Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Greenville--census returns--educational institutions --Theological Seminary--Virginia Students--Court --political Speaking--"minute men"--curious Relic --Sunday School--Governor's Proclamation, &c.,&c.Greenville, S. C.,Oct. 29, 1860. This beautiful town, as many of your readers are aware, is, in point of population, the third place of importance in South Carolina. It is situated in the North western part of the State, in sight of the Blue Ridge mountains, and has long been a place of summer resort for the inhabitants of the sea — board. The States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia, are but a few miles distant. It is accessible by railroad, via Columbia, to all portions of country East of the Blue Ridge, and will shortly be brought into an intimate section with the West, by the Rabun Gap Railroad, now in process of construction.-- There is already a daily stage line to Greenville. Tennessee, on the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, a distance of one hundred miles. The census returns, which are being completed, show that the population of the town proper, is between 2,900 and 3,000, leaving out a few families whose census has not yet been taken. The value of real estate and personal property is $5,400,000; church property $64, Within the corporation limits there are dwellings. During the past year there have been but 43 deaths. Greenville is highly favored for its educational privileges. Some 100 students are in attendance on the lectures at Furman University, one of the first literary institutions of the South. The flourishing Female Institute has about 80 pupils. Here, too, is located the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The second session of the Seminary opened on the first of this month. Though so recently established, there still matriculates, 9 of whom are from Virginia, as follows: J. R. Bagby, of Powhatan; J. F. Deans, of Norfolk county; J. S. Brown, of Ambers; P. H. Cowherd, of Louisa; J. B. Taylor, Jr., of Richmond city; J. F. Hardwicke of Pennsylvania; C. H. Ryland, of King & Queen; H. E. Hatcher, of Bedford, and W. D. Harkes, of Buckingham. Two of the Professors are widely known and loved in Virginia, viz; Rev. Messrs. B. Manly, Jr., D. D., of Richmond, and J. A. Broadus, D. D., formerly of Charlottesville. The first named gentleman is Professor of ‘"Biblical Introduction and Interpretation of the Old Testament."’ Dr. Broadus is Professor of ‘"Interpretation of the New Testament, and Preparation and Delivery of Sermons."’ The chair of ‘"Systematic Theology, Polemic Theology and A Apologetics,"’ is ably filled by Rev. J. P. Boyce, D. D. Rev. Dr. Wm. Williams, formerly of Georgia, is Professor of ‘"Church History, Church Government and Pastoral ."’ Besides the Library of the Seminary, the private libraries of the Professors amount to over 10,000 volumes. The regular term of the Court of Common Pleas for this District is now in session, his Honor D. L. Wardlaw presiding. The only case of much interest on the issue docket, is that involving the validity of the will of Lawrence Brock, deceased. Last Tuesday, during the morning recess of Court, Hons. Messrs. Orr and Ashmore addressed the people of the District on the great political questions of the day. C. L. Orr said that he had no hope of the defeat of Lincoln for the Presidency; that, in the event of his election, the South could not consistently with honor and safety remain in the Union. He would counsel no hasty action on the part of the State. South Carolina should not withdraw alone. His opinion was that Commissioners should be appointed to go to and consult with other States, and ascertain the course they intended to pursue under the circumstances, so that there might be convert of action. Col. Ashmore traced Lincoln's political character for the last twenty years, and showed conclusively that Lincoln recognized and practiced the ‘"higher law"’ doctrine of the Abolition party. The prime object of the Republican party was nothing less than the entire extinction of the peculiar institution of the Southern States. The South should put herself into position for resistance, and when the time for resistance comes, she should resist even unto death. Steps are being taken here, as, indeed, in many portions of the State, for the organization of a company of ‘"minute men."’ A rare curiosity was shown to me on yesterday, by Mr. Lanneau, an artist, of Greenville. It was an original portrait of General Washington, taken in the General's camp by a German artist, on the back of his knapsack. The painting, though of course a rude and somewhat imperfect one, is very much like Sterling's celebrated painting of Washington. Your religious readers will be interested to know that one of the largest Sabbath schools in the State flourishes here, in connection with the Baptist Church. It numbers between two and three hundred scholars, and is under the superintendence of C. J. Elford, a prominent lawyer of this section.