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Gen. Jackson, of Wood.

--The Parkersburg (Va.) News, commenting upon the assertion of Gen. Jackson, of Wood, (during the debate upon Mr. Preston's resolution in the Convention,) that in no event would his constituency join the Southern Confederacy, says:

‘ It becomes our duty, in behalf of the people of this county, to express a decided dissent from Mr. Jackson's position, as stated by the papers, and to deny in toto his assertions in reference to our people.

’ We think the resolution was eminently just and proper, and we have yet to hear a single opinion to the contrary expressed by any man, of any party, in this place. It was adopted by the votes of Union men, and asked nothing more than it was right for the Convention to know.

We also deem it proper to state, that if our Union must remain disrupted, and we, as Virginians, must make choice between joining the South or being tied to the tail of a Black Republican, negro-equality Government, the people of Wood county, as true Virginians, will go with their Southern brethren. If there are any of our citizens who would not prefer this course, they can only be found among those who are in name or in fact Black Republicans.

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