March 12th, 1735 AD (2)
March 11th, 1735 AD (2)
October 10th, 1734 AD (2)
October 6th, 1734 AD (2)
February 6th, 1734 AD (2)
November 8th, 1733 AD (2)
October 29th, 1733 AD (2)
January 27th, 1733 AD (2)
1733 AD (2)
December 10th, 1732 AD (2)
October 26th, 1732 AD (2)
October 25th, 1732 AD (2)
September 14th, 1732 AD (2)
December 2nd, 1731 AD (2)
August 6th, 1731 AD (2)
February 25th, 1731 AD (2)
January 23rd, 1731 AD (2)
1731 AD (2)
December 22nd, 1730 AD (2)
October 5th, 1730 AD (2)
June 26th, 1730 AD (2)
June 24th, 1730 AD (2)
May 17th, 1730 AD (2)
May 14th, 1730 AD (2)
February 1st, 1730 AD (2)
October 19th, 1729 AD (2)
September 2nd, 1729 AD (2)
May 29th, 1729 AD (2)
October 8th, 1728 AD (2)
May 10th, 1728 AD (2)
January 31st, 1728 AD (2)
November 26th, 1727 AD (2)
October 17th, 1727 AD (2)
May 14th, 1727 AD (2)
May 11th, 1727 AD (2)
May 8th, 1727 AD (2)
February 14th, 1727 AD (2)
December 2nd, 1726 AD (2)
November 17th, 1726 AD (2)
June 14th, 1726 AD (2)
May 9th, 1726 AD (2)
March 31st, 1726 AD (2)
1726 AD (2)
December 27th, 1725 AD (2)
September 12th, 1725 AD (2)
August 15th, 1725 AD (2)
June 12th, 1725 AD (2)
March 6th, 1725 AD (2)
January 2nd, 1725 AD (2)
September 25th, 1724 AD (2)
June 27th, 1724 AD (2)
September 25th, 1723 AD (2)
August 25th, 1723 AD (2)
1723 AD (2)
November 6th, 1722 AD (2)
October 24th, 1722 AD (2)
September 27th, 1722 AD (2)
September 21st, 1722 AD (2)
August 26th, 1722 AD (2)
March 17th, 1722 AD (2)
May 21st, 1721 AD (2)
March 16th, 1721 AD (2)
February 21st, 1721 AD (2)
February 20th, 1721 AD (2)
May 17th, 1720 AD (2)
February 27th, 1720 AD (2)
February 20th, 1720 AD (2)
January 31st, 1720 AD (2)
January 4th, 1720 AD (2)
July 24th, 1719 AD (2)
March 24th, 1719 AD (2)
February 26th, 1719 AD (2)
October 12th, 1718 AD (2)
September 11th, 1718 AD (2)
August 30th, 1718 AD (2)
July 3rd, 1718 AD (2)
June 12th, 1718 AD (2)
February 2nd, 1718 AD (2)
January 22nd, 1718 AD (2)
November 6th, 1717 AD (2)
May 17th, 1717 AD (2)
February 22nd, 1717 AD (2)
February 19th, 1717 AD (2)
February 13th, 1717 AD (2)
December 16th, 1716 AD (2)
December 9th, 1716 AD (2)
November 24th, 1716 AD (2)
June 18th, 1716 AD (2)
June 8th, 1716 AD (2)
May 24th, 1716 AD (2)
May 19th, 1715 AD (2)
March 7th, 1715 AD (2)
February 22nd, 1715 AD (2)
December 3rd, 1714 AD (2)
October 7th, 1714 AD (2)
October 2nd, 1714 AD (2)
March 11th, 1714 AD (2)
1714 AD (2)
December 31st, 1713 AD (2)
June 6th, 1713 AD (2)
1713 AD (2)
November 2nd, 1712 AD (2)
October 20th, 1712 AD (2)
October 19th, 1712 AD (2)
October 12th, 1712 AD (2)
June 15th, 1712 AD (2)
May 29th, 1712 AD (2)
January 1st, 1712 AD (2)
1712 AD (2)
December 20th, 1711 AD (2)
December 2nd, 1711 AD (2)
November 23rd, 1711 AD (2)
October 15th, 1711 AD (2)
May 20th, 1711 AD (2)
February 28th, 1711 AD (2)
May 30th, 1710 AD (2)
March 30th, 1710 AD (2)
January 4th, 1710 AD (2)
1710 AD (2)
October 29th, 1709 AD (2)
September 6th, 1709 AD (2)
July 7th, 1709 AD (2)
May 15th, 1709 AD (2)
March 7th, 1709 AD (2)
February 5th, 1709 AD (2)
1709 AD (2)
October 22nd, 1708 AD (2)
October 14th, 1708 AD (2)
July 25th, 1708 AD (2)
July 24th, 1708 AD (2)
July 8th, 1708 AD (2)
1708 AD (2)
July 18th, 1707 AD (2)
June 19th, 1707 AD (2)
May 5th, 1707 AD (2)
November 25th, 1706 AD (2)
November 8th, 1706 AD (2)
October, 1706 AD (2)
August 15th, 1706 AD (2)
August 8th, 1706 AD (2)
July 21st, 1706 AD (2)
October 8th, 1705 AD (2)
August 22nd, 1705 AD (2)
May 11th, 1705 AD (2)
May 6th, 1705 AD (2)
January 14th, 1705 AD (2)
May 2nd, 1704 AD (2)
March 31st, 1704 AD (2)
February 27th, 1704 AD (2)
January 5th, 1704 AD (2)
1704 AD (2)
December 7th, 1703 AD (2)
July 22nd, 1703 AD (2)
June 11th, 1703 AD (2)
March 3rd, 1703 AD (2)
1703 AD (2)
December 10th, 1702 AD (2)
December 9th, 1702 AD (2)
August, 1702 AD (2)
May 29th, 1702 AD (2)
March 8th, 1702 AD (2)
1702 AD (2)
November 6th, 1701 AD (2)
August 21st, 1701 AD (2)
May 1st, 1701 AD (2)
March 5th, 1701 AD (2)
February 18th, 1701 AD (2)
January 3rd, 1701 AD (2)
December 15th, 1700 AD (2)
December 1st, 1700 AD (2)
October 31st, 1700 AD (2)
August 18th, 1700 AD (2)
July, 1700 AD (2)
November 15th, 1699 AD (2)
November 12th, 1699 AD (2)
May 17th, 1699 AD (2)
March 13th, 1699 AD (2)
October, 1698 AD (2)
June 12th, 1698 AD (2)
1698 AD (2)
November 21st, 1697 AD (2)
August 8th, 1697 AD (2)
August, 1697 AD (2)
May 21st, 1697 AD (2)
1697 AD (2)
December 28th, 1696 AD (2)
September 25th, 1695 AD (2)
March 12th, 1693 AD (2)
December 21st, 1692 AD (2)
October 9th, 1692 AD (2)
1692 AD (2)
February 3rd, 1691 AD (2)
December 29th, 1690 AD (2)
1690 AD (2)
October 18th, 1689 AD (2)
August 11th, 1689 AD (2)
August, 1689 AD (2)
May 31st, 1689 AD (2)
May 30th, 1689 AD (2)
May 19th, 1689 AD (2)
January 18th, 1689 AD (2)
January 16th, 1689 AD (2)
September 18th, 1688 AD (2)
May 1st, 1688 AD (2)
March 14th, 1688 AD (2)
February, 1688 AD (2)
1688 AD (2)
August 17th, 1687 AD (2)
June 3rd, 1687 AD (2)
November 30th, 1686 AD (2)
May 20th, 1686 AD (2)
February 28th, 1686 AD (2)
January 19th, 1686 AD (2)
December 4th, 1685 AD (2)
June 6th, 1685 AD (2)
May 2nd, 1685 AD (2)
March 11th, 1685 AD (2)
December 11th, 1684 AD (2)
July 25th, 1684 AD (2)
July 20th, 1684 AD (2)
1684 AD (2)
May 1st, 1683 AD (2)
1683 AD (2)
May 8th, 1682 AD (2)
March 6th, 1682 AD (2)
September 31st, 1681 AD (2)
August 28th, 1681 AD (2)
June 1st, 1681 AD (2)
January 2nd, 1681 AD (2)
1681 AD (2)
June 14th, 1680 AD (2)
May 8th, 1680 AD (2)
August 31st, 1679 AD (2)
July 28th, 1679 AD (2)
July 24th, 1679 AD (2)
October 8th, 1678 AD (2)
January 4th, 1678 AD (2)
December 18th, 1677 AD (2)
November 21st, 1677 AD (2)
November 1st, 1677 AD (2)
June 18th, 1677 AD (2)
1677 AD (2)
July 12th, 1676 AD (2)
January 13th, 1676 AD (2)
November 25th, 1675 AD (2)
September, 1675 AD (2)
March 20th, 1675 AD (2)
February 1st, 1675 AD (2)
January 29th, 1674 AD (2)
September 20th, 1673 AD (2)
July 1st, 1673 AD (2)
September 24th, 1672 AD (2)
June 8th, 1672 AD (2)
May 7th, 1672 AD (2)
May 12th, 1671 AD (2)
January 17th, 1671 AD (2)
August 27th, 1670 AD (2)
August 8th, 1670 AD (2)
May 18th, 1670 AD (2)
November 24th, 1669 AD (2)
December 10th, 1668 AD (2)
September 14th, 1668 AD (2)
August 1st, 1668 AD (2)
May 24th, 1668 AD (2)
1668 AD (2)
November 27th, 1667 AD (2)
June 27th, 1667 AD (2)
May 15th, 1667 AD (2)
1667 AD (2)
May 8th, 1666 AD (2)
March 31st, 1666 AD (2)
March 21st, 1666 AD (2)
November 30th, 1665 AD (2)
November 6th, 1665 AD (2)
October 19th, 1665 AD (2)
September 15th, 1665 AD (2)
March 22nd, 1665 AD (2)
August 21st, 1664 AD (2)
August 4th, 1664 AD (2)
August 2nd, 1664 AD (2)
December 21st, 1663 AD (2)
July 12th, 1663 AD (2)
March 8th, 1663 AD (2)
1663 AD (2)
October 15th, 1662 AD (2)
July 24th, 1662 AD (2)
May 29th, 1662 AD (2)
March 15th, 1662 AD (2)
August 25th, 1660 AD (2)
June 14th, 1660 AD (2)
January 6th, 1659 AD (2)
March 3rd, 1658 AD (2)
December 16th, 1657 AD (2)
November, 1657 AD (2)
June 29th, 1657 AD (2)
February 1st, 1657 AD (2)
1657 AD (2)
September 6th, 1656 AD (2)
August 13th, 1656 AD (2)
1656 AD (2)
July 10th, 1655 AD (2)
June 1st, 1655 AD (2)
March 11th, 1655 AD (2)
1655 AD (2)
November 2nd, 1654 AD (2)
August 22nd, 1654 AD (2)
June 9th, 1654 AD (2)
January 10th, 1654 AD (2)
1654 AD (2)
December 1st, 1653 AD (2)
October 29th, 1653 AD (2)
February 2nd, 1653 AD (2)
January 16th, 1653 AD (2)
October 5th, 1652 AD (2)
1652 AD (2)
February 15th, 1651 AD (2)
1651 AD (2)
August 3rd, 1650 AD (2)
1650 AD (2)
May 1st, 1649 AD (2)
January 22nd, 1649 AD (2)
June 11th, 1648 AD (2)
May 22nd, 1648 AD (2)
February 6th, 1648 AD (2)
July 12th, 1647 AD (2)
January 28th, 1647 AD (2)
September 23rd, 1646 AD (2)
October 3rd, 1645 AD (2)
March 22nd, 1645 AD (2)
January 2nd, 1645 AD (2)
December, 1644 AD (2)
November 25th, 1644 AD (2)
July 1st, 1644 AD (2)
December 27th, 1643 AD (2)
November 9th, 1643 AD (2)
July 29th, 1643 AD (2)
July 28th, 1643 AD (2)
May 13th, 1643 AD (2)
October 26th, 1641 AD (2)
July 21st, 1641 AD (2)
1641 AD (2)
January, 1639 AD (2)
November 12th, 1638 AD (2)
November 5th, 1638 AD (2)
November, 1637 AD (2)
October, 1636 AD (2)
June, 1636 AD (2)
March 9th, 1636 AD (2)
November 3rd, 1635 AD (2)
March 13th, 1635 AD (2)
January 5th, 1634 AD (2)
May, 1632 AD (2)
February 5th, 1631 AD (2)
1631 AD (2)
September 7th, 1630 AD (2)
November 6th, 1629 AD (2)
March 5th, 1628 AD (2)
September 26th, 1627 AD (2)
1621 AD (2)
1618 AD (2)
1601 AD (2)
October 17th (2)
September 30th (2)
August 1st (2)
July 26th (2)
July 18th (2)
July 12th (2)
July 6th (2)
May 4th (2)
March 29th (2)
March 28th (2)
March 19th (2)
March 9th (2)
March 7th (2)
February 14th (2)
February 10th (2)
February 3rd (2)
January 1st (2)
January (2)
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