
Index of Titles

Abraham Davenport, IV. 279.

Abram Morrison, II. 182.

Adams, John Quincy, IV. 324.

Adjustment, II. 339.

After Election, III. 363.

Album Verses, IV. 398.

All's Well, II. 234.

Among the Hills, i. 260.

Amy Wentworth, i. 248.

Andrew Rykman's Prayer, II. 258.

Angel of Patience, The, II. 216.

Angels of Buena Vista, The, i. 112.

Anniversary Poem, III. 241.

Answer, The, II. 265.

April, II. 24.

Arisen at Last, III. 171.

Artist of the Beautiful, An, IV. 154.

Astraea, III. 339.

Astraea at the Capitol, III. 234.

At Eventide, II. 169.

At Last, II. 333.

At Port Royal, III. 230.

At School-Close, IV. 207.

At Washington, III. 106.

Autograph, An, II. 179; IV. 407.

Autumn Thoughts, II. 20.

Banished from Massachusetts, i. 419.

Barbara Frietchie, III. 245.

Barclay of Ury, i. 107.

Barefoot Boy, The, II. 126

Bartholdi Statue, The, IV. 223.

Bartlett, William Francis, IV. 138.

Battle Autumn of 1862, The, III. 236.

Bay of Seven Islands, The, i. 390.

Benedicite, IV. 70.

Benevolence, IV. 336.

Between the Gates, IV. 312.

Birchbrook Mill, i. 407.

Birthday Wreath, The, IV. 310.

Bolivar, IV. 351.

Book, The, II. 327.

Branded Hand, The, III. 111.

Brewing of Soma, The, II. 291.

Bridal of Pennacook, The, i. 79.

Brother of Mercy, The, IV. 251.

Brown Dwarf of Rugen, The, i. 421.

Brown of Ossawatomie, IV. 106.

Bryant on his Birthday, IV. 113.

Burial of Barber, III. 181.

Burning Drift-Wood, IV. 298.

Burns, IV. 92.

By their Works, II. 326.

Cable Hymn, The, IV. 269.

Calef in Boston, III. 332.

Call of the Christian, The, II. 193.

Captain's Well, The, IV. 289.

Cassandra Southwick, i. 65.

Centennial Hymn, IV. 205.

Chalkley Hall, IV. 35.

Changeling, The, IV. 255.

Channing, IV. 42.

Chapel of the Hermits, The, i. 126.

Charity, IV. 332.

Chicago, IV. 195.

Child-Songs, II. 306.

Christian Slave, The, III. 86.

Christian Tourists, The, III. 324.

Christmas Carmen, A, II. 304.

Christmas of 1888, The, IV. 285.

Cities of the Plain, The, II. 191.

Clear Vision, The, II. 286.

Clerical Oppressors, III. 38.

Cobbler Keezar's Vision, i. 241.

Common Question, The, II. 271.

Conductor Bradley, i. 359.

Conquest of Finland, The, III. 350.

Countess, The, i. 253.

Crisis, The, III. 148.

Cross, The, IV. 79.

Crucifixion, The, II. 195.

Cry of a Lost Soul, The, II. 256.

Curse of the Charter-Breakers, The, III. 142.

Cypress-Tree of Ceylon, The, i. 50.

Day, A, II. 93.

Day's Journey, A, IV. 411.

Dead Feast of the Kol-Folk, The, i.375.

Dead Ship of Harpswell, The, IV. 271.

Deity, The, IV. 334.

Democracy, III. 272.

Demon of the Study, The, i. 25.

Derne, III. 155.

Disarmament, III. 365.

Disenthralled, The, III. 340.

Divine Compassion, II. 287.

Dr. Kane in Cuba, IV. 326.

Dole of Jarl Thorkell, The, i. 277.

Double-Headed Snake of Newbury, The, i. 192.

Dream of Argyle, The, IV. 319. [450]

Dream of Pio Nono, The, III. 343.

Dream of Summer, A, II. 17.

Drovers, The, III. 304.

Drunkard to his Bottle, The, IV. 348.

Earthquake, The, IV. 341.

Easter Flower Gift, An, II. 331.

Ego, II. 101.

‘Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott,’ III. 219.

Elliott, IV. 59.

Emancipation Group, The, III. 266.

Eternal Goodness, The, II. 267.

Eva, IV. 157.

Evening in Burmah, IV. 389.

Eve of Election, The, III. 353.

Exile's Departure, The, IV. 333.

Exiles, The, i. 53.

Expostulation, III. 24.

Extract from ‘A New England Legend,’ i. 23.

Ezekiel, II. 209.

Fair Quakeress, The, IV. 349.

Familist's Hymn, The, II. 205.

Farewell, A, IV. 409.

Farewell of a Virginia Slave Mother,

The, III. 56.

Female Martyr, The, i. 19.

First-Day Thoughts, II. 242.

First Flowers, The, II. 46.

Fishermen, The, III. 294.

Flowers in Winter, II. 33.

Follen: on Reading his Essay on

‘The Future State,’ IV. 29.

For an Autumn Festival, IV. 164.

Forgiveness, II. 109.

For Righteousness' Sake, III. 175.

Forster, William, IV. 88.

Fountain, The, i. 29.

Fragment, A, IV. 411.

Fratricide, The, IV. 353.

Freed Islands, The, III. 115.

Freedom in Brazil, III. 361.

Fremont Campaign Song, A, IV. 400.

Friend's Burial, The, II. 301.

From Perugia, III. 356.

Frost Spirit, The, II. 9.

Fruit-Gift, The, II. 31.

Funeral Tree of the Sokokis, i. 41.

Gallows, The, III. 275.

Garden, IV. 215.

Garibaldi, IV. 119.

Garrison, III. 269.

Garrison of Cape Ann, The, i. 166.

Gift of Tritemius, The, i. 172.

Giving and Taking, II. 314.

Godspeed, IV. 218.

Golden Wedding of Longwood, The, IV. 197.

Gone, IV. 38.

Grave by the Lake, The, IV. 241.

Greeting, II. 178.

Greeting, A, IV. 216.

Halleck, Fitz-Greene, IV. 136.

Hampton Beach, II. 14.

Haschish, The, III. 173.

Haverhill, IV. 303.

Hazel Blossoms, II. 72.

Healer, The, II. 308.

Help, II. 328.

Henchman, The, i. 373.

Hermit of the Thebaid, The, i. 144.

Hero, The, IV. 80.

Hill-Top, The, IV. 56.

Hive at Gettysburg, The, III. 263.

Holmes, O. W., on his Eightieth Birthday, IV. 302.

Holy Land, The, II. 230.

Home-Coming of the Bride, The, IV. 393.

Homestead, The, i. 413.

Hooper, Lucy, IV. 26.

Howard at Atlanta, III. 264.

How Mary Grew, IV. 126.

How the Robin Came, i. 416.

How the Women went from Dover, i. 400.

Human Sacrifice, The, III. 282.

Hunters of Men, The, III. 33.

Huskers, The, III. 308.

Hymn for the Celebration of Emancipation at Newburyport, III. 257.

Hymn for the House of Worship at Georgetown, IV. 188.

Hymn for the Opening of Plymouth Church, IV. 200.

Hymn for the Opening of Thomas

Starr King's House of Worship, IV. 186.

Hymn of the Children, IV. 209.

Hymn of the Dunkers, II. 312.

Hymn: ‘O Holy Father! just and true,’ III. 54.

Hymn: ‘O Thou, whose presence went before,’ III. 29.

Hymns of the Brahmo Somaj, II. 340.

Hymns from the French of Lamartine, II. 200.

Hymn sung at Christmas by the Scholars of St. Helena's Island, S. C., III. 238.

Ichabod, IV. 61.

In Memory, IV. 146.

In Peace, IV. 69.

In Quest, II. 299.

In Remembrance of Joseph Sturge, IV. 102.

In School-Days, II. 162.

Inscriptions, II. 322.

In the Evil Days, III. 163.

In the ‘Old South,’ i. 371.

Invocation, II. 235.

Isabel, IV. 355.

Isabella of Austria, IV. 351.

Italy, III. 360.

‘I was a Stranger, and ye took me in,’ IV. 204.

John Underhill, i. 354.

Jubilee Singers, The, III. 268. [451]

Judith at the Tent of Holofernes, IV. 342.

June on the Merrimac, IV. 181.

Kallundborg Church, IV. 265.

Kansas Emigrants, The, III. 176.

Kathleen, i. 120.

Kenoza Lake, IV. 161.

Khan's Devil, The, i. 378.

King, Thomas Starr, IV. 114.

King's Missive, The, i. 381.

King Solomon and The Ants, i. 369.

King Volmer and Elsie, i. 345.

Kinsman, IV. 196.

Knight of St. John, The, i. 62.

Kossuth, IV. 72.

Lady Franklin, IV. 327.

Lakeside, The, II. 18.

Lament, A, IV. 9.

Landmarks, The, IV. 210.

Larcom, Lucy, To, IV. 408.

Larcom, Lucy, Letter to, IV. 405.

Last Eve of Summer, The, IV. 314.

Last Walk in Autumn, The, II. 37.

‘Laurels, The,’ IV. 180.

Laus I)eo, III. 254.

Lay of Old Time, A, IV. 158.

Legacy, A, II. 186.

Legend of St. Mark, The, i. 117.

Legend of the Lake, A, IV. 402.

Leggett's Monument, IV. 22.

Letter from a Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in Kansas, to a Distinguished Politician, III. 178.

Letter, A, supposed to be written by the Chairman of the Central Clique, at Concord, N. H., III. 117.

Letter to Lucy Larcom, IV. 405.

Lexington, IV. 201.

Library, The, IV. 203.

Light that is felt, The, II. 337.

Lines from a Letter to a Young Clerical Friend, III. 122.

Lines on a Fly-Leaf, IV. 114.

Lines on leaving Appledore, IV. 406.

Lilies on the Death of S. Oliver Torrey, IV. 14.

Lilies on the Portrait of a Celebrated Publisher, III. 153.

Lines written in all Album, IV. 410.

Lines, written on the Departure of Joseph Sturge, IV. 321.

Lost Occasion, The, IV. 63.

Lost Statesman. The. III. 135.

Lowell, James Russell, IV. 302.

Lumbermen, The, III. 297.

Mabel Martin: A Harvest Idyl, i. 195.

Maids of Attitash, The, IV. 259.

Mantle of St. John de Matha, The, III. 250.

Marais du Cygne, Le, III. 185.

Marguerite, i. 311.

Mary Garvin, i. 154.

Massachusetts, IV. 391.

Massachusetts to Virginia, III. 80.

Maud Muller, i. 148.

Mayflowers, The, II. 35.

Meeting, The, II. 278.

Meeting Waters, The, IV. 330.

Memorial, A, IV. 110.

Memories, II. 95.

Memory, A, II. 122.

Memory of Burns, The, IV. 100.

Men of Old, The, III. 326.

Merrimac, The, II. 10.

Metacom, IV. 343.

Milton, on Memorial Window, IV. 309.

Minister's Daughter, The, II. 323.

Miriam, i. 289.

Missionary, The, IV. 386.

Mithridates at Chios. III. 228.

Mogg Megone, IV. 357.

Moloch in State Street, III. 165.

Moral Warfare, The, III. 46.

Mount Agiochook, IV. 347.

Mountain Pictures, II. 55.

Mrs. Choate's House-Warming, IV. 406.

Mulford, IV. 154.

My Birthday, II. 164.

My Dream, II. 123.

My Namesake, II. 116.

My Playmate, i. 238.

My Psalm, II. 130.

My Soul and I, II. 220.

Mystery, A, II. 66.

Mystic's Christmas, The, II. 331.

My Thanks, II. 111.

My Triumph, II. 159.

My Trust, II. 174.

Name, A, II. 176.

Naples, IV. 108.

Nauhaught, the Deacon, i. 304.

Neall, Daniel, III. 123.

New Exodus, The, III. 348.

New Hampshire, III. 101.

New Wife and the Old, The, i. 75.

New Year, The, III. 63.

Night and Death, IV. 328.

Norsemen, The, i. 37.

Norembega, i. 285.

Norumbega Hall, IV. 222.

Ocean, IV. 337.

Official Piety, III. 168.

Old Burying-Ground, The, II. 48.

On a Fly-Leaf of Longfellow's Poems, IV. 409.

On a Prayer-Book, III. 210.

One of the Signers, IV. 224.

On Receiving an Eagle's Quill from

Lake Superior, II. 21.

On the Big Horn, III. 371.

Oriental Maxims, II. 329.

Our Autocrat, IV. 142.

Our Country, III. 367.

Our Master, II. 272.

Our River, IV. 175.

Our State. III. 333.

Outdoor Reception, An, IV. 294.

Over-Heart, The, II. 249. [452]

Overruled, II. 311.

Ouverture, Toussaint La, III. 11.

Paean, III. 146.

Pageant, The, II. 61.

Palatine, The, IV. 274.

Palestine, II. 196.

Palm-Tree, The, II. 52.

Panorama, The, III. 193.

Pass of the Sierra, The, III. 187.

Past and Coming Year, The, IV. 384.

Pastoral Letter, The, III. 50.

Peace Autumn, The, III. 259.

Peace Convention at Brussels, The, III. 318.

Peace of Europe, The, III. 337.

Pennsylvania Hall, III. 58.

Pennsylvania Pilgrim, The, i. 316.

Pentucket, i. 33.

Pictures, II. 25.

Pine-Tree, The, III. 102.

Pipes at Lucknow, The, i. 183.

Poet and the Children, The, IV. 150.

Poor Voter on Election Day, The, III. .342.

Powers, Preston, Inscription for Bass Relief, IV. 309.

Prayer of Agassiz, The, II. 295.

Prayer-Seeker, The, II. 289.

Preacher, The, i. 217.

Pressed Gentian, The, II. 64.

Prisoner for Debt, The, III. 321.

Prisoners of Naples, The, III. 335.

Problem, The, III. 366.

Proclamation, The, III. 239.

Proem, i. 11.

Prophecy of Samuel Sewall, The, i. 210.

Pumpkin, The, II. 107.

Quaker Alumni, The, IV. 166.

Quaker of the Olden Time, The, III. 271.

Quakers are Out, The, IV. 401.

Questions of Life, II. 236.

Rabbi Ishmael, i. 387.

Randolph of Roanoke, III. 131.

Ranger, The, i. 160.

Rantoul, IV. 84.

Raphael, II. 98.

Red Riding-Hood, II. 166.

Red River Voyageur, The, i. 215.

Reformer, The, III. 314.

Relic, The, III. 69.

Remembrance, II. 114.

Rendition, The, III. 170.

Requirement, II. 327.

Requital, i. 413.

Response, II. 168.

Reunion, The, IV. 220.

Revelation, II. 342.

Revisited, IV. 178.

Reward, The, II. 232.

Ritner, III. 47.

River Path, The, II. 53.

Robin, The, i. 314.

‘Rock, The,’ in El Ghor, II. 247.

Rock-Tomb of Bradore, The, i. 388.

R. S. S., at Deer Island on the Merrimac, IV. 298.

Sabbath Scene, A, III. 159.

St. Gregory's Guest, i. 405.

St. John, i. 45.

St. Martin's Summer, II. 81.

Sea Dream, A, II. 67.

Seed-Time and Harvest, III. 278.

Seeking of the Waterfall, The, II. 76.

Sentence of John L. Brown, The, III. 89.

Sewall, Samuel E., IV. 410.

Shadow and the Light, The, II. 252.

Ship-Builders, The, III. 302.

Shoemakers, The, III. 291.

Sicilian Vespers, The, IV. 338.

Sigourney, Lydia H., Inscription on Tablet, IV. 309.

Singer, The, IV. 122.

Sisters, The, i. 308.

Sisters, The: a Picture by Barry, II. 246.

Skipper Ireson's Ride, i. 174.

Slave-Ships, The, III. 19.

Slaves of Martinique, The, III. 136.

Snow-Bound, II. 134.

Song for the Time, A, III. 189.

Song, A, inscribed to the Fremont Clubs, III. 192.

Song of Harvest, A, IV. 160.

Song of Slaves in the Desert, III. 125.

Song of the Vermonters, 1779, The, IV. 394.

Spirit of the North, The, IV. 340.

Spiritual Manifestation, A, IV. 189.

Stanzas: ‘Bind up thy tresses, thou beautiful one,’ IV. 356.

Stanzas for the Times, III. 35.

Star of Bethlehem, The, II. 188.

Stearns, George L., IV. 117.

Storm on Lake Asquam, II. 84.

‘Story of Ida,’ The, II. 336.

Summer by the Lakeside, II. 27.

Summer Pilgrimage, A, II. 86.

Summons, A, III. 40.

Summons, The, III. 213.

Sumner, IV. 127.

Sunset on the Bearcamp, II. 73.

Swan Song of Parson Avery, The, i.188.

Sweet Fern, II. 89.

Sycamores, The, i. 178.

Tauler, i. 141.

Taylor, Bayard, IV. 140.

Telling the Bees, i. 186.

Tent on the Beach, The, IV. 227.

Texas, III. 94.

Thiers, IV. 135.

Three Bells, The, i. 352.

Thy Will be Done, III. 217.

Tilden, Samuel J., IV. 155.

To——. Lines written after a Summer Day's Excursion, IV. 67. [453]

To——, with a Copy of John Woolman's Journal, IV. 16.

To a Cape Ann Schooner, IV. 155.

To a Friend, IV. 23.

To a Poetical Trio in the City of Gotham, IV. 396.

To a Southern Statesman, III. 104

To Avis Keene, IV. 54.

To Charles Sumne, IV. 91.

To Delaware, III. 127.

To E. C. S., IV. 285.

To Englishmen, III. 226.

To Faneuil Hall, III. 98.

To Fredrika Bremer, IV. 52.

To G. G., IV. 308.

To George B. Cheever, IV. 97.

To James T. Fields, IV. 98.

To John C. Fremont, III. 222.

To J. P., IV. 34.

To Lydia Maria Child, IV. 120.

To Massachusetts, III. 100.

To my Friend on the Death of his sister, IV. 46.

To my old Schoolmaster, IV. 73.

To my Sister, II. 110.

To Oliver Wendell Holmes, IV. 315.

To Pennsylvania, III. 184.

To Pius IX., III. 329.

To Ronge, IV. 41.

To Samuel E. Sewall and Harriet W. Sewall, III. 216.

To the Memory of Charles B. Storrs, IV. 11.

To the Memory of Thomas Shipley, III. 43.

To the Reformers of England, III. 280.

To the Thirty-Ninth Congress, III. 261.

To William H. Seward, III. 214.

To William Lloyd Garrison, III. 9.

Trailing Arbutus, The, II. 81.

Trinitas, II. 243.

Truce of Piscataqua, The, i. 230.

Trust, II. 242.

Two Angels. The, II. 309.

Two Elizabeths, The, i. 409.

Two Loves, The, II. 337.

Two Rabbins, The, i. 282.

Utterance, II. 329.

Vale of the Merrimac, The, IV. 335,

Valuation, i. 386.

Vanishers, The, II. 59.

Vaudois Teacher, The, i. 17.

Vesta, II. 305.

Vision of Echard, The, II. 315.

Voices, The, III. 345.

Vow of Washington, The, IV. 286.

Voyage of the Jettie, II. 170.

Waiting, The, II. 132.

Watchers, The, III. 223.

Wedding Veil, The, IV. 331.

Welcome to Lowell, A, IV. 152.

Well of Loch Maree, The, i. 124.

What of the Day, III. 191.

What State Street said to South Carolina, IV. 399.

What the Birds said, III. 248.

What the Traveller said at Sunset, II. 334.

What the Voice said, II. 213.

Wheeler, Daniel, IV. 48.

Wife of Manoah to her Husband, The, II. 217.

Wilson, IV. 149.

Wind of March, The, IV. 31L

Winter Roses, IV. 219.

Wishing Bridge, The, II 398.

Wish of To-Day, The, III. 233.

Witch of Wenham, The, i. 360.

Within the Gate, IV. 143.

Woman, A, II. 294.

Wood Giant, The, II. 91.

Word, The, II. 326.

Word for the Hour, A, III 218.

Wordsworth, IV. 66.

World's Convention, The, III. 72.

Worship, II. 227.

Worship of Nature, The, IV. 282.

Wreck of Rivermouth, The, IV. 235.

Yankee Girl, The, III. 30.

Yorktown, III. 128.

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Wenham (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
St. Martin (1)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Saint Marks (Kansas, United States) (1)
Saint Helena Island, S.C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
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Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
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Dover, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (1)
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Lydia Maria Child (2)
Robert Burns (2)
Wordsworth (1)
John Woolman (1)
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Daniel Wheeler (1)
Amy Wentworth (1)
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John Underhill (1)
Trio (1)
S. Oliver Torrey (1)
Samuel J. Tilden (1)
Thomas (1)
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Charles Sumner (1)
Charles Sumne (1)
Charles B. Storrs (1)
George L. Stearns (1)
Thomas Starr (1)
Cassandra Southwick (1)
Lydia H. Sigourney (1)
Thomas Shipley (1)
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Samuel Sewall (1)
Harriet W. Sewall (1)
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Ritner (1)
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Preston Powers (1)
Paean (1)
Toussaint La Ouverture (1)
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Newbury (1)
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John Matha (1)
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Marguerite (1)
Longfellow (1)
William Leggett (1)
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Kinsman (1)
Thomas Starr King (1)
Avis Keene (1)
Kane (1)
Freed Islands (1)
Isabel (1)
Ireson (1)
Ida (1)
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Lucy Hooper (1)
Hood (1)
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Fitz-Greene Halleck (1)
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Mary Garvin (1)
Garibaldi (1)
Barbara Frietchie (1)
John C. Fremont (1)
Wise Franklin (1)
William Forster (1)
Charles Follen (1)
James T. Fields (1)
Fern (1)
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Ebenezer Elliott (1)
Echard (1)
Eagle (1)
Abraham Davenport (1)
Marais Cygne (1)
Kate Choate (1)
George B. Cheever (1)
Channing (1)
Calef (1)
John L. Brown (1)
Fredrika Bremer (1)
Bradley (1)
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Hazel Blossoms (1)
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1779 AD (1)
December 25th (1)
March (1)
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