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General assembly of Virginia.
[Extra session.]

Friday, Feb. 15, 1861.
Called to order at 12 o'clock, Lieut. Gov. Montague in the Chair.

A communication was received from the House announcing the passage by that body of Senate bill for protecting fisheries on the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay, with slight amendments, which were concurred in by the Senate.

Bills Reported.--To incorporate the Staffordsville Toll-Bridge Company; to amend the charter of the Bank of Commerce of Fredericksburg; for the appointment of a public administrator in each county and corporation; for the relief of Celia Edmunds; to legalize proceedings on Sunday in certain cases; providing for the voluntary enslavement of George, Shed, Sam and Sukey, persons of color in the county of Buckingham.

A Petition was presented from the commanding officers of the 181st Regiment Virginia militia, asking for a work on military tactics.

Resolutions.--On motion of Mr. August,

Resolved, That a select committee of three be appointed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill authorizing Howell L. Thomas, as attorney for — Jacques and others, to convey certain real estate.

Committee: Messrs. August, Isbell and Bruce, who subsequently reported the bill.

The following resolutions of inquiry were also adopted: By Mr. Critcher, authorizing the Monticello Bank or the Bank of the Commonwealth to establish an office of discount and deposit at Monaskon, in the county of Lancaster; by Mr. Taliaferro, of relieving the securities of Thos. K. Davis, late Sheriff of Prince William county, for the years 1857 and 1858; by Mr. August, of repealing so much of the law as imposes penalties upon Sheriffs for failing to pay into the treasury moneys received by them for the State.

Bills Passed.--House bill incorporating the Sweet Chalybeate Springs Company; Senate bill amending the 6th section of chapter 165 of the Code, to compensate Attorneys for the Commonwealth in Circuit Courts in cities and towns for services heretofore rendered by them; for the relief of the securities of Jas. R. Courtney, of Westmoreland county; increasing the number of permanent Clerks in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts.

Relief for the Banks.--Mr. Isbell called for the order of the day, being House bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth, reported by the committee with an amendment, providing ‘"that it shall be the duty of the several Banks and branch Banks of the State, whenever required by the Governor, to redeem in specie, or specie funds, such an amount of their notes as may be necessary to meet the demands upon the treasury of the Commonwealth; and to this end, the contribution shall be rateable and in proportion to the amount of the notes on each Bank or branch Bank, which may be received by the treasurer in payment of public revenue."’--The amendment of the committee was agreed to.

Mr. Armstrong proposed an amendment, which gave rise to considerable discussion, in which Messrs. Armstrong, August, Wickham, and others participated.

Mr. Armstrong then withdrew his amendment, in order to perfect it, and, on his motion, the bill was laid on the table, and made the order of the day for to-morrow, at 11 o'clock.

The bill providing compensation to John Critcher, for services rendered in prosecuting Samuel Hubbard, in Westmoreland county, was next taken up, and rejected.

On motion of Mr. Pennybacker, the Senate adjourned.

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