
Yankee foray on the Central Railroad.

The train which left this city yesterday morning for the West, over the Central Railroad, was obstructed in its progress by a Yankee raid on Beaver Dam Station, about 27 miles from Richmond. On nearing the above station, the train encountered several cross ties and trees which had been carefully laid upon the track, with a view to throw the train off, but which happily failed in the object intended. This brought the train to a halt, when a citizen of the neighborhood came up and informed the conductor that a Yankee force had made its appearance at the station, about a quarter of a mile beyond, and were engaged in tearing up the railroad track. On the receipt of this intelligence, the train put back with all possible speed, and arrived here about 2 o'clock P. M. It is also stated that the Yankees had fired the depot at Beaver Dam.

This is a most daring and independent raid of the Yankees, and must have been effected by a comparatively small force, as they are not known to be in any considerable numbers in that locality. The impression obtains that the party committing these depredations consisted of cavalry scouts from Caroline or Spotsylvania counties, and that the raid was perpetrated with the hope of cutting off communication with our forces between this city and the Rapidan.

From a gentleman who left Beaver Dam on Saturday evening, we have ascertained some facts which possess interest in connection with the Yankee foray upon the Central Railroad. A young German has been for some time permitted to pass between that point and Fredericksburg, keeping up a traffic in articles which he supposed would be readily purchased by the inhabitants. Only two or three days ago, he made his appearance at Beaver Dam Station, in company with two ladies from Fredericksburg, who had received passports from the Federal commander at that place, and were on their way to Richmond, to visit some relations. This German also brought with him a sack of salt, and a quantity of lemons, which found ready sale, but he refused to receive Confederate notes in payment — nothing but gold would satisfy him. This circumstance excited some suspicion, but he was allowed to depart unmolested. While at Beaver Dam he had ample opportunities to make observations and to acquaint himself thoroughly with the situation of affairs in the vicinity; and very shortly after his return we hear of this Yankee raid, which was undertaken with a perfect knowledge that it might be done without any great danger. That the enemy received their information from this German pedlar there is little doubt. Facts like this ought to incite our authorities to increased vigilance.

Besides obstructing the railroad, the Yankees cut the telegraph wire, and we are thus unable to get positive information concerning the state of affairs at Beaver Dam station. It is believed, however, that the depot was destroyed by the Yankees, who retreated towards that point on the approach of the train, and a dense volume of smoke was soon afterwards seen in the same direction.

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