United Confederate Veterans.
Fourth official report of Joseph Jones, M. D., L. L. D., of New Orleans, La., Surgeon-General of the United Confederate Veterans, covering the period extending from April 9, 1892, to July, 1893, rendered at the Fourth Annual meeting held at Birmingham, Ala., July 19th and 20th, 1893. 156 Washington avenue, New Orleans, La., July, 1893.
Honorable John B. Gordon, General Commanding United Confederate Veterans, Birmingham, Ala.:
General,—I have the honor to submit the following report of the results of my labors in behalf of the United Confederate Veterans during the past year—February, 1892, to July, 1893:
The Third Annual Meeting and Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans was held in New Orleans, La., April 8th and 9th, 1892, and my labors up to this date were submitted to the General Commanding, and form a portion of the official report of the minutes of the third annual meeting and reunion as reported and published by General George Moorman, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.
At the third annual reunion in New Orleans, La., 189 organized camps of United Confederate Veterans were represented, and a number of camps have since been organized, bringing up the total number to near 260.
It is to be hoped that the entire South will, at no distant day, be covered by the camps of those Confederate veterans who have survived the casualties of the bloody conflict (1861-1865) and the ravages of time.
It is of great importance that each camp should be thoroughly organized, and its organization placed in permanent form by publication.
The medical officers should be known by, and at all times be accessible to, the individual members of his Camp or Soldiers' Hospital or Home.
The medical officers of the individual camps and organizations should be known to each other and to all the veteran soldiers, in order that every sick and disabled Confederate veteran at home or abroad may at all times and under all circumstances enjoy the skilful and humane attention of our learned and benevolent surgeons.
Upon the last analysis, the great objects of our association are:
The preservation of the story of our heroic struggle, with its victories, defeats, disasters, privations, and sufferings.
The relief of the sufferings, diseases, and wounds of the veterans of the Confederate army and navy.
These grand results can be accomplished only by thorough organization and generous co-operation.
As we march along the great highway of time our ranks are daily thinned by the darts of death.
Since the formation of this union of Confederate veterans Commodore Hunter, General G. T. Beauregard, General E. Kirby Smith, and President Jefferson Davis, our great captains, and a host of brave officers and soldiers have answered the last call.
As the Confederate veterans lay their white and weary hearts on the bosom of the earth that bore them, the hand of no paternal government, with its millions of pensions, relieves their wants, soothes their death-beds, or marks with the historic marble their resting places.
The privilege of supporting the sick and destitute veterans and immortalizing their heroic deeds by the historic marble and bronze is enjoyed alone by their surviving comrades and confederates.
Much may be accomplished by organized efforts, and to the end that order and efficiency may be secured, I, as Surgeon-General U. C. V., addressed, April 7, 1893, the Circular No. 3 to the commander of each individual camp.
From the replies I have consolidated the following table giving information upon the points as requested:
Number of camp.
Location of camp.
3d. Commander of camp.
4th. Medical officer.
Rank of the medical officer in the Confederate army or navy.
Date of commission of the medical officer in the Confederate army or navy.
Number of members of camp.
Number of deaths of veterans since organization of camp.
Number of disabled Confederate veterans.
Number of disabled and indigent Confederate veterans supported by the camp.
Number of widows of Confederate soldiers supported by the camp.
Location and capacity of soldiers' home supported by camp.
Consolidated Report of Camps of United Confederate Veterans, February, 1893, by Joseph Jones, M. D., L. L. D., Surgeon-General United Confederate Veterans, 156 Washington Avenue, New Orleans, La.
Camp 1. New Orleans, La.; W. R. Lyman, com'der; med. offi., F. Tormento, surg.; W. P. Brewer, asst. surg., 1864; members, 214; deaths, 24; State Camp Home, Nicholls.
Camp 2. New Orleans, La.; J. B. Vincent, com.; Y. R. LeMonnier, surg.; members, 307; deaths, 170; State Camp Home, Nicholls.
Camp 3. Shreveport, La.; Antho J. Newman, com.; med. offi., Drs. S. C. Egan, surg., J. J. Scott, asst. surg.; members, 55; deaths, 1.
Camp 4. Chattanooga, Tenn., Jos. F. Shipp, com.; med. offi., Y. L. Abernathy; private; members, 122; deaths, 13; Home at Nashville, Tenn.
Camp 5. Knoxville, Tenn.; Col. Frank A. Moss, com.
Camp 6. Alexandria, La.; Gen. Geo. O. Watts, com.; med. offi., Stephen H. Rushing, 1862, major; members, 122; disabled, 10; deaths, 3.
Camp 7. Ruston, La.; Capt. Allen Barksdale, corn.; med. offi., R. Roberts, M. D., captain; members, 253; disabled, 13; deaths, 5.
Camp 8. Chicago, Ill.; Capt. Jno. W. White, corn.
Camp 9. New Orleans, La.; Wm. Laughlin, com.; med. offi., Joseph Jones, M. D., L. L. D., 1862, surgeon; members, 149; deaths, 6; Camp Nicholls.
Camp 16. Pensacola, Fla.; W. E. Anderson, com.; members, 79; deaths, 18.
Camp 11. Mobile, Ala.; Thos. P. Brewer, com.; med. offi., J.
Gray Thomas, 1861, surgeon; members, 225; deaths, 14.
Camp 12. Jackson, Miss.; Col. W. D. Holder, com; med. offi., Dr. F. L. Fulghan, private; members, 96; deaths, 1.
Camp 13. Brooksville, Fla.; Gen. Jno. C. Davant, com.; med. Offi., J. S. Brunner; captain infantry; members, 56; deaths, I.
Camp 14.
Opelousa, La.; Capt. D. L. Prescott, com.
Camp 15. New Orleans, La.; Col. B. F. Eshleman, com.; med. Offi., Dr. W. P. Brewer, 1864, asst. surg.; members, 251; indigent members, 3; deaths, 6; State Camp Home.
Camp 16. New Orleans, La.; Gen. Jos. Demourelle, com.
Camp 17. Baton Rouge, La.; John McGrath, com.; med. offi., Dr. Thos. Buffington, 1862, major; members, 101; disabled, 2; deaths, 3.
Camp 18. Plaquemine, La.; Capt. Charles H. Dickinson, corn.
Camp 19. Crystal Springs, Miss.; Capt. C. Humphries, com.; med. Offi., R. E. Jones, first lieut.; members, 25; disabled, 2.
Camp 20. Natchez, Miss.; Col. F. J. V. LeCaud, corn.; med. offi., L. C. Profield, July, 1862, major: members, 110; disabled, 3; indigent, 1; deaths, 9.
Camp 21.
Hattensburg, Miss.; Capt. G. D. Hardfield, com,
Camp 22. Fayette, Miss.; Capt. W. L. Stephen, corn.; med. offi., A. K. McNair, 1862, captain; members, 23; disabled, 2; deaths, 2.
Camp 23. Holly Springs, Miss,; Capt. Jas. F. Fand, com. Camp 24. Jackson, Miss.; Capt. W. D. Holder, corn.
Camp 25. Meridian, Miss.; Capt. W. F. Brown, corn.
Camp 26. Edwards, Miss.; Col. W. A. Montgomery, com.; med. offi., E. S. P. Pool; private; members, 45; disabled, 2.
Camp 27. Columbus, Miss.; Dr. B. A. Vaughan, corn.
Camp 28. Memphis, Tenn.; Col. Frazer, corn.
Camp 29. Cameron, Texas: Capt. E. S. McIver, corn.
Camp 30. Decatur, Texas; Capt. J. E. Simmons, com.; med. offi., Dr. J. Ford; private; members, 285; deaths, 7; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 31. Dallas, Texas; Capt. J. D. Thurston, com.; med. offi., Wm. R. Wilson, 1862, surgeon; members, 304; disabled, 6 or 8; indigent, 4; deaths, 6; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 32. Vicksburg, Miss.; Capt. D. A. Campbell, corn.
Camp 33. Evergreen, La.; Col. M. M. Ewell, corn.; med. offi., W. P. Buck; members, 89; disabled, 5; deaths, 2.
Camp 34. Dalton, Ga.; Capt. A, P. Roberts, com.; med. offi., Dr. J. R. McAfle, May 1, 1862, surgeon; members, 50; disabled,
20; deaths, 4.
Camp 35. Nashville, Tenn.; Capt. R. Lin.
Cave, com.; med. offi.
F. W. Merrin.
Camp 36. Tampa, Fla.; Capt. F. W. Merrin, corn.; med. offi., Dr. J. W. Douglas; first lieut. and capt.; members, 50; deaths, 15.
Camp 37. Jackson, Tenn.; Capt. E. S. Mallory, corn.
Camp 38. Donaldsonville, La.; Capt. Alexander Porche, corn.; med. offi., Dr. Leonce Richard; private; members, 92; disabled, I; deaths, 2.
Camp 39. Birmingham, Ala.; Gen. F. S. Ferguson, corn.
Camp 40. Natchitoches, La.; Capt. J. Alphonse Prudhomme, com.; med. offi., Dr. A. P. Breds; asst. surg.; members, 67; deaths, 3.
Camp 41.
Mansfield La.; Charles Schuyler, corn.; med. offi., N. P. Revere, May 15, 1862, major; members, 70; disabled, 2; deaths, 4.
Camp 42. McKenzie, Tenn.; Capt. S. A. Mebane, com.; med. offi., Dr. R. D. Givin; surgeon; members, 65; deaths, 3.
Camp 43. Huntsville, Texas; Capt. J. M. Smither, corn.
Camp 44. Palestine, Texas; Capt. J. W, Ewing, corn.
Camp 45. Terrell, Texas; J. A. Anthony, corn.; med. offi., W. H. Monday; 2d lieut.; members, 85; disabled, 10 or 11; deaths, 6.
Camp 46. Knoxville, Tenn.; John F. Horne, corn.; med. offi., Dr. W. L. Anderson; private; members, 50; disabled, 15; indigent, 2; deaths, 7.
Camp 47. Titusville, Fla.; Capt. Jos. Pritchard, com. Camp 48. Tyler, Texas; Capt. Jos. P. Douglas, corn.
Camp 49. Woodville, Miss.; J. H. Jones, corn.; med. offi., Dr. Jno. Therell; private; members, 18; disabled, 2.
Camp 50. Spring Place, Ga.; Capt. R. E. Wilson, corn.
Camp 51. St. George, S. C.
Camp 52. Rosedale, Miss.; F. A. Montgomery, com.; med. offi., Jno. W. Dulaney; private; members, 54.
Camp 53. Palmetto, Fla.; Capt. J C. Pelot, corn.
Camp 54. Orlando, Fla.; Capt. W. H. Jewell, com.
Camp 55. Lewisburg, Tenn.; W. P. Irvine, corn.; med. offi., Dr. S. T. Hardison; private; members, 50; disabled, 3; deaths, 3; Home, Nashville, Tenn.
Camp 56. Ocala, Fla.; Capt. J. J. Finley, corn.
Camp 57. Dade City, Fla.; Capt. J. B. Johnston, corn.
Camp 58. Jacksonville, Fla.; Col. Wm. Baya, com. Camp 59. Monticello, Fla.; Capt. W. C. Bird, corn.
Camp 60.
Tangipahoe, La.; Capt. O. P. Amacker, com.
Camp 61.
LaGrange, Texas; R. H. Phelpes, com.; med. offi., B. W. Bristow, asst. surg.; members, 35; disabled, I; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 62. Lake Charles, Fla.; Dr. W. A. Knapp, corn.; med. offi., Dr. Jos. Ware, 1862-5, major; members, 150; deaths, 12.
Camp 63. Corpus Christi, Texas; Capt. R. H. Sutherland, corn.
Camp 64. Eutaw, Ala.; Capt. Geo. W. Cole, corn.
Camp 65. Athens, Texas; D. M. Morgan, corn.; med. offi., Thos. Mathews, 1863, 1st. lieut.; members, 265; deaths, 2; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 66.
Tampases, Texas; D. C. Thomas, corn.; med. offi., Jas. A. Abney; asst. surg.; members, 130; disabled, 20; deaths, 5; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 67.
Granburg, Texas; J. A. Formirault, corn.; members, 101; deaths, 1; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 68.
McAlister, Ind. Ter.; Edward R. Johnson, com.; med. offi.; Louis C. Tremont; 1st. lieut.; members, 172; disabled, 2; indigent, 1.
Camp 69. Abilene, Texas; Col. H. L. Bentley, com. Camp 70. Paris, Texas; Capt. G. H. Provine, corn.
Camp 71. Kingston, Texas; Capt. J. F. Puckett, corn.; med. offi., T. B. Spaulding; captain; members, 50; disabled, 1; deaths, 2.
Camp 72. Abilene, Texas. Camp 73. Wichital Falls, Texas; Capt. C. R. Crockett, com.
Camp 74. Rockwell, Texas; M. S. Austin; members, 94; disabled, 2; deaths, 4.
Camp 75.
Beaumond, Texas; Capt. Jeff. Chaisson, com.
Camp 76. Coleman, Texas; H. L. Lewis, com.; med. offi., G. B. Beaumont; private; members, 146; disabled, 1; indigent, 1; deaths, 3, Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 77. Clarksville, Tenn.; Capt. T. H. Smith, com.
Camp 78. Amite City, Texas; Capt. A. P. Richards, com.; med. offi., J. M. Craig, 1862, surgeon; members, 45; disabled, 2.
Camp 79. Merkel, Texas; Capt. J. T. Tucker, corn.
Camp 80. Kansas City, Mo.; Jos. W. Mercer, corn.
Camp 87. Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Capt. W. S. McLemore, com.
Camp 82. Mt. Enterprise, Texas.; Capt. Thos. Turner, corn.
Camp 83. Shelbyville, Texas; Jno. M. Hastings, com.; med. offi., S. M. Thompson, A. M. M. D., 1861-2, ass't surgeon; members, 177; disabled, 7; indigent, 3; deaths, 6; Home, Nashville, Tenn.
Camp 84. Aiken, S. C.; Capt. B. H. Teague, com.
Camp 85. Dublin, Texas; Gen. J. T. Harris, com.
Camp 86. Seymore, Texas; T. H. Peery, com.; med. offi., Jas. Swindells, 1862, maj. surgeon; members, 30.
Camp 87. Fairfield, Texas; Capt. Geo. T. Bradley, com.
Camp 88. Cleburne, Texas; O. T. Plumer, com.; med. offi., J. R. Keeting, March, 1862, ass't surgeon; members, 49; disabled, 7; deaths, 5.
Camp 89. Bentonville, Ark.; W. S. Henry, com.; med. offi., Dr. T. W. Hurley, March, 1862, surgeon; members, 52; deaths, 1.
Camp 90. Sherman, Texas; J. T. Wilson, com.; med. offi., J. B. Stinson, Feb., 1862, asst. surgeon; members, 200; deaths, 10.
Camp 91. Atlanta, Texas; Capt. J. D. Johnson, corn.
Camp 92. Sweetwater, Texas; Capt. W. D. Beall, com. Camp 93. Montague, Texas; Capt. Bob Bean, corn.
Camp 94. Mexia, Texas; Capt. C. L. Watson, com.; med. offi., J. S. L. Tray, M. D.; private; members, 136; disabled, 12; deaths, 10.
Camp 95. Paris, Ky.; Capt. A. T. Forcythe, corn.
Camp 96. Harrodsburg, Ky.; Capt. Bush. W. Allen, corn.
Camp 97. Versailles, Ky.; Capt. Jos. C. Bailey, com.
Camp 98. Georgetown, Ky.; A. H. Sinclair, com.; members, 31;
Camp 99. Cynthiana, Ky.; D. M. Snyder, com.
Camp 100. Lexington, Ky.; John Boyd, corn.; med offi., Dr. Jno. A. Lewins; members (12 Camps), 550; indigent, 6 or 8; deaths, 6.
Camp 101. Lawrenceburg, Ky.; Capt. P. H. Thomas, corn.
Camp 102.
Narasota, Texas; Capt. W. E. Barry, com.
Camp 103. Austin, Texas; Capt. W. W. Brown, com.
Camp 104. Fernandina, Fla.
Camp 105. Galveston, Texas; Gen. T. N. Waul, com.
Camp 106. Frost, Texas; Capt. Thos. F. Johnson, corn.; med. offi., M. M. Mosely, M. D.; private; members, 65; indigent, 2.
Camp 107. Ardmore, Ind. Ter.; Capt. John L. Gault, com.
Camp 108. Waxahachie, Texas; Capt. R. P. Mackey, com.
Camp 109. McKinney, Texas; Capt. T. M. Scott, corn.; members, 600; deaths, 10.
Camp 110. Merrick, La.; D. T. Merrick, corn.; med. offi., Dr. S. W. Turpin, 1861, captain; members, 22.
Camp 111. Calvert, Texas; Capt. J. H. Dunnan, corn.; med. offi., Daniel Parker, 1861, asst. surgeon; members, 235; disabled, 6; indigent.
1; deaths, 2.
Camp 112. Columbus, Texas; Capt. Geo. McCormick, corn.
Camp 113. Colorado, Texas; L. H. Weatherly, com.; med offi., J. M. Pearson; members, 37; disabled, 2.
Camp 114.
Fayettville, Tenn.; James D. Stillman, corn.; med. offi., A. M. Hall, Sept., 1861; members, 13; disabled, 9; indigent, 7; deaths, 1.
Camp 115. Meridian, Texas; Capt. Robt. Donnell, com.
Camp 16. Hamilton, Texas; Capt. W. S. Saxon, com.
Camp 117. Goldthwaite, Texas; Maj. J. E. Martin, corn.
Camp 118. Brownwood, Texas; Capt. Carl Vincent, com.
Camp 119. Gainesville, Texas; Capt. J. M. Wright, corn.
Camp 120. Mississippi City, Miss.; Eliott Henderson, com.; med. offi., W. F. Spence, M. D.; hosp.
steward; members, 60; disabled, 2.
Camp 121. Mt. Pleasant, Texas; Capt. C. L. Dillahuntz, com.
Camp 122. Belton, Texas; Maj. J. G. Whitsitt, corn.; med. offi., Dr. G. H. Tend, 1864, surgeon; members, 625; disabled, 18; deaths, 6.
Camp 123. Buffalo Gap, Texas; Capt. Ben. F. Jones, corn.
Camp 124. Bryan, Texas; Capt. H. B. Stoddard, com.
Camp 125. Vernon, Texas; Capt. S. E. Hatchett, com.
Camy 126. Ladonia, Texas; Capt. G. W. Blakeney, corn.; med. offi., M. D. Drake, 1863, lieut.; members, 125; indigent, I; deaths, 2.
Camp 127. Graham, Texas; Capt. A. T. Tray, com.
Camp 128. Madisonville, Texas.
Camp 129. Denton, Texas; Capt. Hugh McKenzie, com.
Camp 130. Forney, Texas; Capt. T. M. Daniel, com.; members, 60; disabled, 2; deaths, 4; widows, 2.
Camp 131. Tupelo, Miss.; Gen. Jno. M. Stone, corn.; med offi., W. H. Hunter, M. D., 1862, asst. surgeon; members, 100.
Camp 132. Marianna, Fla.; Capt. N. J. Barnes, corn.
Camp 133. Canton, Texas; Capt. T. J. Fowler, com.
Camp 134. Franklin, Tenn.; Capt. B. F. Roberts, com.
Camp 135. Gatesville, Texas; Jno. M. Brown, corn.; members, 287; disabled I; deaths, 5.
Camp 136. Hempstead, Tex.; Capt. V. B. Thornton, corn.; med. offi., J. H. Morrison; members, 140; deaths, 2.
Camp 137. Clinton, N. C.; R. H Holliday, corn.; med. offi., A. M. Lee; asst. surgeon; members, 24; deaths, I.
Camp 138. Lubbock, Texas; W. D. Crump, com.
Camp 139.
Russleville, Ky.; Maj. J. B. Briggs, corn.
Camp 140. Quincy, Fla.; R. H. M. Davidson, com.
Camp 141. Crockett, Texas; Enoch Braxson, corn.
Camp 142. Caldwell, Texas.
Camp 143.
Bolling Green, Ky.; Gen. W. F. Perry, corn.
Camp 144. San Antonio, Texas; Jno. S. Ford, com.; members, 80.
Camp 145. Kaufman, Texas; Joseph Huffmaster, corn.
Camp 146. Ft. Smith, Ark.; P. T. Deraney, com.
Camp 147. Corsicana, Texas; R. M. Collins, com.
Camp 148. Inverness, Fla.; W. C. Zimmerman, com.; members, 40; Home, Jacksonville, Fla.
Camp 149.
Tenford, Fla.; A. M. Thrasher, corn.
Camp 150. Lake City, Fla.; Walter R. Moore, com.; med. offi., R. C. Cullen, May, 1861, Major; members, 153; disabled, 6; deaths, 2.
Camp 151. Montgomery, Ala.; Emmet Seibles, com.
Camp 152. Rayville, La.; J. S. Summerlin, corn.
Camp 153.
Minedla, Texas; J. H. Huffmaster, corn.
Camp 154. Roby, Texas; D. Speer, corm.
Camp 155. Jasper, Fla.; H. J. Stewart, com.; members, 30.
Camp. 156. Gonzalez, Texas; Maj. W. B. Sayers, com.; med. offi., Dr. J. C. Jones, 1861, asst. surgeon; members, 111; disabled 1; deaths, 3.
Camp 157. Bessemer, Ala.; W. R. Jones, com.; med. offi., Shelby C. Carson; private; members, 6; deaths, 2.
Camp 158. Fort Worth, Texas; Gen. W. G. Veal, corn.
Camp 159. Atlanta, Ga.; Gen. W. L. Calhorem, corn.
Camp 160. Alvarado, Texas.
Camp 161.
Tallahasse, Fla.
Camp 162. Newton, N. C.; J. S. Hall, corn.
Camp 163. Carthage, Texas; J. R. Bond, corn.
Camp 164. Bonham, Texas; J. P. Holmes, corn.
Camp 165. Taylor, Texas; Capt. W. Ross, corn.; med. offi., A. V. Doak, 1861, brig. surg.; members, 51; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 166.
Hillsboroa, Texas.
Camp 167. Port Gibson, Miss.; A. K. Jones, com.; med. offi., Lomax Anderson; private; members, 21; disabled, I; deaths, 2.
Camp 168. Paint Rock, Tex; W. T. Melton, corn.
Camp 169. Weatherford, Texas; B. L. Richly, com.; med. offi., J. R. McKenzie; asst. surg.; members, 30; disabled, 1; deaths, 1.
Camp 170. Sulphur Springs, Texas; R. M. Henderson, com.
Camp 171. Washington, D. C.; Major Albert Akers, corn.
Camp 172. Henrietta, Texas; J. S. Martin, com.; med. offi., H. H. Blanchard; deaths, 5.
Camp 173. Tullahoma, Tenn.; J. P. Bennett, corn.
Camp 174. Paducah, Ky.; W. G. Bullitt, com.
Camp 175. St. Augustine, Fla.; J. A. Enslow, Jr., com.; med. offi., Wm. F. Shine, M. D., Sept. 12, 1861, major; members, 24.
Camp 176. Yager City, Miss.; S. D. Robertson, com.
Camp 177. Oklahoma, Okla.; J. W. Johnston, com.; med. offi., A. J. Beale. May, 1862, captain; members, 80; deaths, 3; Home, Jacksonville, Fla.
Camp 178. Berwick, La.; M. W. Bateman, com.; members, 31; disabled, i.
Camp 179. Booneville, Miss.; D. T. Beall, com.
Camp 180. Macon, Miss.; H. W. Toote, corn.
Camp 181. Richmond, Va.; Gen. Alex. W. Archer, com.
Camp 182. Monroe, La.; W. R. Roberts, corn.
Camp 183. Oakley, La.; W. S. Peck, corn.
Camp 184. West Point, Va.; H. M. Miller, com.; med. offi., W. C. Nunn, June 1, 1861-5, colonel; members, 41; disabled, 1; deaths, 1; Home, Richmond, Va.
Camp 185. Campbell, Texas; R. W. Ridley, com. Camp 186. Winchester, Ky.; B. F. Curtis, corn.
Camp 187.
Nicolasville, La.; Geo. B. Taylor, com.; med. offi., Charles Mann; members, 17.
Camp 188. Frankfort, Ky.; A. W. Macklin, com.
Camp 189. Grenada, Miss.; J. W. Young, com.; med. offi., Dr. G. W. Trimbell; 1st lieut.; members, 23; disabled, 3; deaths, 3.
Camp 190. Rolling Fork, Miss.; J. C. Hall, corn.
Camp 191. Charleston, Ark.; A. S. Cabell, corn.
Camp 192. Centre Point, Ark.
Camp 193. Lake Providence, La.; J. C. Bass, corn.
Camp 194. Greenwood, Ark.; Dudley Milburn, com.
Camp 195. Oakville, Texas; C. C. Cox, com.; members, 24; deaths, 1.
Camp 196. Thibodeaux, La.; Maj. S. T. Grisamore, corn.; members, 60; diaabled, 2.
Camp 197. Houston, Texas; Will.
Lambert, com.; med. offi., R. G. Turner; surgeon; members, 140; disabled, 2; deaths, 2; Home, Austin, Texas.
Camp 198.
Emma, Texas; Jno. W. Murray, com.
Camp 199. Hackett City, Ark.; L. B. Lake, corn.
Camp 200.
Norment, Tex.; T. J. Johnson, com.
Camp 200. Mt. Sterling, Ark.; Thomas Johnson, corn.
Camp 202. Alma, Ark.; James S. Smith, com.
Camp 203. Hope, Ark.; N. W. Stewart, com.
Camp 204. Richmond, Va.; R. N. Northen, corn.; med. offi., J. C. Hillsman, 1861, surgeon; members, 148; disabled, 4; indigent, 4; deaths, 6.
Camp 205. Roanoke, Va.; S. S. Brooke, corn.
Camp 206.
Ringold, Ga.; W. J. Whitsitt, corn.; med. offi., Dr. W. S. Bazemore; members, 34; disabled, 4; indigent, 2.
Camp 207. Morrilton, Ark.; W. S. Hanna, com.; med. offi., G. L. Cunningham; asst. surgeon; members, 134; disabled, 7; deaths, 2.
Camp 208. Nashville, Ark.; W. K. Cowling, corn.
Camp 209. Vantmen, Ark.; John Allen, com.
Camp 210. Williamsburg, Va.; T. J. Stubbs, com.; med. offi., W. H. Sheild, May, 1861, Maj. and surgeon; members, 46; deaths, 1; widows, 1.
Camp 211. Reams Station, Va.; M. A. Moncure, corn.
Camp 212. Concord, Va.; J. T. Willeford, corn.
Camp 213. Conway, Ark.; A. R. Witt, com.; J. J. R. Reeves, Sept., 1869, 1st lieut.; members, 117; disabled, 3; deaths, 6; Home, Little Rock, Ark.
Camp 214. Danville, Ky.; E. M. Green, com.
Camp 215. Richmond, Va.; James Tevis, com.
Camp 216. Fayetteville, Ark.; T. M. Gunter, com.
Camp 217.
Chifley, Fla.; S. M. Robinson, com.
Camp 218. Greenwood, Miss.; R. M. Williams, com.
Camp 219. Hickory Flat, Miss.; W. A. Crum, corn.
Camp 220. Hernando, Miss.; Sam. Powell, corn.
Camp 221. Vaiden, Miss.; S. C. Baines, com.; med. offi., Dr. A. J. Sanderson, Feb., 1861, captain; members, 39; deaths, 1.
Camp 222. Waco, Texas; C. L. Johnson, corn.
Camp 223. Springville, Ala.; A. W. Woodall, corn.
Camp 224. Camden, Miss.; R. Gaillard, com.
Camp 225.
Florenceville, Texas; W. C. Agee, com.; med. offi., Isaac H. Brewton, M. D.; private; members, 30; disabled, 4.
Camp 226. Liberty, Miss.; P. R. Brewer, corn.
Camp 227. Richmond, Texas; P. E. Pearson, com.; med. offi., S. A. Stone, July, 1862, asst.
and post surgeon; members, 29.
Camp 228. Wharton, Texas; I. N. Dennis, com.
Camp 229. Arcadia, La.; James Brice, com.; med. offi., Joseph Atkinson; members, 94; indigent, 1.
Camp 230. Jacksonville, Fla.
Camp 231. Commerce, Texas; G. G. Lindsey, corn.
Camp 232.
Flemmingsburg, Ky.; Wm. Stanley, com.
Camp 233. Augusta, Ky.; Jno. S. Bradley, corn.; members, 6.
Camp 234. Cooper, Texas; Geo. W. Jones, corn.
Camp 235. Brookhaven, Miss.; J. A. Haskins, corn.
Camp 236. Auburn, Ala.; O. D. Smith, com.; med. offi., J. H. Drake; private; members, 40.
Camp 237. Shelbyville, Ky.; Dr. W. F. Beard, com.; med offi., Dr. W. F. Beard, Nov. 21, 1862, surgeon; members, 12.
Camp 238. Greenville, Miss.; Gen. S. W. Ferguson, com.; med. offi., D. C. Montgomery, M. D., 1862, surgeon; members, 70.
Camp 239.
Benham, Texas; D. C. Giddings, corn.
Camp 240. Winchester, Va.; W. McVicar, corn.
Camp 241. Hopkinsville, Ky.; Nat. Garther, com.
Camp 242. Cuero, Texas; V. Weldon, com.; med. offi., Dr. Alexander Irvin; surgeon; members, 89.
Camp 243.
Brazonie, Texas; Wm. Fort Smith, corn.; med. offi., R. R. Porter; private; members, 36.
Camp 244.
Dodelo, Fla.; J. F. Highsmith, com.
Camp 245. Memphis, Texas; F. M. Murray, corn.
Camp 246. Talladega, Ala.
Camp 247.
Hope Villa P. O., La.; Joseph Gonzales, com.
Camp 248.
Hallettsburg, Texas; Volney Ellis, corn.
Camp 251.
Emminence, Ky.; W. L. Crabb, corn.; members, 7.
Circular No. 3, with the necessary carefully-directed envelopes for their return to the Surgeon General's office in New Orleans, were directed to 251 registered Camps of United Confederate Veterans on the 8th of April, 1893, and subsequently, and in many cases a second circular was sent to the Camps from which no reply had been received.
Up to the 10th of June, 1893, only 100 had replied, and returned Circular No. 3 duly filled with the required data.
These 100 Camps represented a little less than 10,000; or more accurately, 9,822 Confederate veterans.
Each Camp contained on an average about 100; or more accurately, 98 Confederate veterans.
If each of the 251 Camps now registered and to whom Circular No. 3 was addressed contained on an average 100 veterans, then the total strength of the United Confederate Veterans would be about 25,000.
We have reason to believe that a much larger army of surviving
Confederate veterans is to be found in the States, North and South.
The reports of 100 Camps show only 270 disabled Confederate veterans, or less than 3 per cent. of the total number attached to these Camps.
During the period which has elapsed since the formation of these Camps the number of deaths reported was 471, or less than 5 per cent. of the total number
The disabled and indigent soldiers as well as the indigent widows of the Confederate soldiers supported by the individual Camps amount to an insignificant number.
These statistics are interesting in indicating the independence and substantial thrift and prosperity of the Confederate veterans throughout the South.
They have clear consciences, and are able to maintain their wives and children, and pay the enormous taxes imposed by the pensions of their conquerors, and at the same time to do fitting reverence to their distinguished dead and to erect noble monuments to their beloved chieftains.
We note an absence of a proper number of medical officers in many of the Camps, and urge their immediate election or appointment by the individual Camps.
We would suggest the election by each Camp or organization of one surgeon with the rank of major, and two assistant surgeons with the rank respectfully of captain.
The officers thus elected to the individual Camps should hold office through life, or as long as they may be willing to yield their gratuitous and gracious services to the sick, disabled and destitute Confederate veterans, subject to removal only for due cause.
The surgeons and assistant surgeons elected, chosen, or appointed by the individual Camps should be duly commissioned by the General Commanding, and should constitute the permanent standing medical corps of the United Confederate Veterans.
Each Camp should preserve a hospital register of all the sick and wounded treated, giving full particulars of all wounds or injuries, however or wherever received, and with the detailed statement of the Confederate veteran, of the circumstances of the battles and skirmishes in which said wounds were received.
Each surgeon in charge of a Camp or Soldiers' Home should prepare and present an annual report relative to the sick and disabled veterans to the surgeon-general.
The consolidated reports, of the labors of the Medical Corps, thus
constituted should be submitted by the Surgeon-General, in his Annual Reports to the United Confederate Veterans.
We also urge upon the United Confederate Veterans, assembled at this the Fourth Annual Reunion, the necessity of conferring upon the Surgeon-General, the power to effect a thorough and permanent organization of the Medical Department, by approving and confirming his efforts in behalf of the United Confederate Veterans, and by conferring upon him the power of appointing one or more Medical Officers, Medical Directors, and Medical Inspectors, with the rank of Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel in each of the following Southern States—namely:
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indian Territory, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Misissippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia.
The Surgeon-General should be clothed with power to fill vacancies on his staff, and to apportion to each staff officer such inspections and medical duties as he may deem best for the relief of the suffering, and the advancement of the hygienic and sanitary interests of the Confederate Veterans.
Each Camp or Soldiers' Home should preserve—
Roster of its officers and members, giving names, nature, and place of service; date of commissions in the Confederate Army or Navy; nature of wound, and date and circumstance of reception.
Hospital Register, containing names and description of sick, and injuries and results of all post mortem examinations, and a record of all deaths and their causes.
The discharge of difficult, responsible, and persistent duties, appertaining to honorary positions without pay, must rest upon the patriotic interest of the officer, whose highest reward must be sought in the approval of his comrades and the satisfaction in being used as an instrument for the relief of human suffering.
Permanency appears to be essential to the success of labors relating to the relief of the wants and sufferings of men, and the gatherings and preservation of important statistics illustrating the extent and nature of the sufferings and losses by battle and disease of the Confederate soldiers.
With great respect and high esteem, I have the honor, General, to remain,
Your obedient servant, Honorable John B. Gordon, General Commanding United Confederate Veterans, Birmingham, Ala.: