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New Publications.

‘"Selections from the Book of Common Prayer."’ We have received Part I. of ‘"Selections from the Book of Common Prayer,"’ in use in the Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. Published by James Alexander, Charlottesville.

‘"De Bow's Review for August."’ The table of contents is as follows: ‘"Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests."’ By F. Payne Porcher, M. D, of South Carolina. ‘"Hayti and the Monroe Doctrine."’ By Geo. Fitzhugh, of Virginia. ‘"The Legation of Thomas Jefferson."’ By W. S. Grayson, of Mississippi. ‘"The Women of the South."’ By Geo. Fitzhugh, of Virginia. ‘"The Sources of Greatness."’ By Edwin Heriot, of South Carolina. ‘"Southern Scenery."’ By the Editor. ‘"Something about Artillery and Artillery Practice."’ ‘"Miscellany and Editorial."’

This Review is one of the best, most solid, instructive and useful ever published in the South. It is a work of real merit, that deserves support on its own account, without reference to the section in which it appears. The South has reason to be proud of it, and every Southern gentleman should be solicitous to sustain a publication which labors so zealously in setting forth the industrial resources of the Southern States and urging their development.

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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (2)
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Charlottesville (Virginia, United States) (1)
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George Fitzhugh (2)
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De Bow (1)
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