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Stop T & E Runaways--$200 reward.

The following negro men left the Tredegar Iron Works on Saturday last. We will pay a reward of two hundred dollars for their apprehension and delivery to us in this city, or in any jail where we can get them; or in the same proportion for the arrest of either of them:

Fleming, has a dark skin, about 5 feet 8 inches high, has a slight impediment in his speech, and has a wife living on the Brook e.

Jim Lightfoot, has a very dark skin, d teeth, about 5 feet 4 inches high, has a wife in Hanover county at Dr. Gaines's.

George Washington, has a brown , downcast look when questioned, about inches high.

Cambridge, has not a very healthy appearance, brown skin, 5 feet 8 inches high, has a wife near the Second African Church.

Willis Dickenson, has a dark skin, mouth and eyes, speaks slowly, about 5 high, can read and write, good teeth, and has a wife in the city.

my 15--w J. R. Anderson & Co.

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George Washington (1)
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J. R. Anderson (1)
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