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Appendix to Chapter XXV.

Sheridan's strength in the campaign in the Valley of Virginia, 1864.

General Sheridan to Adjutant-General of the army.

Headquarters, Middle military division, September 13, 1864.
General: I have the honor to forward as complete a field return as is possible at the present time. The most strenuous exertions are being made by me to obtain a full return, but the difficulty in obtaining such from the commanding officer, Department of West Virginia, because of his command covering so great an extent of country, has so far prevented.

The enclosed return does not include the cavalry under Averill, about 2,500, or the troops of the Department of Washington, Susquehanna, or Middle.

I simply forward it you as a statement showing the number of men for duty south of the Potomac. Hoping soon to furnish complete all reports required,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

P. H. Sheridan, Major-General. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General, United States Army.

Field return of troops in the field belonging to the Middle military division, September 10, 1864.

Present for duty.

6th Army Corps, Infantry66812,02812,696
19th Army Corps, Infantry66012,15012,810
Army of West Virginia, Infantry8066,8347,140
Cavalry (Torbert's)3396,1266,465
Military District Harper's Ferry2044,6114,815


This return is the only one made by Sheridan to the Adjutant-General prior to the battle of Winchester; and, as it was accompanied by a statement of its incompleteness, I applied to his Headquarters for a return of his effective strength, but, owing to the loss of all his papers in the Chicago fire, I was unable to obtain either the numbers or organizations detached from his army south of the Potomac. It was stated, however, that the garrisons of Harper's Ferry, Charleston, Martinsburg, and other points, together with escorts to trains, were of sufficient size to reduce the force in the field to the numbers given in Sheridan's report to Grant, which were taken at the time from the official returns of effective or fighting strength present for duty. But as these returns were never sent to Washington, and were destroyed as above stated, it was impossible to furnish copies of them.

At Grant's Headquarters it was always understood that Sheridan's effective force in the Valley campaign was about thirty thousand men.


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