

The Fifth North Carolina Regiment,

Halifax, N. C., May 13th, 1862.">
Editors of the Dispatch:
We have evidence here that the 5th Regiment North Carolina State troops behaved most gallantly and suffered severely in the battle of Williamsburg, on the 6th inst. We now indeed, that Lieut Snow, of Captain company, a now lamented citizen of county, was killed in the action, and we are heard that several other friends shared the same fate; and yet the Richmond papers have not taken the slightest notice of the regiment in connection with the fight. We cannot but feel hurt at this neglect; it is, at last, due to the relations of the soldiers who here that the list of casualties should be published.

We have full confidence in our troops. They are as gallant a body of men as ever trod the . In keeping with the character of our people, they do not seek notoriety, nor they retain camp followers to blazon their but this is no reason why they should be with apparently studied neglect by any of the Virginia press. Quakiest.

To the Editors of the Dispatch:

As one deeply interested in the defiance of Richmond. I would mention a circumstance which occurred on Cape Fear river some years ago which I have thought might possibly an idea with regard to the preservation of our Capital. A fire occurred at Wilmington, N. C., which ignited a large quantity of tar. This running down to Cape Fearafter and floating over its surface, threatened to envelops every ship on it in flames. The of these vessels left the river hastily, avoid the imminent danger. Could not the rface of James river be thus covered with contents of thousands of barrels of tar, rude turpentine, and resin in a state of ignition, upon which might be thrown old boxes, barrels, lumber and shanties, pine faggots and such other combustibles as would make James river too hot to hold the Yankee ves either wooden or iron clad?

A Subscriber.

The position of our country.

Camp Mcintosh, North Carolina, May 14, 1862.
To the Editors of the Dispatch:

The heavy hand of misfortune has recently dealt us some severe blows, and have heard with deep mortification the fall of the Crescent City and the of our gunboats there, of the evacuation.

Norfolk and the destruction of property And now we are assured that the Virginia, upon which we had learned almost to and to which we had looked as a barrier which the Federals might attempt in vain to in order to secure Richmond, has been to the flames, as a last resort, to her falling into the hands of our en That these calamities should have fallen us, we of course deeply regret, as patriot should do; but we are not, in consequence thereof, of that number who, like bint Heart, would close their eyes and settle themselves in the very jaws of the destroyer, whom to sue for mercy would be but to sure deeper injury.

The number of these respondents, we are happy to believe, is extremely small, and ex principally among the citizens who do at understand the spirit that animates our ps, and their determination to conquered to free their country, or else to fall blessed tyrs to her cause. It is astonishing to see what confidence the simple act of going to camp and the knowledge that one holds own hands the means of defence, in a man. It invigorates both body and and we think it would be a deed of rity in the authorities to require all such as are suffering in consequence of the ominers of our prospects to go into camp, thereby dissipate their doubts and brace spirits, and, at the same time, rid the immunities of such pests; for they can be of service at home, their constant influence to depress others and to frighten the fe ales, who, God bless them, are, I believe, far the more patriotic and the braver por of our people. Let them but continue to cheerful, and to aid us by their prayers. we promise them that when we return will bear in our hands and upon our rows wreaths of victory, while into all arts shall be infused the elements of peace happiness, and around every fireside hover the Genius of Liberty and spirit of Independence. But with faint-hearted we would have a and, in the first place, we would re ind them that no people ever yet enjoyed privileges of freemen without paying for them; and, secondly, that people who the dearest price for freedom prizes it most highly, and will cling to it most tena ously. Hence we incline to believe that this struggle is the last this Continent will witness of Americans struggling with selves. Now, there remains but one question to you faint hearted, desponding men of the South, and this question even you cannot all to answer, as the Hon-heard have done; Will you be freemen, or will you be slave?" question which our forefather answered-- the language of the forest-born. Demoaths--‘"Give me liberty, or give me death!"’ our Southern soldiery reiterate almost manimously to-day, and our Southern women laper at every breath. Then the little difference of sentiment arises from a misconception upon the part of some, as to what would their real condition were we subjugated.--They imagine that we would return to the and as we lived formerly so we would continues to live. They forget that who now press us on every hand and instigated this unholy war, gave us as rances that our rights would be respected our property protected, before fanaticism had fastened itself so firmly upon them, and we had friends among them — many and they forget that those assurances ignored, our property seized and our trampled upon, and when we asked redress under the Constitution which themselves had helped to frame and adopted, they taunted us with, ‘ "The constitution is a league with death a covenant with hell." ’ They for too, that this same power, at whose we have received such treatment, declared its intention to conquer us, and compel us to pay the cost, while our ter ry is to be re- colonized from their own th ss population. All these things they have declared it their intention to do, and if be their declarations, what may we not pect if subjugated? May we not look for a requiring every male child of such as been rebels to their Government, to be put death, under the plea that it is necessary for protection of the Union? For, I assure they fear. Southern spirit, even though should manifest itself in a child. Southerner, should we be subjugated? Such of you as brave sons, ‘"look to see them die;"’ such have fair daughters, ‘"look to see them live, from your arms, destined, dishonored, if you dare call for justice, be answered the lash."’ And yet there are those who would yield. Are there those who would ove so false to every sense of pride and every pulse of honor, as to abandon those to they we their existence, and whom love, to the merciless clutches of a foe of shame and so destitute of honor?

Men of the South, let me implore you, by the of country, by the love of freedom and justice, by the love you have for the dear at home — ah! and by the tender im less by which you are drawn towards the daughters of the South, as you love them their spotless purity — swear that the ar which you have girded on shall never until every vandal shall have been driver from our soil, and we acknowledged to be . Then may you return to your homes, while loved ones smile upon you and laurel wreaths of victory upon your you will be amply rewarded for all you hardships by the pleasing assurance that they are free, and the proud satisfaction that were among those who fought for their deliverance. Until, them let me say for us all--

‘ "We ne'er will ask for quarter,
And we ne'er will be your slaves;
But we will swim the sea of slaughter
Till we sink beneath its waves"

’ Caro, Both Va

Notwithstanding the many notices in this paper, some of our correspondents continue to write upon every page of a sheet. We again say that, unless such communications contain very important they cannot be admitted.

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