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The monument at Munfordsville.

[We promised in our last to publish the addresses on the occasion of the unveiling of the monument at Munfordsville on the 17th of last September, and we are sure that our readers will be glad to have this worthy record of a graceful act, commemorating heroic deeds.]

Mr. James Smith's remarks.

Major Sykes,—In requesting you to aid my daughter, and who is also a daughter of Mississippi, in this ceremonial unveiling, permit me to say that my strong desire has ever been to have the opportunity and the ability to place an imperishable mark on this field, the scene of as severe and heart-rending a struggle as ever occurred, and it gratifies me to see now this great stone firmly placed and durable as man can accomplish. It gratifies me, it gratifies those relatives and friends of Colonel Smith who are here from abroad to meet you and to meet so many of his compatriots from far distant parts of this land on this interesting occasion.

It is not for me to venture eulogium on him whose name is inscribed on this monument. I brought the youth from his native land straight to Mississippi. As he grew to manhood, his respect and affection for the generous and kindly people he had been thrown amongst grew with him. He was in his nature studious and mathematical. He watched with close interest the troubles from outside that were pressing his residential land. His most intimate historical knowledge was with his native Scotland's long and sore, but stern and ultimately successful struggle to preserve her integrity, and his impulse and judgment clearly fixed his action in the same vital emergency [471] which came at last upon his adopted State. Without hesitation, his military company, ‘The Mississippi Rifles,’ was among the first to enter service, and under his command it formed the first military escort of the President of the Confederate States when that great chief was called from his plantation to take the reins of Government. From that time onward, in camp, on the march or in action, until he fell in this disastrous field where we now stand, I feel that I am right in believing that fullest faith in his reliability was the possession of his superior, and that he had the unlimited confidence and love of every man of his command.

His much devoted sister sought her weary and dangerous way over many hundred miles, through the lines of opposing armies, obtained his body and carried it back to his Mississippi home, and it has ever been and still is, a solace to his venerable father and relatives and friends abroad to know of the high esteem in which Colonel Smith was held by his companions in arms and by his State, and of the poignant regrets at his loss so truly exhibited by all who knew him.

His regiment, the ever glorious ‘Tenth Mississippi,’ has an undying history of achievment and struggles, but none more sanguinary than the field of Munfordsville, an exhibition of patriotic discipline and unfaltering obedience in the face of death never perhaps excelled, a sore and regretful sacrifice, but an example of unflinching fulfilment of duty that enriches the annals of our race. In the loss of these dear, devoted men the costly price was paid; their memory is ever green with us, and forever within this inclosure may their ashes repose in peace.

Address of Major Sykes.

Mr. Chairman, My Comrades and Fellow Citizens: Under ordinary circumstances I would not have come so long a distance to enter my presence here to-day, but, considering the importance and dignity of the occasion; the distance to be traveled from his home by the noble-hearted and generous gentleman who presides as our host; the honor to be conferred upon my State, and the events of twenty-two years ago to be recalled—events in which some of you as survivors and those who fell here acted so noble a part, and which have conferred upon the soldiery of Mississippi a heritage of renown—I could not hesitate as to my duty. Therefore it was that I readily yielded my assent to the invitation extended to me a few weeks ago [472] by letter from Mr. James Smith, written from Glasgow, Scotland, to be present at this time and ‘perform the ceremony of unveiling the monument’ erected by him ‘in memory of the sacrifice of the Tenth Mississippi Regiment, commanded by Colonel Robert A. Smith,’ and ‘to deliver an address’ commemorative of the life and character of his deceased chivalric brother, and of the deeds of his heroic comrades now sought to be perpetuated. I attribute the partiality of my selection for the trust my friend from Scotland has confided to me, to the fact that be knew me to have been not only an officer under his brother, but a constant friend of that brother, and present in the engagement here September 14, 1862, when that gallant soldier fell. It is at this time meet that we take a retrospect, limited by the proprieties of the occasion, of what transpired here twenty-two years ago, and the prominent figure to whom our thoughts now revert.

Colonel Robert Alexander Smith was born on the 5th day of April, 1836, in Edinburg, Scotland. He was the youngest of five sons and five daughters of James and Annie Smith, of that city. The father, a Paisley manufacturer in early life, and later a wholesale druggist, still lives in his hale and hearty old age of ninety-three, at Spencer villa, 66 Brixton road, London, Southwest. At the age of fourteen Robert came to this country and settled in Jackson, Miss., where his eldest brother, our host, and a widowed sister had preceded him. Entering the business house of his brother, the youth soon won the elder's confidence, and by habits of sobriety, integrity and industry, together with the highest order of intelligent adaptability to the interests of the firm, he was at a comparatively early age placed in sole charge of the prosperous business. That brother writes from Glasgow: ‘In 1855, young as he then was, I parted with my business in Jackson to him, while I removed thence to live here. I visited Jackson again in 1859, and did not see him more, but the record was always good, unselfish devotion to duty and unflinching attachment to his command and the care of it.’

The breaking out of the civil war—the war between the States—found him at the head of this business house—a law-abiding, industrious, firm and intelligent citizen of his adopted State, by principle a Southerner and by inheritance a Christian. Born in a land of heroes, his was a nature suited for the stirring events which were to follow. With a fondness for military life, and long before he could have expected to be called to the battlefield, he exhibited evidences of the coming soldier. Entering the ranks of the Mississippi Rifles in the [473] days of peace, he soon made himself familiar with military tactics. Though it may not have been remarked by the casual acquaintance, yet those who best knew the quiet young citizen of Jackson felt that behind the reserved and self-possessed exterior of Robert A. Smith dwelt the qualities of the true soldier. Thus it was that on the first mutterings of the coming storm he was elected Captain of the Mississippi Rifles, a company organized in and composed of his fellow citizens of Jackson, whose services were tendered to the State as soon as she cast her fortunes with the Confederacy, and whose first duty was to escort the newly elected President to the seat of government at Montgomery, Ala. At the first call of the Confederacy on Mississippi for troops in March, 1861, he was ordered with his company to Pensacola navy yard, where General Bragg was organizing his heroic little army, that was subsequently to become so justly famous in the annals of war. This call resulted in the assembling of twenty companies from Mississippi, at Pensacola, which were organized into two regiments and named the Ninth and Tenth. The Mississippi Rifles, as Company D, formed a part of this latter regiment commanded by Colonel Moses Phillips. Before the expiration of two months service Colonel Phillips sickened and died, immediately after which Captain Smith was elected to the vacant colonelcy. From that time to the date of our removal in the spring of 1862 to Corinth, where Albert Sidney Johnston was assembling his army to give battle to the enemy under Grant and Buell, Colonel Smith was industrious in his study of the science and art of war and giving the needed instruction to his regiment. So proficient had he become in all the accomplishments of a regimental commander that on reaching Corinth and being placed with the other Mississippi troops which formed the brigade of General James R. Chalmers, he was soon recognized as the best drill-officer and the best disciplinarian of his grade. He needed only the opportunity to prove that these necessary accomplishments of an officer were but secondary to his ability to successfully command troops on the battlefield. This opportunity was soon given him in the sanguinary battle of Shiloh. Then, as ever after when under fire, he proved himself the knightly soldier and skilled commander. What in the quiet of the camp he had studied as a theory, now in the activities of the bat tlefield, he readily and scientifically reduced to practice, and with the eye and intelligence of the born soldier, disciplined by limited yet the closest study, the system of successfully handling troops in action was thoroughly mastered by him. [474]

It was in action that he shone to best advantage. His bearing which, when in repose, was essentially military and dignified, rather than graceful, assumed a heroic type when in the heat of battle. He looked and felt a different man. The roar of artillery and the rattle of musketry sounded as thrilling music to his ears, imparting to him new life. Then, with face aglow with the inspiration of his soul, he was ready for any ‘deed of high emprise.’

Throughout the two days battle of Shiloh—on the 6th and 7th of April, 1862—Colonel Smith was conspicuous for his gallantry and the splendid handling of his troops. No regiment on that bloody field did better service or achieved greater triumphs, and this was due as much to the sterling qualities of its Commander, his coolness, intrepid bravery and influence over his men when in action, as to the excellence of his troops. His gallantry and unflinching courage, his high sense of honor, and his aptitude to grasp the arts of war, together with self-abnegation at the bidding of duty, won the respect of all his superiors, and the unlimited confidence, respect and esteem of his troops. From that day his eminence as a true soldier was assured. It was confidently believed by those in the army that had there been a vacancy to be filled by a Mississippi soldier, Robert A. Smith would at once have been promoted to the grade of Brigadier-General. As it was, his services were so highly appreciated by the General commanding, that he was, from this time forward, almost constantly in command of some brigade of the army by special assignment.

General Bragg's estimate of Colonel Smith may be judged by the following extract from a letter written by him after the termination of the war, and addressed to a friend of the deceased Colonel: ‘Entering the service at an early age, without military experience or education, the Colonel fell in the gallant discharge of an almost desperate assault in less than eighteen months, esteemed and honored for his acquirements and heroic deportment. To me his loss was severe, for I had looked to him for support in a much higher and more extended command.’

Passing over the intervening time between the battle of Shiloh and Bragg's Kentucky campaign, we come to speak of Colonel Smith in his last battle,—the one here,—known as the battle of Munfordsville, fought September 14, 1862. Immediately prior to entering Kentucky Colonel Smith had been ordered to resume command of his regiment. On reaching Glasgow with his main force September 12, 1862, General Bragg ordered forward the same night Chalmers's brigade of [475] Mississippians to the railroad at Cave City, and Duncan's Louisiana brigade to the junction next south, with instructions to intercept and cut Buell's communications by rail with Louisville. General Chalmers surprised and captured the telegraph operator and depot of supplies at Cave City, but, because information as to our movements had been, in some manner, communicated to the Federals, he did not succeed in capturing any train. Hearing that a force of the enemy, supposed to be raw recruits, but in reality numbering, as we afterward found, largely in excess of 3,000 trained and disciplined soldiers, were entrenched at Munfordsville, protecting the railroad bridge over Greenriver, General Chalmers, without orders from his superiors, as was currently believed, leaving parts of the Seventh and Twenty-ninth regiments to guard Cave City, advanced with the rest of his brigade, numbering 1,200 or 1,300 strong, to Horse Cave, on the road to Munfordsville, and after resting until a late hour in the night again moved forward, and by dawn the next morning struck the Federal pickets about a mile in advance of their fortifications.

These were hastily driven in by the sharpshooters of the brigade, commanded by Major W. C. Richards of Columbus, Miss., who fell seriously wounded before our main line made the attack.

The brigade was then being rapidly placed in position for a general assault, in the following manner, as I remember: The Seventh Mississippi, under command of Colonel Bishop, on the extreme right and extending nearly to the river; next the Twenty-ninth, commanded by Colonel E. C. Walthall; next the Ninth, commanded by Colonel Thomas W. White—all three to be placed east of and parallel with the dirt road—and with a company of sharpshooters and a part of Garrity's battery, constituted the right attacking column. The Tenth Mississippi, under command of Colonel Robert A. Smith, was to be placed in position to the left, perpendicular to, but far removed from the dirt road, and constituted the left attacking column, with the Forty-fourth, commanded by Lieutentant-Colonel James Moore, in reserve and partially covering the interval between the Tenth and the road. With these dispositions made, General Chalmers would be prepared to advance on the enemy's works.

As the Tenth Mississippi marched by the left flank on the crest of yonder hill in order to be opposite the Federal right, which was a fortified eminence covering the bridge, the enemy beyond the dense fog that overhung the intervening valley could be plainly seen standing in compact line behind their works with guns shimmering in the morning sun, and announced their readiness by discharging at occasional [476] intervals a single piece of artillery with such accuracy that the first shot struck the head of my company wounding Privates M. S. Leopard, E. J. Hudson and W. B. Lesley; another, fired on our right, cut the flag staff of the Twenty-ninth regiment in twain.

By the time the Tenth got in position, Captain Watt L. Strickland, of the brigade staff, rode hastily up and said: ‘Colonel, the General orders you to charge.’ After indicating the danger and hazard of the enterprise, Colonel Smith replied in substance: ‘To charge now, before the right is ready, will draw upon me the concentrated fire of the enemy. Will I not be too soon?’ ‘No,’ replied Strickland, ‘the General says, “charge now,” ’ to which Colonel Smith made response, ‘The duty is mine, the responsibility belongs elsewhere.’

Then, pointing to the felled timber in the enemy's immediate front and to a fence standing to our side of it, Colonel Smith instructed his company commanders that as, when the order to advance would be given, it would be preceded with the command, ‘By the right of company to the front,’ he desired them in advancing to preserve well the interval, so that on reaching the fence and throwing it down, the companies, after passing through, would be in position, on the order ‘Companies into line’ being given, to promptly form regimental front. Then followed in his usual clarion tones the command, ‘By the right of companies to the front, forward, double-quick, march!’ Through an open field of a full quarter of a mile, under fire from the enemy's artillery and small arms behind formidable entrenchments, the Tenth advanced at a ‘double-quick,’ with Colonel Smith proudly leading on horseback. Passing over the intervening space without serious damage, and throwing down the fence that skirted the timber, we found the abattis of beech trees beyond so arranged as to render it impossible, on receiving the order ‘Companies into line,’ to form regimental front. Protecting themselves as well as possible, the troops were enabled, after receiving terrible damage, to silence the enemy's fire from the fortifications. In this position we remained several hours without being able, on account of the timber and the conformation of the ground, to see or hear from our brigade, center or right. It so happened that when Colonel Smith reached the felled timber he struck a narrow path, left by the enemy in the abattis, when, waiving his sword over his head and pointing to an opening in the works, cried out: ‘Follow me in!’ Then, yielding to the hazardous impulses of his knightly nature, he rode straight forward, to be shot from his horse in the narrow space between the abattis and the fortifications. Our Lieutenant-Colonel, James Bullard, a brave old man, [477] had fallen on the extreme right of the regiment, just as we reached the matted mass of beech, he and his horse torn to pieces by canister shot.

The Forty-fourth Mississippi, which, when the attack was made, was left in reserve on the crest of the hill, was soon ordered to advance to the support of the Tenth. Reaching the felled timber, and taking shelter behind stumps and logs in the interval to the right of the Tenth, they, too, succeeded in silencing the enemy's fire in their front. Its brave commander, Lieutenant Colonel Moore, fell mortally wounded in the vain effort to reform his men in this inextricable mass of felled and pointed timber.

For awhile, as we were afterward informed, the assault by our right, made after the Tenth had become engaged, promised success. The Twenty-ninth, Ninth, and Seventh regiments, after a gallant charge, reached the wide and deep ditch around Fort Craig, and the fortifications adjacent. These troops on reaching the ditch had been ordered to lie down. In that position they kept up their fire, and soon had the Federals so they dared not raise their heads above the parapet. The United States flag flying above the fort was riddled by the bullets from Walthall's guns They had been in this position only a short time when a piece of artillery belonging to Scott's Louisiana cavalry, which had come upon the field without the knowledge of General Chalmers, opened fire a short distance to the northeast, and unfortunately threw shell so near to our assaulting column as to cause some confusion in that part of our line, and prompted General Chalmers, who thought it a Federal gun, to order the Ninth to charge it. The Ninth had moved but a short distance, however, toward the artillery, when General Chalmers, who, in the meantime, had ridden in that direction, discovered that it was a friendly gun, and stopped the firing. He then gave orders for the Ninth to withdraw into a piece of woodland out of the enemy's range, and at the same time, for some reason satisfactory to himself, sent orders for the withdrawal of the troops assaulting Fort Craig. On receiving the order to withdraw, Walthall left at the ditch his senior Captain, Robert Robson, with his company, a brave old soldier, nearing his sixtieth winter, with orders to keep up a fire, until the regiment, which he thought would not be in the meantime missed, got to the woods, several hundred yards off, and then to scatter and reach him as best they could. The result was, that the only casualities, in making the successful retreat, were two men wounded.

The gallantry of these troops, and the splendid handling of them, [478] was reported to General Bragg, who, on the capture of the place on the 17th following, directed that the flag which was floating over the fort on the 14th be presented to the Twenty-ninth regiment, but it turned out that the colors were not to be found among the surrendered trophies, and were probably borne off as part of some soldier's undearwear.

After the lapse of several hours from the time the Tenth made its charge, and during a lull in the firing, soon following the withdrawal of the troops from and near Fort Craig, a white flag was seen emerging from behind the enemy's fortifications in the immediate front of the Tenth regiment. It proved to be a flag of truce, and was borne out by a young Captain in an Indiana regiment, directly facing the position of my company (K), and was met by me about midway between our lines. I was then informed that General Chalmers, under a flag of truce, sent in on our right, had demanded the surrender of the Federal troops; that the demand had been refused, but that an armistice for the purpose of removing the dead and wounded had been agreed to, and that ten minutes notice would be given before the flag was withdrawn. These facts were communicated by me to our men who at once began to remove the dead and wounded, together with their guns and accoutrements, and continued until everything of value had been carried to the woods, from whence we commenced the attack. On retiring with the withdrawal of the flag, and reaching our men in rear, I found that the dead were being hastily buried, and the living were preparing for a speedy return to Cave City.

Two days later General Bragg moved up with the greater part of his army and surrounded these troops, then reinforced and commanded by Colonel C. L. Dunham. For this purpose he crossed a part of Polk's corps to the north side of Green river, and upon the eminences there had placed a number of field pieces completely commanding the fortifications below, with instructions to open fire at early dawn the next (17th) morning. Surrounded by overwhelming numbers, and realizing their utterly hopeless condition, Colonel Dunham, who had reached there with his regiment after the fight on the 14th, superseding Colonel Wilder in the command, yielded before day on the morning of the 17th to the demand of General Bragg for their surrender. The troops surrendered consisted of the Seventeenth, Forty-third, Sixty-seventh, Sixty-eighth and Sixty-ninth Indiana Regiments, a company of Louisville cavalry, a part of the Fourth Ohio and a section of the Thirteenth Indiana battery, [479] amounting in all to about 4500 men and ten guns, together with a large supply of Quartermaster and Commissary stores. At an early hour on the morning of Wednesday, the 17th of September, just twenty-two years ago to day, the Tenth Mississippi regiment, in return for and in compliment of its gallant fight on the 14th, was marched in to receive the surrender of the troops and take possession of the forts. Our brave foes, who had been accorded very reasonable terms, were on the same day marched back to the lines of General Buell and paroled. Thus ended the battle and surrender of Munfordsville, which we have to-day gathered to recall, and to embalm in memory and perpetuate in marble the deeds of our heroes who fell in that rash, ill-advised and sacrificial fight—heroes as noble as ever gave their lives for ‘country or honor.’

On our retreat from here the evening of the 14th, Colonel Smith was carried to a house in the neighborhood and left in charge of his body-servant Henry, the Sergeant-Major, William French, and his brother-in-law, Captain Dodson, of his regiment, and lived until after the surrender on the 17th, his last thoughts reaching out for the welfare and concern of his men. His remains were temporarily interred near the scene of his death until the following March, when the loving care of a sister and nephew, who, by permission of the authorities came through the lines and removed them to the admiring fellow citizens of his adopted city, where they were finally deposited with honor and reverence. In the beautiful Cemetery at Jackson, Miss., can be seen a circular plot of ground surrounded by a tasteful iron railing, inclosing a Scotch granite shaft with the following inscription: ‘Erected to the memory of Colonel R. A. Smith, of the Tenth Mississippi regiment, Confederate States army, a native of Edinburgh, who fell mortally wounded in the battle of Munfordsville, Ky., September 14, 1862, while gallantly leading in the charge. Aged twenty-six years. Erected by his fellow-citizens.’ In Dean cemetery, Edinburg, Scotland, a similar monument with almost like inscription can be seen, which a brother's love erected as a tribute of his grief and reverence.

Having been first the color-bearer, then adjutant of his regiment by appointment of Colonel Smith, and at the time of his death a Captain commanding a company under him, and from our entry into the service, personal and intimate friends, I am prepared to sympathize with that brother's grief, and to add that in my opinion the loss of that brave and intrepid soldier and true man was the greatest blow to the Mississippi troops of any that happened during the Kentucky [480] compaign. To the Tenth Mississippi the loss was irreparable. The star of their destiny had been extinguished, and its brave men could never afterward, in following another, feel the same soldierly pride or patriotic hope.

Perhaps it will be said that his dash and bravery when in action were not uncommon traits of the Confederate soldier; that under the ‘stimulus of excited physical faculties and of the moving passions’ the same was true of thousands of those who fell in or survived the late war. That is so, but no one who had known Colonel Smith, or had observed him well, could fail to discover that his was a different character and of a more earnest type than was that of most soldiers who were equally brave and dashing.

We need portray him only as he was looked upon by his troops—brave, earnest, single-minded and unassuming—a devotee to duty, ‘who softened its asperities to others,’ causing those who knew him best to admire him most. ‘Self-restraint, which has been termed the highest form of self-assertion,’ is a marked characteristic of the race from which Colonel Smith sprung, and was possessed by him in an eminent degree. He never gave way to ‘moods,’ and only when the necessities of discipline demanded, would he inflict upon the disobedient or unworthy the pain of his frown, and even then his better nature would soon assert itself in the charms of his favor. No man, woman or child could be more tender when deserving ones sought his sympathy. No warrior could be more stern when duty prompted reproof. The refinements of his nature would not brook the slangs and abuses of speech, nor tolerate evil words or evil surmises. His devotion to the care and welfare of the men under him was intense, and he was always ready to sacrifice his own pleasure, his time and labor to them.

With his death this ‘hastily written and imperfect eulogy of a typical Confederate soldier and officer’ must end, in time for me to turn to ‘pay brief but heartfelt homage’ to another—one who has come across 3,000 miles of the Atlantic's blue waters to meet us today and make to us this graceful expression of his fraternal love and friendship. It is something ennobling to behold the love, friendship and reverence which prompted this occasion and which is manifested in this demonstration by the living brother to the memory of the dead. It is rarely that we see this better nature of man so pronounced in its expression, and for this reason it deserves more than a passing notice.

My comrades, in Mr. James Smith, our honored friend and host, [481] whom it is my pleasure to meet to-day for the first time, though many letters and mementoes have passed between us, I feel that as individuals and as Mississippians, yea, as citizens of the late Confederate States, we behold a friend, a benefactor and a patriot, and one whose philanthropy and generous love is something too pure and sublime not to rivet our acknowledgement and esteem. As one who had resided on the soil of Mississippi and knew her people and institutions well, his sympathies were enlisted in her behalf during those dark days when she most needed friends abroad. At no time during the struggle did Mississippi or the Confederacy look to him in vain. His princely fortune was tributary to their necessities, and more than once his active support received the grateful recognition of the State and Confederate authorities. The deposed Chief of the Confederacy was his friend, and he permits no opportunity to pass to manifest his attachment to his person and to the cause which was forever eclipsed in his fall. During a long life, and even before fortune had so generously smiled upon and blessed his efforts, he has been noted for his deeds of charity. His private benefactions are only equaled by his public philanthropy. When I received, in November last, a letter from him informing me that during his visit to this country, the June previous, he had purchased a spot of the field of action here, and would erect a great stone ‘as an imperishable mark of the place of sacrifice,’ and within the very massive inclosure to be built, any who are interested in the dead of that battlefield, from Mississippi, were invited to deposit their remains, all the better impulses of my nature went out across the broad Atlantic to the home of this good man, who, in honoring the memory of his dead brother, did not forget to honor Mississippi.

Sensible of the gratitude Mississippians would feel for this exhibit of patriotism and crowning act of generosity, I prepared and introduced in the Senate of my State the following resolution, which passed both branches of the Legislature, and became a law by the prompt and cordial approval of the Governor, February 7, 1884.

whereas, in the fatal and unfortunate battle of Munfordsville, on Green river, Kentucky, on the 14th of September, 1862, quite a number of soldiers from Mississippi, belonging to the Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Twenty-ninth and Forty-fourth Mississippi regiments, gave up their lives in the service of the State, and by their gallantry and unselfish devotion to the cause, to which the State had pledged its sacred honor, reflected new and enduring luster upon its name; and,

whereas, Mr. James Smith, of Glasgow, Scotland, once an [482] honored citizen of Mississippi, and now, as always, interested in everything that contributes to the glory of her history, has purchased a spot of the field of action prominent in position near the railroad, which, at his own expense, is now walled in, and a cenotaph, some twenty feet high, and of fifteen to twenty tons weight, is being firmly fixed on the site as an imperishable mark of the place of sacrifice, with the simple inscription: ‘Erected in memory of the sacrifice of the Tenth Mississippi regiment, commanded by Colonel Robert A. Smith,’ and has generously offered to any who are interested in the remains of those of the Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Twenty-ninth and Forty-fourth Mississippi regiments, which lie buried on and near the field of action, to deposit their remains within the massive inclosure; and,

whereas, individual enterprise, on the part of those who have relatives among those fallen heroes, may be inadequate to the task of properly transferring their remains to the inclosure, where they would forever rest under the shadow of the monolith, erected to commemorate their valor and tragic fate, and where their honored ashes would be safe from intrusion or disturbance for all time; and,

whereas, Their disinterment and removal, if intrusted to the care of a safe, reliable citizen in the vicinity, under the supervision of the authorities of this State, could be judiciously performed, and at a comparatively small expense to the State; therefore,

Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the sum of $500, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated for the purposes recited in the foregoing preamble; the Auditor to issue his warrant there for on the requisition of the Governor, and that the Governor be requested to correspond with Anthony L. Woodson, of Woodsonville, Ky., and make such arrangements with him, or other suitable person, as may be deemed advisable, for the removal of the dead and erecting suitable white marble slabs, upon which shall be engraven the names of such as can be ascertained, one each to the dead of the several regiments so reinterred.

Be it further resolved, That this resolution take effect from and after its passage.

The labor of love which has cost the noble giver much anxious thought has at length been satisfactorily achieved, and we have assembled here to-day to witness and assist in the crowning act of its completion. [483]

I have to express the satisfaction that not only the remains of all Mississippians lying on and near this battlefield, including those of the noble and ever-gallant little band—the Ninth battalion of sharpshooters, that by inadvertence were not mentioned, yet in spirit are embraced in the resolution of their State Legislature—have been disinterred and their bones deposited within this inclosure, but that suitable white marble headstones which a grateful State made provision for, have been erected, one each to the dead of the several commands engaged in battle here.

With many acknowledgements for the munificence, the patriotism and public spirit which are exhibited here, not for the first time, by our noble-hearted benefactor, and with profound regard and reverence for the sentiment to be commemorated, I shall now, with the assistance of my young lady friend, a daughter of our noble host, and by birth a Mississippian, proceed to the unveiling of the monument, which I feel all will say crowns the giver of it with honor; does honor to the skilled sculptors of it, and reflects imperishable honor upon the State of Mississippi and her brave sons who fell here twenty-two years ago.

Remarks by Mr. Watts.

I have been deputed by my friend Mr. James Smith, under whose auspices I have come from old Scotland to take part in this most touching ceremony, to tender to Mr. Woodson, on his behalf and on behalf of his family and friends, their warmest thanks for the great interest and trouble he has taken in connection with the proceedings of to-day. I can readily believe from Mr. Woodson's well-known sympathy with the cause and with the occasion of our gathering, that he looks for no return; but we feel that we could not separate without recording in the strongest terms our appreciation of his noble and generous conduct. And while on my feet will you allow me to express how profoundly impressed I have been with to-day's proceedings; for I had the honor of Colonel Robert A. Smith's acquaintance, and little did I think when last he was in Scotland, and we wandered amidst the western highlands of my native land and climbed the hills together, that I was never to see him in the flesh again; that my first visit to this great country should be a pilgrimage to the scenes of his early death. But so it was ordained to be. ‘Whom the gods love die young.’ And, as oftentimes in the past I have shared in the joys and pleasures of my dear friend, Mr. James Smith, so now I am thankful to have the privilege of standing by his side on this—to him [484] and to many of us—sacred spot, and from our common grief derive a closer bond.

My friends, I feel that this is scarcely a fitting occasion to speak at length of the terrible struggle which, for a while, rent this great continent. The war is ended, the strife has ceased, the result has been accepted, and all that we can do is to pray that a bright future still awaits the Sunny South. But I cannot resist the opportunity of saying that my heart—aye, and the hearts of thousands of my countrymen—were with you in that hour of agony. We felt, instinctively, that you were fighting for your hearths and homes, and I know no greater heroes in the annals of the Old or New Worlds than Generals Lee or Jackson, and many other of your leaders. Why, to us Scotchmen, these men appeared, not only as brilliant commanders, but as the very incarnation of patriotism and self-sacrifice, recalling to us the magic names of our Wallace and of our Bruce. True, your leaders did not win success, but they did better, they deserved it; and even the graves of your dear departed proclaim the truth, that there is no nobler sentiment or abiding virtue than the love of country and of independence.

They are gone, but their spirits still dwell among us. What might have been, under different auspices, and had success crowned your leaders' arms, I know not; but of this I am certain, that they have bequeathed to you a heritage of patriotism and renown which most nations may well covet, and which you cannot too highly prize.

Casualties in battle of Munfordsville.

Grand total: killed, 40; wounded, 211. Field Officers: 1 killed, 2 mortally wounded, and 1 severely wounded; total, 4.

Names of the killed.

Blythe's Regiment.—Company B, Corporal Whitter; Company D, Second Lieutenant James Paine; Company F, Martin Cantrell; Company L, Patrick Britt, August Levesa—5.

Seventh Regiment.—Company A, Corporal J. V. Whittington; Company C, W. C. Little, T. F. Reynolds, F. W. Cox, W. R. Ratcliff; Company K, W. H. Durham.

Ninth Regiment.—Company A, J. Davis; Company F, Archibald B. Wright; Company H, A. T. Dennis, V. A. Carraway, L. K. A. Pearce, Richard Scott; Company I, T. C. Bardin; Company K, W. C. Nesbitt, J. J. Laughter. [485]

Tenth Regiment.—Colonel R. A. Smith, mortally wounded, died afterward; Lieutenant-Colonel Bullard; Company B, R. A. Pasko; Company C, Thomas J. Brown, H. E. Barten, Joseph Pruden, James Buchanan; Company D, John Murphy; Company E, Sergeant Lem. Supples; Company I, W. T. Holloway; Company K, Ira Cole, A. T. Johnson, F. L. Kelly, W. R. Turner, William M. Drury, J. J. Keith.

Twenty-ninth Regiment.—Company B, A. J. Burnett, E. S. Sadley, A. W. Squires; Company G, Corporal H. Russiale, John Williams, John Yeager; Company K, C. R. Dowsing, R. T. Court.

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Robert A. Smith (12)
Robert Alexander Smith (9)
James R. Chalmers (9)
James Smith (8)
Braxton Bragg (7)
Anthony L. Woodson (3)
E. C. Walthall (3)
R. A. Smith (3)
Buell (3)
E. T. Sykes (2)
Watt L. Strickland (2)
Richard Scott (2)
Moses Phillips (2)
James Moore (2)
Stonewall Jackson (2)
C. L. Dunham (2)
James Bullard (2)
John Yeager (1)
Archibald B. Wright (1)
John Williams (1)
Wilder (1)
J. V. Whittington (1)
Whitter (1)
Thomas W. White (1)
Pickens B. Watts (1)
T. Wallace (1)
W. R. Turner (1)
A. W. Squires (1)
Annie Smith (1)
Scotchmen (1)
E. S. Sadley (1)
H. Russiale (1)
Robert Robson (1)
W. C. Richards (1)
T. F. Reynolds (1)
W. R. Ratcliff (1)
Joseph Pruden (1)
Leonidas Polk (1)
L. K. A. Pearce (1)
R. A. Pasko (1)
James Paine (1)
W. C. Nesbitt (1)
John Murphy (1)
W. C. Little (1)
August Levesa (1)
W. B. Lesley (1)
M. S. Leopard (1)
Lem (1)
Generals Lee (1)
J. J. Laughter (1)
F. L. Kelly (1)
J. J. Keith (1)
Albert Sidney Johnston (1)
A. T. Johnson (1)
E. J. Hudson (1)
W. T. Holloway (1)
U. S. Grant (1)
J. Garrity (1)
William French (1)
W. H. Durham (1)
D. R. Duncan (1)
William M. Drury (1)
C. R. Dowsing (1)
Dodson (1)
A. T. Dennis (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
F. W. Cox (1)
Ira Cole (1)
Chairman (1)
V. A. Carraway (1)
Martin Cantrell (1)
A. J. Burnett (1)
James Buchanan (1)
Bruce (1)
Thomas J. Brown (1)
Patrick Britt (1)
Blythe (1)
W. H. Bishop (1)
H. E. Barten (1)
T. C. Bardin (1)
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