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General Assembly of Virginia.
[extra session.]

Monday, March 25, 1861.

The Senate was called to order at the usual hour, Mr. Johnson in the chair.

Bills Reported.--Incorporating the Staunton Savings Bank; to refund to Samuel E. Lee, a part of the license tax paid by him for such part of the year as the same was not used.

Bills Passed.--House bill to amend the charter of the Bank of Richmond; House bill to incorporate the town of Asbury, in Wythe county; Senate bill for the relief of Enoch Atkins, of Giles county; Senate bill for the relief of John M. Jones, late Sheriff of Pendleton county; Senate bill releasing the Commonwealth's title to 556ΒΌ acres of land in Harrison county, to John H. Taliaferro; Senate bill to repeal an act passed 19th March, 1860, concerning the mode of catching fish in certain waters.

Tax Bill.--On motion, the special order of the day was passed by, and the bill imposing faxes for the support of Government was taken up for consideration. The pending question was upon the amendment proposed by Mr. Finnet, providing that auctioneers should not pay more than $1,005, which was rejected.

Mr. Carson proposed then to tax auctioneers' sales at one-tenth of one percent., instead of one-half of one percent.

The subject was discussed by Messrs. Stuart, Paxton, August, Brannon, Carson and Coghill.

The Senate refused to strike out, thereby rejecting the proposition.

Mr. August proposed to amend by fixing the maximum of $2,000. Rejected.

Mr. Paxton moved to insert an independent section, imposing a tax on the owners of oyster plantations for each bushel taken from such plantation.

On motion of Mr. Finney, the amendment was indefinitely postponed.

The report of the Finance Committee, to whom had been referred the subject of taxing all private acts of Assembly passed at the present session, and which may hereafter be passed by the General Assembly, was considered, and discussed by Messrs. Brannon, Coghill, Paxton, Neeson, and others.

Mr. Paxton moved to lay on the table. Lost.

Mr. Newman proposed to amend by exempting all bills passed at the present session from the tax. Rejected.

Mr. Brannon moved to amend so as to fix a specific tax on such bills as have been, and may be passed at the present session. Lost.

The amendment as reported was then passed.

Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, moved to amend the 4th section, which imposes forty cents on every hundred dollars' worth of lands, lots and improvements, by striking out forty cents, with a view of increasing the amount.

Opposed by Messrs. Coghill, Brannon, and others.

Mr. Thomas moved to lay the bill on the table. Carried.

And then, on motion of Mr. Johnson, the joint resolution of Mr. Coghill, for suspending appropriations heretofore made to works of internal improvements, other than that to the Covington and Ohio Railroad, was taken up.

Pending the consideration of the subject,

On motion of Mr. Finney, the Senate adjourned.

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