From Fortsmouth.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]
Portsmouth, Va., May 25, 1861.
How many so-called informed men have read the debates in the Federal Convention of 1787?
How many in the enlightened, progressive, intellectual and Free-Soil North have formed their opinions of the Government of the United States upon such reasoning?
In relation to the question of coercion and force, which the vulgar and coarse-grained Ape of Illinois is attempting to make a practical one, ‘"Mr. Madison [in that Federal Convention] observed that the more he reflected on the use of force, the more he doubted the practicability, the justice and the efficiency of it, when applied to people collectively, and not individually.
A union of the States containing such an ingredient seemed to provide for its own destruction.
The use of force against a State would look more like a declaration of war than an infliction of punishment, and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous contracts by which it might be bound.
He hoped that such a system would be framed as might render this resource unnecessary, and moved that the clause be postponed.
The motion was agreed to, nem con,"’
But then, the ape who has been elected by the Black Republican vandals, wishes to ascertain ‘ "whether we have a Government"’--a National, Consolidated Empire-- himself its head — such as the Governments of England, France or Russia.
And in order to this he has waged war not against one State, but several States, assuming the powers of an Autocrat and a Dictator; and, sustained in his purpose by the demoralized sectionalism which has elevated him to the seat once occupied by a Washington and a Jefferson, whose shoes latchet he is unworthy to unloose.
Virginia has proclaimed at the ballot-box that she will never submit to such a trampling upon the Constitution, and such a usurpation.
She has now severed herself forever from the unholy alliance, and is now belligerent, ready, as she has ever been, to sacrifice all in the cause of liberty, and the right of a people to choose their own rulers and their own form of Government.
But not only has the warning of Mr. Madison been disregarded.
The voice of Eldridge Gerry, the Massachusetts delegate, is now unheeded by the ape and his Northern horde.
He warned the Convention against ‘"pushing the experiment too far"’--the experiment of emasculating the State Governments, and the formation and establishment of a centralized and consolidated Government.
‘"Some people,"’ he said, ‘"will support a plan of vigorous Government at every risk."’ Such are the Illinois Ape and his equally apish supporters.
‘"Others of a more Democratic caste,"’ he concluded, ‘"will oppose it with equal determination, and a civil war may be produced by the conflict."’ Such was the prophetic language of Gerry, and such is the war now existing.--But, I must back to the present.
An ignorant and misled man, by the name of Charles Ballentine, came to me yesterday morning and begged intercession for him. He had been stricken from the roll of the Home Guard in Gosport, for voting against ratification of the Ordinance of Secession.
He seemed much grieved — said he could not read, and had voted a ticket handed him by one in whom he placed confidence.
‘"Do you think,"’ said he, "I would fight against our people — no sir, never.
‘"I have been deceived."’ Perhaps there are other cases among the 75 of this character.
Capt. Frost, of Company K--the Light Guard, of the First Regiment Louisiana Volunteers--met with a serious accident yesterday, at the camp at Manlove's. He was drilling his company.
The men were in position to resist a charge — the front rank kneeling and the rear standing.
He approached to give instruction to one of his men in the front rank, as to the proper position in which he should hold his musket.
In doing so, the bayonet of the man in the rear pierced his eye. At first the Captain felt no inconvenience, regarding it as a slight pricking, and even continued the drill, but, after retiring to his tent, so intense became the pain, that he was brought in the city in a hand-car, and is now at the Ocean House.
It is to be hoped the brain was not penetrated, as is feared, and that he will, in due time, recover.
Paymaster Peters commenced paying off at the Navy-Yard yesterday, and will continue to-day until all the employees receive their wages.
I observe that the volunteers in Washington have been told they will have to wait for their pay until after the meeting of Congress.
I hear that things at the Navy-Yard are now in a way to work well, and that in a short time order and efficiency will reign.
Progress has so far been made with the sloop-of-war Preble as to render one-half of her port-holes visible.
In a short period she will be raised, and in due time docked.
Gen. Huger I saw yesterday.
He visited the Navy-Yard, and will assume the command of the forces here to-morrow.
He is a sprightly, active, and energetic looking man, and no doubt will fulfill the public expectations which his reputation as a soldier justly warrants.
Col. Jas. Gregory Hodges, formerly in command of the 3d Regiment Virginia Volunteers, left here to-day to report in Richmond.
He is a young man, animated by a noble emulation, and bears with him the good wishes of the whole community.
He is a native of this city, and no doubt feels that its honor and reputation are now allied with his own. He will bear himself well wherever his lot may be cast.
Lieut. Col. Vincent, with the Montgomery Guards and Davis Guards, are now encamped at St. Julien, the farm of Samuel M. Wilson, Esq., President of the Seaboard Road.
These companies marched from the Depot to the camp ground in 43 minutes, a distance of 4½ miles.
Private Hunt, of the Gulf City Guards, the sentry who shot Lieut. Storrs, has been remanded for trial before the Circuit Supreme Court.
It is said Lieut. Otey, V. M. I., fired the first shot at the Monticello, and Capt. Lamb, of the Woodies Reifies, fired the second.
The day is bright and warm, and the city and locality comparatively quiet.
I have ascertained, since writing the foregoing, that the injury sustained by Capt. Frost is not of so serious a nature as at first apprehended.--He is at present not likely to lose his eye, and will probably be out in a few days.
Old Dominion.