
From the North.
and interesting News.

from New York, dated April 22d. Baltimore paper, has the following:

B Hart, who the City of New York, Liverpool to day, represents the feeling Englishmen, in regard to mailer, as amounting to an absolute to under the impulse of this fever the Government is urged to bend all gives to the adaptation of the existing walls to the new critter of things by the Merrimac, and Monitor in Reeds. The apprehension seemed unless England took time by the , as well as the United States, ahead of her.

Hart also represents that the Confederates are as active as ever in London Liverpool, and Paris, leaving no stone with a view of helping their close, had several interviews with Lord the week previous to the , and there was much among outsiders as to what was in the additional proofs of the inefficiency in the arrival lately of from Charleston, are supposed to the business in hand. The Confederate Commissioner, moreover, was very with the editors of the London Times, and Morning Post, and, judging by the of the leaders of those journal speaking of recent Federal authorship of them may be clearly that source. Mason, I was added, money freely in giving "prince. " at his residents in Pica

"Contrabands" Farm in New York

letter men the following:

contraband" was discovered, , in an alley this morning make a breakfast of some garbage an box on the sidewalk. Upon being , he said he was from Loudoun, and have to his home by a Massa soldier he would have plenty to eat and he got North. put him on the train for Phila when he reached the latter place and "friend" told him to "following the he would reach New York where he would be well looked.

The ‘"dars"’ arrived here Sundaycompletely . He called of his free ‘"colored brethren"’ and for food and lodging, but they to have anything to do with and he was forced to keep out of doors whenever he could pick up in the darky is quite a young fellow-- many years of age --and gives his name to a person. He was owned by a gentlemen of Wilcox who resided in Baltimore and he says he always well fed, rented by his master. They "con been taken care of by benevolent gentleman, who has engaged him as a . He is very indignant at the to leave some. This is but at numerous cases daily transpiring this city.

Northern Philanthropy.

[From the Bottom(mass) Charier]
--After reading the Courier for on the great and questions of the day I look through papers for other matters, and the Boston Journal particularly, to facts which its strong point. In the Journal for last, I find an emotional headed Port Royal Contrabands," in which are some disclosures that do not perfectly harmonise with my notions of humanity and yet seem to given as all proper in the dealings with the negro, for whom the has an unmistakably kind feeling. It

Letters received by the Educational Commission of Boston, from teachers employed at Fort Royal and its vicinity, speak very encouragingly of the present condition and the inabilities and disposition of the numerous negro population of the Port Royal Islands. negroes are busily employed in planting , corn, and potatoes, laboring cheerfully for slight peculiarly rewards, and a tractable, obedient, and deferential which has deeply impressed the white who are striving to fit them to take of themselves"

Now about these slight pecuniary rewards this our plan of Philanthropy applied to negro — shave him of as much work as position, and give him only a slight pecuniary I thought at first that probably he had a good deal else that was not pecuniary and this latter was a sort of gratuity it --but evidently it is not so, for stillon I find-- "The contrabands are still in lead of clothing, and the letters all that contributions be sent to them, that the materials, rather than read garments, be sent.

clothing is not given to the negroes, but furnished in return for labor performed, are distinctly made to understand that must labor for all they receive, and must in order to support themselves. Besides thing, salt, (of which they stand in much , tobacco, sugar and salt meats are retired for the use of the contrabands; and all articles must be voluntarily contribution as the blacks have no way of making payment except in labor on the spot"

Now, here is a picture of the operation of million philanthropy. The poor negro is want of clothing salt, tobacco, sugar, &c. is made to understand he must buy all , and he has‘"no way of making payment except by labor on the spot"’ He ‘"cheerfully,"’ and gets only ‘"a slight pe reward,"’ which of course is very and very entirely absorbed by or retied to the generous philanthropist in confidence of the necessities of his colored--clothing, sugar, &c. Really, did the worst livelier of New England philanthropy tell a harder story against it than this by the Boston Journal? Now, another comes to us from another quarter, but equality reliable one, Viz: that this ‘"slight pecuniary reward"’ is rendered in the form one dollar bank bills Boston banks-- natural we are and fear of which, leaving out other exceedingly obvious causes of their decrease. Will prevent a large per of them being returned from Port Royal to Boston. How many plantation nehaving received their ‘"slight pecuniary reward, "’ was ever be seen on State street, sending their way to the desk of a paying of a Boston bank? Exquisite ingenuity the generous philanthropy of First shave the contraband ‘"laboring cheerfully"’ on his work, with ‘"a slight peculiarly rewards,"’ next shave him on his , clothing, sugar, tobacco, &c., and shave him on one dollar bills of Boston banks. Can a Yankee overseer go

‘"For the information of those who would like to aid in this noble effort to benefit the liberated slaves, we will state that Governor, Andrew is President of the Educational Commission, William, Endicott, Jr. , and Edward Atkinson, Secretary" ’

But we would suggest to these gentlemen and to those who contribute to the ‘"offer. "’ and its nobility, that if they apply for an act operation their body might more descriptively be called ‘"The double action for blade Association for Shaving Central bands"’ More of this hereafter.


The way to Count dead men — a prominent Marksman.

One of the correspondents of the New York Tribunes writing from the Camp before Yorktown, says:

‘ These sharp-shooters, by the way, received a compliment last Sunday, when Generals Keys and Smith applied to Gen. Heiniselman to borrow 150 of them, just to pick off the gunners of the Confederate batteries on the excitement left. By 11 o'clock they had killed ‘"counting the groons"’ The men are now relieved from night duty, returning to . I hear that Col. Berdan has for the forwarding of his regiment, at present with Gen. McDowell, and for the Minnesota company with Halleck. When a general engagement occurs we cannot have too many sharp-shooters.

’ They say the Confederates fire pretty well, using generally Mississippi rifles, but some have target ones and repeaters. One person of the 2d has become prominent. He is a fine looking beared man, not in uniform, and he walks leisurely from point to point within the Confederates entrenchments, or along the woods skirting them, accompanied by a negro, who dutifully carries his rifles, a weapon of at least forty pounds weight. He is never in a hurry, and a capital shot. At least one of our men has fallen by his hand. They suppose him to be a civilian, a Secesh version of the newspaper story of ‘"Garibaldi's Englishman,"’ and have banded together to make sure of him. Still, up to the present date, he is alive and shooting.

in prayers

The army correspondent of the Savannah Republican has the following:

‘ The object of the Federal Government, its culprit, its press, and its pestilent demagogues, is to warp the judgments and to fire the hearts of their Brussels soldiery with a sensational hatred of the Southern people and their institutions. What their armies lack in principle and courage, they hope to supply by hatred and fanaticism. If one may judge from the ignorance and poverty of ideas manifested in most of the letters found on the field, they have abundant material upon which to operate.

’ There is a singular uniformity in the beginning and ending of many of the letters. Out of a half dozen now on my table, four of them open after this style:

‘"dear friends I now sets myself to inform you that I am well and truly hope those few lines may find you ongoing the same good health."’

The conclusion is frequently after this form:

"Your friend till deth rite soon.
Ethelinda Cole
James R. Wakley"

Mite Ethelda writes two letters upon the same sheet to two of her acquaintances in the army, add she uses the same form in the beginning and conclusion of both letters. Miss Amanda Smith is more sentimental. She concludes a very pathetic letter after this fashion;

"I wish you all could be here but as you said there no use of wishing anything about it well you must keep in good courage and just think you are doing your duty Write son So fare Well From Miss Amanda Smith To J, M. Wise your best friend.

Don't let any one see this letter Write rite off and don't put it off.

‘ You are the one that I love best,
so let year thoughts upon me rest

’ Many of the letters from home speak of the prostration of all branches of business and the of money; while many of those from camp, which had no been sent off, express much uneasiness on account of the climate, the water and the increasing sickness. The writers all desire to see the war terminated. I learn from one of the letters, have a volunteer from Ohio had entered into a copartnership before he left home. He says in a letter to his brother.

‘"Aim promises to give me half that he makes on the mid if I will give him one half that I make in the army — that's the agreement."’

The following letter from the surgeon of the 534 Ohio regiment to the Colonel commanding, I give entire:

"Col I J Appier:

Sir: It again Becomes Ty Duty to address you in Reference to Rev Mr. Mclutere he has not recovered his health, but was worse List Knight than Ever The whole Difficulty is in his hand, By Spells he is Deranged which was the case Last Knight he emerged he had been in a battle and was wounded. But was still Ready to Stand his Ground, I Suppose the Difficulty is by a . To the Brain, and I Doe not think he will be able to region his Reg't for months, ad to this the warm weather coming on the Army Going South which I think will call make against him. Therefore I have advised him to resyne which I thing he would Doe by your Consent, for he you very highly and is afraid you or the Regiment will think The less of him for such a course, And he Would Rather Suffer Death than his character should Suffer, I hope you will answer this and give some Expression that will set his mind at case, for his Relation to the Reg a great deal to Doe with the case, I have attended him closely & that he will not able to send a Campaign, for he cannot stand the Excitement of the Battle Field, All of which I respectfully submit, Please take Dew notice and govern.

yourself accordingly
S. Littler, M. D." I add the following letter for the edification of your lady friends:

Jackson, March 04, 1862 at School.
Dear Johnny
--As I am at stress for something to do, I thought I could spend my time in as a way as any writing to you; but I am thinking if Mr. Songbon would cast his eyes over in this direction at this time, he would be of a different opinion. It is not my turn to write, but I am going to write to you whenever I get time, and I hope you will do the same. Don't always wait for an answer, but write as often as you can.

I have had quite a time of it among the girls. Most of them are in favor of my dropping Jim for you, while some few wish me to take Jim. But you need not think they have any influence over me, for they cannot influences me in a matter so near at heart.

You may have to fear of my changing again, for I never could think as much of J. R as I do of you — although there was a time when I did not know the true state of my heart, and therefore decided in Jim's favor — but I regard him now as nothing more than a friend.

I am going to try to make my letters as interesting to you as possible, but you must overtook all deficiencies in that way, and only remember that I love you, and do not judge by the tone of my letters my feeling, towards you.

I believe I told you, in my other letter, about those two young men being here. I did not tell you their names, for I did not think you knew then; but I remember hearing you spear of one of them. One was Harrison Cadott and the other Jesse L Clarig

Do you recollect the time that you preached that dog sermon?

Quin got a letter from Ellison yesterday afternoon, and answered it last night.

Mary Hoop is getting along finely. I suppose she misses you of Sunday nights. I don't know what Fan will do if she is disappointed much longer in getting a letter from Spering. Harrison Cadott is Julia Dungar's bean. I think that is a fine match

Annie Laird and I are seat-mates. We are as good friends as ever. Ellen Hoffman wrote a letter to Jim R. the next day after he left. I think she was in a hurry. I shall have to close, as school is nearly out. You must not neglect writing as often as you possibly can.

Ever yours,
E. K. L.

Affairs in New York

New York May 3.
--A respectably dressed young man, supposed to be connected with wealthy relatives, registered himself at the New England Hotel as Wm Altkin, late on Thursday night, and on Friday was found dead in his bed, having committed suicide with laudanum. The Coroner's inquest on Friday evening revealed the fact that he had paid his last cent for his lodging, and that sheer destination led him to take his own life.

On Thursday Comptroller Hawes paid off the first city war loan of $1,000,000 which was treated under the title of the ‘"Union Defence Fund Bonds."’ Payment was made by a reissue, bearing six per cent., and payable Nov. 1, 1864. Most of the reissue was taken by the first holders, and there were more par bids for it than could be accommodated.

Madame Geffrard, the wife of the President of , with her daughter, will visit New York in May 10 a Haytlen man-of-war, on their way to Paris, where Madame Geffrard has two daughters at school.

There was a regular panic to-day in the market for ‘"mosquito nets,"’ the Government having come into market and swept it about bore. Prices have gone up 100 per cent. in consequence.

The Rev. Nathan Bangs, D. D., one of the fathers of American Methodism, died, at his residence, in this city, his morning. He was 84 years old, and has been a minister upwards of sixty years.

The steamships City of New York and Tortious left for Europe to-day. The former took out $4, 7000 to specie and the latter $325,000--to add $741,000.

Charles Douglass, aged seventy-one years, was sent to the penitentiary yesterday for stealing some clothing from the Globe Hotel. The prisoner is an old offender, and is said to have served forty years to prison.

One hundred and fifty of the soldiers wounded at Leet's Vills arrived here this evening from Yorktown, on the steamer Richard Willing.

The ‘"Leader"’ a democratic paper, was to-day notified by Secretary Stanton that its transmission through the mails would hereafter be prohibited.

Affairs in Philadelphia

Philadelphia May 8
--The United States District Court has issued an order of condemnation of the prize schooner British Queen and her cargo, consisting of coffee and salt. This vessel arrived here about two months ago, in charge of a prize master, she having been captured in an attempt to run the blockade.

The Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad Company are building a new depot west of their present depot at Broad and Bluest--. It is a continent on of the other, and intended to afford larger facilities.

Daniel S. Bellman, formerly member of Councils, died this morning. He represented the 11th ward in Select Council for two terms, and held other offices under the city government.

Another prominent citizen, Phillip R. Schuyler, died this morning. He was an old resident of the district of the Northern Liberties.

Heavy arrest of gamblers in Baltimore.

On Saturday night, the 3d inst., the police of Baltimore arrested a large number of gamblers at the house of award Hall, No.74 Holliday street, and at a later hour made another heavy heal at the house of Thomas Bond, corner of Orleans and Lewis streets. They

[from the St. Mary's (Md.) Beacon]

Whatever difference of honest opinion may have existed in Maryland in reference to the sincerity of the apprehensions which the Southern States expressed and acted upon for the safety of their property when they found the Government peaching into the hands of a sectional party, on one can doubt that these apprehensions were well grounded, and that South Carolina, with all her imperfections, was a veritable prophet. The abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, the nullification of the fugitive slave law by Congress, and the emancipation designs of Mr. Lincoln upon the Border Slave States, are the solemn witnesses which she carries before the bar of history to justify her fiery onset upon Sumter, we of Maryland have been an lightened a little to late, but at last we have been enlightened. We have discovered at last that the war is waged, not mainly for the restoration of the and the honor of the old flag, but chiefly for the abolition of slavery — Intoxicated for the moment by the sou cry of ‘"War for the Union,"’ we have assisted to rob the people of the District of Columbia, and to render valueless our own slave interests.

The scales have at last fallen from our eyes, and we see now no longer through a glass, darkly. We have been brought to realize that ‘"our patriot President"’ is something worse than a promise greater, and that she cry for the Union is a miserable cheat. We may not now avoid the which is upon ourselves, but it still remains in our power to withdraw our sanction from a war which, it is now manifest, is waged against the Confederate States from vindictive motives and mainly for the extirpation of slavery wherever it exists. That the voice of Maryland may be rendered as effective as possible against the further prosecution of such a war and against all emancipation schemes, whether they come from Lincoln or his allies in this State, we advocate the ignoring of all past issues and the formation of a party sufficiently comprehensive and broad bottomed to embrace the whole anti abolition sentiment of our State.

Yorktown before the evacuation, seen through Yankee Spiracles.

We take the following from a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer, dated at Camp Scott, near Yorktown, April 29:

Yesterday afternoon and all last night particularly about daylight, secern has been firing some of his large guns in an exceedingly loose manner. Shells were thrown to the right, to the left, and to the centre, sometimes at an object and sometimes just to see how for they could shoot. Of course, they suppose we are busy always after they fire a shot in picking up the killed and wounded, but if it is any consolation to them we can inform them that so the less twenty-four hours, there is ‘"nobody hurt"’

On the fort near Yorktown, yesterday, a large force of slaves was working building round turrets to set ; they are made some fifty feet in diameter; with hand-bags. They seemed to have no fear, and worned like beave to carrying up the sand-bags from the rent; the bags are white, and the turrets will, when done, make a splendid target — no attempt was made upon on the part to prevent them from proceeding with their operations, although they were continually firing their cannon on both sides of the work.

Yesterday three large schooners came down the York river, loaded with flour, which was unloaded at the Yorktown wharf. The wharf was crowded with teams all day hauling it away.

The rebels are bushy engaged in constructing a wharf about a quarter of a mile below the present one, on the Gloucester . What it can be for is a mystery. A continuous line of force and calls can be seen hauling dirt down from one of their forts, and banking it out in the river, while a few boats are lying on the opposite side with some logs.

A Bird's eye view.

From a New York letter, dated April 29 we copy the following:

There is, I fear, but little of the spirit of the primitive apostles animating their professed followers in these degenerate days, or else the Secretary of the Society for the Increase of the Ministry of the Protestant copal Church would never be compelled, as he is to make public the fact that there are now no fewer than five hundred parishes in the Northern States a one which are vacant at present, the largest proportion of which were in country places, and unable to pay large salaries to the rector, and this, too, when there are many ministers standing idle in the market place unwilling to accept and labor in any of these parishes, but waiting for parishes in the city, or in the large towns of the West. This savors more of attachment to the kingdom of this world than devotion to the Kingdom of God.

Rare birds are our city fathers. During a discussion last night, in special session, upon making an appropriation to defray the expenses of celebrating Washington's birthday, Alderman Dayton called Alderman Genet a sympathiser with Beauregard, Davis and Toomb. Genet thereupon intimated to the party of the first part that if he repeated that allegation he would knock him down.--Other blanken of a like characteristic description followed, and the Chamber, for a while, more resembled a dog kennel than a deliberative assembly.

Miscellaneous items.

The successor of the late Governor Harvey, of Wisconsin, is Edward Solomon, Esq., of Milwaukee, who, says the Milwaukee News, is the first German both citizen that has ever filled the gubernatorial chair of any State in the Union. In politics he is a Democrat.

A few days ago, Mr. Samuel Sloan, a prominent merchant of Cape Garardean, Mq., was shot and instantly killed in that place by a lady, wife of a Lieutenant in an Iowa company.

Capt. Jacob L. Clark, of Mq, who was wounded in the battle of Shiloh, committed suicide in the hospital at St. Louis last Sunday week.

Mr. J. L. Carmer was recently awarded the contract for furnishing mules to the Federal army in Western Virginia, at an aggregate of $208,000.

‘"The Birds' Nest"’ is the title given to an asylum just opened in Dublin, Finland, for Catholic orphans.

Three thousand applications have been received from young women wishing to be engaged as waiters at the London exhibition.

The report that a brother of the wife of the President was among the slain at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, is contradicted by the Northern papers.

A portrait of Aaron Burr, by Vanderlyn, was sold at auction, in New York, the other day, for $210.

Thomas C Fitzpatrick who has been incarcerated in Fort Lafayette for some months past, charged with politician offences, was brought to Baltimore on the 8d instant for trial.

Hon. Thomas P. Porter, late Speaker of the Kentucky State Senate, and Marshall Carter, son of Dr. J. C. Carter, after several months in the seceding States, returned to their homes in Versailles, Kentucky, on Saturday last--. They were at once by arrested by the Provost Marshal of Lexington, and sent North for safe keeping.

Mr. Louis deGeofry, First Secretary of the French Legation at Washington has been promoted by the French Minister to Greece Vicompte Jules T his place as First Secretary of Legationia Washington.

The entire taxes which the citizens of Massachusetts will have to pay are estimated to amount to about $20 per head, or $75 per poll throughout the State.

Henry Karst, who was sentenced to be hung at Akron, Ohio, on the 25th April, for the murder of his wife, committed suicide in his cell on the night of the 22d.

The value of the dry goods imported at New York during the month of April was $2,849,285, an excess of nearly half a million over the imports of the same month last year.

Perry Davis, the inventor of the celebrated ‘"Pain Killer,"’ died in Providence, R. I., last Friday.

William, Orange, late President of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, died in Cincinnati on Wednesday.

George Wolkey has been convicted at St. Louis of counterfeiting Treasury notes, and sent to the penitentiary for three years.

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