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From our army in Maryland.

The news yesterday from our army beyond the Potomac, was not such as to afford an intelligent insight into its present movements or probable future operations. In the evening, dispatches were received at the Adjutant-General's office, from the headquarters of our army, at Frederick City, Md. These dispatches were purely of a business character and not such as to justify publication.

Rumor announced that our forces have taken the Relay, and had advanced several beyond that point in the direction of Baltimore of course, this statement was without foundation in fact.--The dispatches above alluded to are later than any thing else received, and they make no disclosure, so far as we are informed, which would warrant the belief that our forces have advanced on the Relay of Baltimore.

A private letter received by a gentleman in this city yesterday states that our troops were well received in Frederick, and that Confederate money was readily taken for every article that our worn troops desired to purchase.

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