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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
from the University of Virginia.

University of Virginia, May 31.
Allow me, through the columns of your widely circulated and much esteemed paper, to communicate what is passing in this classic vicinity. And I shall allude only to the military news, as literary and scientific pursuits have been almost suspended. It is true that the Professors go through the regular routine of Lectures and Examinations, and have us youthful patriots double- quicking from 7 ½ A. M. to 4 ½ P. M., but few obey the command ‘"Attention,"’ and the deserters are numerous.

Camp Jefferson, near this place, and under the direction of Lieut.Col. Fry, is the place of rendezvous for this and several adjoining counties. For weeks we have had hundreds of the brass button gentry in our midst, some quartering in the College buildings, which answer splendidly for the purpose.

Another company from this county is expected to arrive here shortly. The company have wisely adopted their name from that gallant gentleman and eloquent statesman. Prof. Holcombe, who so ably represented the county in the Convention.

There were no Union votes cast in the county, and one distinguished citizen who has been of Union proclivities, is severely censured for refusing to vote on the question.

There exists in College a large company, called the ‘"Jefferson Davis Volunteers;" ’ It is composed of the flower of our students, and if called upon duty, would do good service in our cause.

It is a determined fact that this institution is to be turned, temporarily, into a school for military instruction. The exercises will commence, in part, on next Monday, but the discipline of camp. &c., will not be instituted until the close of the present collegiate session.

In a word, we are preparing for the combat, and await with cool determination the approach of our fanatical foe. Let them come, and from every hill and dale they will receive the constant and assiduous attention of Virginia's hospitable gentlemen. This grand revolution must only result in the establishment of a free and happy nation. One more star must henceforth be added to the national firmament, eclipsing all others in splendor and brightness! Long may our banner brave the breeze!


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