
From the North.

We continue our extracts from late Northern papers. State polities seem to run high in New York not withstanding the war. A strong effort seems to be making by the Democrats to get possession of the State. The New York World, heretofore strict Republican, is leaning towards Seymour (Dem) for Governor. The Tribune is chiefly occupied in decrying the World's patriotism, and the Herald is about as usual--one day high and dry on the Republican sand, and the next sporting in Democratic waters:

The coming State election in New York.

The New York Herald says the coming elections in that State for Governor and other officers will be vastly important, and "the struggle will be marked with extreme violence. It adds:

The Democrats have united their discordant elements upon a conservative basis, and have selected as candidate for Governor, Oration Seymour.--The Republicans have not yet made their nomination, or announced the principles on which the campaign is to be conducted on their part. But it is understood that the conservative element in the party — including Mr. Seward and Thurlow Weed — has been detected and crushed, and that the radicals will the roost. Their journals in this city are coming out in very remarkable articles, shaping the issue, and laboring hard to bring the whole party over to their sanitary and revolutionary views.

The Tribune of yesterday, for example, presents the bloody programme of extermination of the white race of the South, as did Thaddeus Stevens, a short time ago, in the House of Representatives. The organ of the Jacobine scoffs at ‘"humanity"’ as sickly sentimentality, and denounces every attempt to restore peace on the basis of the Constitution.-- To do battle for that Instead of exterminating slavery and slaveholders, would be a game not worth the candle; for ‘"fighting for the union,"’ according to Greeley, is only ‘"fighting for a pretty sentiment"’ and is more ‘ "poetry."’ It would never ‘"repay us for all the dark days which have crowded upon us since the fall of Fort Sumter."’ It would not alone for the ‘ "roll of our killed, wounded, and missing."’ and it would bring no consolation to ‘"the widows and orphans of the North."’ Just as if it would be any atonement for the loss of the Northern dead to add more Northern dead to the list, and as if the widows and orphans of the North would be consoled with the idea that thousands of others at the North were to be bereaved like themselves.

Such is a specimen of the rabid, bloodthirsty spirit which the eradicate are seeking to infuse into this war — a spirit which would prolong the conflict for twenty years and desolate the whole country.--There developments foreshadow their platform and their determination to nominate a man for Governor as insatiable for blood as themselves. It is stated that they consider Fremont a man of that stamp, and that he is to be the candidate of their choice. The present Governor. Mr. Morgan, is spoken of; but it is evident that he has little chance. It is more than probable that Fremont is to be their man. If the radical leaders should succeed in completely abolitionizing the Republican party and nominating General Fremont, a singular state of thing, would be presented to the people. Two parties would then be in the field, both bitterly most be to the Administration, but the Radicals more bitter than the Democrats Their beautiful programme is universal emancipation, the arming of the slaves, servile insurrection, mass act of the white race and turning the whole South into ‘"a waste and howling wilderness,"’ and if the Administration will not follow their leading they will seek to overthrow it by revolution and carry out this ferocious and vindictive policy by a dictatorship. Upon such principles will they appeal to the people, and already they are preparing to stir up the worst passions of human nature in advance. It remains to be seen what success will attend their efforts, especially after the heavy blow they have received by the great victory of Gen. McClellan.

The draft Begun in Connecticut.

The draft in Connections which was postponed from the third to the sixth instant, is now in progress in that State. It began on Wednesday in many of the towns. Other towns made up their quotas. In consequence of misunderstandings and objections to the character of the suroliment, there were disorderly proceedings in some places.

In Middletown, where the draft was made on Wednesday the sum of $1,000 was offered for a substitute, and not taken. Among the dratted men was a Selectman. He therefore assisted in drafting himself in Middletown, Milford, Cheshire, Hamden, Bethany, Clinton, North Haven, and else-where, drafts were completed Many wealthy citizens were among those who drew ‘ "prizes."’

On Wednesday and Thursday four hundred and fifteen men were drafted at Hartford. The City Hall was filled by an anxious crowd of persons.--Punctually at 9 o'clock, Captain Stillman made his appearance at the head of the Board of Selectmen, accompanied by clerks with books, and boys with boxes. A large platform at the end of the hall was used for the purpose of holding the selectmen, reporters policemen, and tables upon which the boxes were placed. In these boxes were placed some 3,100 slips of card, each having a number printed on it from number one up. These numbers Mr. Stillman proceeded to say had been carefully examined by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Europ being over age, no members of his family being to be drafted, and other-wise disinterested, was chosen to draw the numbers from the box. The enrollment lists upon which the names of those liable to draft was arranged alphabetically, and numbered from No. 1 up, were in charge of Mr. Marsh, clerk for the selectmen.-- Enson was blindfolded and the draft proceeded.

East Hartford, on Wednesday morning, wanted nine men to fill her quota. The citizens took hold of the matter in earnest, and before night the fall quota was raised and a draft avoided. Wethers field, also, by persistent effort, and a liberal supply of cash, completed her quotes. Rocky Hill also raised her full quota of men.

At Bridgeport, Waterbury, Meriden, and a number of places, there was no draft, as the quotas had been filled by volunteers. At Fairfield there was some disturbance by drunken persons, and a company of soldiers was dispatched on a special train from New Haven, but before if arrived order was restored by the local authorities. The draft generally proceeded quietly, though the almost interest was everywhere manifested.

"a negro regiment."

A correspondent of the New York Times, writing from Hagerstown on the 8th inst., says:

‘ While the train was waiting at Chambersburg, deciding whether it was best or not to come on, I met with an old friend, a member of the First Maryland Home Brigade Cavalry, stationed near Harper's Ferry. He informed me that last Tuesday three companies of them were ordered to charge through Leesburg on a reconnaissance. This affair proved very unfortunate. They were entirely surrounded, and only fifteen of his own company escaped. A negro regiment, he explicitly states, engaged in the fight. He distinctly saw a large bully negro step up to officer Mills, who was mounted, and demand his surrender. He received a bullet through his skull for his impudence.

The running off of the steamer Planter from Charleston.

An association of negroes called the ‘"Freedmen's Society,"’ met in New York last week, many whites being at the meeting Several speeches were made, a one of which it was stated that a negro woman who had earned $50 at Hilton Head, S. C., was robbed of it by a Yankee while on her way to New York. Robert Small, the negro who ran the steamer Planter from the wharf at Charleston, and who is quite a lion at the North, gave the following account of his exploit.

He said I feel proud to stand before a congregation of white folk. I suppose I am called to tell the story of my escape from Charleston, I do it with the greatest pleasure in the world. A hist from a shipmate led me to think about making my escape; I thought so much I dreamed about it. I told my dream to my friend and he agreed with me. We had a meeting at my house and all agreed to be led by me. On the 12th of May we had another meeting and agreed to start the next day. We had four heavy guns on board. I wished we had more to make the boat sail easer. That night we came on board the Planter one at a time so as not to create suspicion. Abraham, my friend, partied the trunk as though he was taking it to his boat. The women and children were hid away in the engine loom of another boat. Abraham kept watch that night, and called me about 12 o'clock, the moon was shining right up and down. About three o'clock the fire was started, and the wild blew the smoke over the city. I was scared. I feared the people would think there was a fire near the wharf, but nobody came. We moved out of our position, but had to return to take the women on board, and the boat moved so nicely up to her place we did not have to throw a plank or tie a rope. It was early, so we steamed slowly down to Fort Johnson. I didn't want to appear in front of the fort in the dark, for fear they might suspect me. At the right time I gave the signal--two long blows and a short one. I put on the captain's straw hat and stood so that the sentinel could not see my color, When beyond the range of the guns we put on plenty of steam. I hoisted a white sheet, taken from the bed, and reached the blockading vessels in safety, and we were received with cheers. A man and his wife, who had escaped from Charleston in rice barrels, were next introduced. A handsome collection for the Freedmen's Society concluded the exercises.

Some more "Astounding Revelations."

M Y Johnson, of Calena, ill, was recently arrested there for disloyalty and carried to Fort Warren. After getting there, he made some ‘"astounding revelation"’ to a follow prisoner, who he took to be a Secessionist. This follow-prison had only been put in for violating the substitute law, made affidavit before the Provost Marshal of New York. of which the following is the substance.

That on the 2d of September, Madison Y. Johnson, of Galena, illinois, and another person, named Sheehan, or something like that name, also from Galena, arrived at the fort as prisoners. They at once avowed their sympathy with the violent Secession prisoners who were there before Johnson was the most outspoken, be conversed freely on the subjects connected with present difficulties avowed himself in favor of the Constitution of the Southern Confederacy in preference to the Constitution of the United States ! That be was opposed to a continuance of the Union as That the war ought not to be continued. In thus expressing himself he assumed to misunderstand thoroughly the objects and aims of the leaders of the rebellion, and of the designs of their sympathizers in the loyal States.

He said that the Northwestern States were to be invaded. the Southern Constitution to be proclaimed, and the free navigation of the Mississippi proffered. That on this being done the people, who were organized and prepared for it, would rise, cut loose from the Yankees, and, if necessary to put down opposition, the whole North would run with rivers of blood. While he gave utterance to the foregoing words, he accompanied them by allusions to organizations being in existence to carry out the plan.

He also stated that when he was arrested large numbers from the surrounding country called on him and offered a rescue; but that he advised them to leave the whole matter to him; that the time had not yet arrived for them to act but that it would surely come.

The Telegrams to the North--the South fighting for the "old Flag"

The richeat dispatches we have yet seen in the Northern papers we give below. They are from Washington, and are published in the Albany (N Y) Argus. Is the North a nation of toolsy

From several sources it has been intimated that the Confederates are anxious to abandon the independent nationality programme, and to proclaim themselves the friends of the Constitution. It was reported a few days ago that the rebel army, under Stonewall Jackson, upon touching the soil of Maryland, laid aside the Stars and Bars, and raised the Stars and Stripes, and announced that they were coming to restore the Union as if was and to maintain the old Constitution, A gentleman who is reported to entertain secession proclivities, who was recently a prisoner on the other side of the line, speaks of a conversation with an officer of the rebel army, in which he was confidentially informed that the purpose of she invasion of Maryland was to raise the old Stars and Stripes, and to call upon the people of both the North and South to and the army of General Lee in subverting the present Administration, and restating the Union and the Constitution. He says that this idea was promulgated officially through the rebel army, and that its announcement revived the hopes and the spirits of the men, and filled them with more enthusiasm than had at any time before been exhibited.

If these representations are true, it is evident that the leaders of the rebellion are convinced that their original programme is a complete failure, and like wily politicians, they are ready now to made all they have done to Cample under their own feet the Constitution of the so-called Confederate States, and the new flag they have attempted to introduce, and to enter the arena as an armed political organization, for the purpose of working out a revolution which they have been unaided to effect by the simple force of arms.

There is reason to believe that this modification of the rebel programme is not without adhere and abettors in the North, and that there is danger that the whole character of the rebellion and the war for the Union may be completely changed. The effort now seems to be to combine together all the elements of hostility, North and South, against the radical abolition agitators, and instead of foreign intervention, or an attempt to maintain the integrity of the so called Southern Confederacy, we may expect next to hear of an organized effort to bring the radicals of New England to their senses, and compel them to support the Union, instead of denouncing it, and to maintain the Constitution, in stead of trampling upon it as a covenant with bell.

Whispers of leading politicians here of every stripe, indicate that we are standing now upon the brink of a political volcano that may at any moment burst upon the country and overthrow it with the flamed of and confusion. The signs of the times are pregnant with great events, move important for the future welfare of the nation than the great battles which are momentarily expected.

A sword for Admiral Foote--he is willing to draw it against New York-- applause.

The Brooklyn (N. Y.) Athena and was crowded on the 16th to witness the to Rear Admiral Foote with as sword, with a gold scabbard and other finery on it. The Admiral, in returning thanks for it, said:

I shall endeavor to be worthy of it. And I shall hope to transmit it to my latest posterity as an evidence of your friendship and appreciation and as an inducement to them to be faithful in vindicating our glorious Union and the supremacy of the Constitution and the laws-- [applause]--at home and abroad — against internal and external enemies. I will wield it for the whole country [applause] against any State; eye, even the State of New York or Connecticut, should either prove in attempting to withdraw their star — the emblem of their State--from the blue Union of our glorious old flag. [Applause]

To this end I pray that I may be enabled to act as faithfully in the future as I humbly hope I have done in the past, when meeting our enemies in the East, as in my efforts towards crushing this atrocious rebellion in the South. I say this atrocious rebellion; and is it not an atrocious rebellion, when the South is presenting the mournful spectacle to the civilized world of having voluntarily gone into the election of the Presidency, as prescribed by the Constitution, and finding itself in the minority, attempts to rule or ruin the Government it had, in common with the North, fought to establish ? [Applause.]

The occasion and circumstances have led me to revert to past scenes and personal services. Having done this, permit me, in this solemn crisis, to add. that a glorious future is assuredly open to us and to our country, under Providence, on the condition that the entire loyal North immediately arises in its might, foregoing all other consider nations, and either in person or otherwise concentrates its powers to the work of crushing this monster rebellion finally end forever [Applause.]

I have already occupied too much of your time, but I could not forbear saying thus much on such an occasion. I see around me a noble band of officers, who are, many of them, unsurpassed in their profession in Europe, or in the world, From many of them I have been glad to learn that we have in the navy — what may perhaps be lacking in the army — harmony of action. I think one reason of it is we have among us no aspirants for the Presidency--[applause] --no political officers — our aspirations are contained to the navy. Some may think that we have no right to speak, but I have found that even when the men are at the guns, it is best to give them a word of encouragement. [Applause.]

In conclusion, the Admiral renewed his thanks for the gift, and his earnest promise to use it, if need be in defence of the whole of the Constitution and the whole of the Union, [immense applause]

The Admiral's speech was productive of the most electric effect, particularly that portion where, suiting the action to the word, he seized the sword, and brandishing it with patriotic fire, vowed to do his duty though his native State should prove recreant to her trust.

The sword was presented to the Admiral by his ‘"irrepressible conflict"’ friends in New York, and the lengthiest inscription on it referred to his efforts for the suppression of the slave trade. He has gone to Washington to enter upon his duties an chief no the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting.

Retaliation Advocated at the North.

The New York Times, relying on McClellan's dispatches, that he took a large number of Confederate prisoners at Hagerstown calls for retaliation it says:

‘ We trust our Government will lose no time in retaliating upon them the treatment extended to the prisoners captured from Pope, and now in confinement at Richmond. The rebel authorities ostentatiously announce that sixty eight commissioned officers belonging to his army are now there — not held as prisoners of war, but kept in close

’ Our Government has no right to abandon these men to the barbarous cruelty of the rebel authorities. And the only way of rescuing them from it is a retaliation — so severe as to compel the rebel Government to abandon its brutality. Twice the number of rebel officers, if we have so many, should at once be confined on the same terms, and in the same manner, as those now in Richmond. It is quite time we should begin to give some thought to the protection of our own citizens and soldiers, as well as to the property and rights of our rebel enemies.

One chance left to Avoid a dictator — the Republican party must go out of power.

A dictator is staring the North in the face. The Philadelphia Mercury points to Fremont as the man and fears he has a large support for the place.--His speech at St. Louis declaring that the ‘"people"’ should have their way in defiance of the ‘"red tape at Washington,"’ is called as a shadow of the coming event. It implores the country to support the Democracy in ousting the Republicans and saving the ‘ "Union."’ It says:

‘ That the Republicans cannot save it is, we should think, fully demonstrated by the history of the last is months. In that interval they have had undivided control of the Government. The President and his Cabinet have been sustained by a powerful majority in Congress. The people of the States have, without distinction of party, given the Administration the most generous support in its efforts to put down the rebellion. Money and men have been supplied without taint. Nav, more than this. The people have suffered with wonderful patience a certain exercise of arbitrary power rather than seem to deny the Executive any means deemed necessary to enforce the national authority in the revolted State. The freedom of speech and of the press has been abridged; the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus has been suspended, not in military districts only, but in places where civil courts were open; citizens have been arrested on suspicion, on the report of interested spies and informers, sent to prison without a hearing, restrained of their liberty for months in total ignorance of the cause of their confinement, and discharged at last without a trial — These and other illegal invasions of the constitutional rights and franchises of the people have been endured by them, simply in the hope that a temporary concession of the largest powers to the Government might strengthen its hands to crush insurrection and bring the war to a speedy and happy end.

’ But the result has disappointed expectation.--After sixteen months of time, the expenditure of more than ten hundred millions of dollars, and the sacrifice of upwards of two hundred thousand lives, we find the National Capital beleaguered, while the rebel army is passing into Maryland and Pennsylvania, in the East, and into Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio, in the West.

In the presence of such facts who will deny that the rule of the Republican party has signally and disastrously failed? It has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. It should give way therefore, to a new order of things — to a party of sounder views, wiser counsels, and more vigorous action — in a word, to the rule of those whose comprehension of the crisis and its necessities is more in harmony with the convictions and wishes of the great mass of the loyal people of the country. The war against the rebellion thus far has been so conducted as to unite the South and divide the North. Why Because sectional and party views have been allowed to supersede the one only proper and important object of the war, namely; the restoration of the Union as it was. The war, to be successful, must henceforth be so managed as to unite the North and divide the South. How may that be done? By waging it according to the Constitution, for the simple purpose of upholding and enforcing the Constitution. This can be done only by a party whose cardinal principle has ever been, and is now, the preservation of our national unity and the maintenance of the sacred compact of federation on which it was originally based and established That party is the Democratic party. But how can it now exercise a decisive influence in the Government? Only through a strong majority in Congress. If the people, at the next elections, will send Democrats to act for them in the National House of Representatives, the policy of the Administration may be controlled by a conservative legislature having command of the national purse, and therefore of the sword.

As regards the ability of the Democratic party to save the nation in its present fearful extremity, the Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, who has signally proved his devotion as a loyal Union man. said, recently: ‘"The permanent triumph of the Democratic party in 1864 is the best result I see to be possible for the country."’

The Western view of the future War policy.

The Cincinnati Gazette says that with men enough in the field they have failed to whip the Confederates, and is not sure that the result would have been different is the 300,000 new troops had been in the field. While in the East they are quarrelling about the incapacity of Generals, it thinks ‘"We in the West"’ see that the plans marked out could not have been successful with any force. It says:

‘ In this respect our experience is strikingly the counter part of that of the Confederates, which was so plainly acknowledged by Jeff. Davis last spring, when he stated that in attempting to guard their territory at all points, they had undertaken more than they could accomplish. From that time their policy has been concentration, even abandoning large districts to our occupation, which they are now recovering by precipitating their massed forces upon our rear. Our experience in Kentucky. Tennessee, and Missouri, is a repetition on a greater scale of their experience, when they attempted to held the line of Bowling Green, forts Henry, Donelson, Columbus, &c. Our army concentrated for offensive movement, beat them at all points. While we advanced the country in our rear was quiet.

’ But when we had driven their armies from the field, cars spread out and sat down to occupy the country, to rebuild roads, braises and depots which the rebels had destroyed, and to guard and protect long lines of railroad. The recovered territory was credited to the Union account; military Governors were appointed to superintend its delivery into the Union; and the press of the country proceeded to write up a most encouraging development of Unionism. But the more our armies occupied and guarded the country, the more unsafe it became. While they advanced, guerrillas in their rear were quiet. When they spread out to occupy, guerrillas sprang up like Roderick Dhu'smen.

The rebels, driven from their extended lines of occupation, and forced to concentrate, assumed the offensive, and precipitated themselves upon our rear. Guerrilla bands, co-operating, gathered and captured our posts, detachments, and trains. And now our army is driven back, perhaps, to the starting point, abandoning the fortifications on which so much of the bone and muscle of Northern soldiers has been expended, and is actually compelled to concentrate for defence on its original base.--Nor can any man say, with any title to confidence, that, if the same policy were repeated in Tennessee and Alabama, with twice the force, it would have any better success.

For the future it opposes holding towns after they are captured, rebuilding any railroads destroyed by the ‘"rebels,"’ or leaving detachments at any points merely to protect the few Union men who may be in the vicinity. Its future campaign is thus laid off:

With our improved gunboats, the Mississippi river may be taken this fall, and must be taken at whatever cost. It is vastly more important to our cause and to the Confederates than Richmond. --When taken, these gunboats can prevent any formidable constructions on its banks; with the aid of gunboats, the occupation of the principal towns will not require great force, and a few of them will be sufficient for our purposes. Although this may not open the navigation to trade, it will deprive the Confederates of the use of it, and will cut off Texas, which by this and the occupation of its seaports, may be made to fall into our hands. In Missouri, the same policy of making every consideration subservient to active campaigns, will rout every concentration of the enemy.

The West is the only field where the Government has had any real successes by the army against the rebellion. It is the only field that now promises any, except in the occupation of the Southern seaports, which may be effected by our mailed fleet this fall and winter. Without prejudice to the question where the incapacity lies, it is evident to the country that the defence of the capital is the fall extent of the capacity of the Government in the East. It promises nothing better than a repetition of its failures on a greater scale, unless driven out of its policy by rebel invasions north. But in the West the recovery of the whole Mississippi river, and the defeat of any Confederate army that may be gathered for offensive operations, may be effected this fall, if Western troops are allowed to be used for that purpose.

Is there anything that the military authorities in the East can reasonably promise, even if all the resources of the country are expended there, as important to the success of the causers the occupation of the whole of the Mississippi, crippling the means or its important towns, cutting off Texas with its supplies of cattle, destroying every rebel craft on the river and its tributaries, cutting the Confederacy in two, and defeating every army it may gather in the West to march against us? Western men must be very desponding who will doubt that all this may be done by Western troops, and common sense in the generalship, during this fall and winter.

This with the occupation of the whole line of seaports, will be a state of slege, accompanied by active invasions which the Confederacy cannot stand up under long. This occupation and the defence of Washington may be carried out by the Eastern troops and the navy. But if the troops of the West are to be drawn to the Potomac, to repeat our experience, to guard Washington, and accumulate against the ever increasing exaggerations of the enemy's force, the country cannot but regard it as a sign that the Administration regards the contest as hopeless, and has nothing to offer to restore the confidence of the people but a repetition of their sacrifices on a scale of monstrous proportions.

Another letter from Brownlow.

The traitor Brownlow has published another letter in the Northern papers, calling on the loyal Governors to meet at some point and adopt resolutions urging the United States Government to draft 500,000 more men, calling upon the President to reorganize his Cabinet, requiring a cessation of the ‘"higher"’ argument until peace is concluded, and calling for the formation of a party to be called ‘"The Unconditional Union Party of America." ’ He adds:

Let the Government and the army know, what they seem never to have learned — that is to say, that the rebels are a unit, fighting with a desperation and skill never surpassed by any people on earth, whilst we, who have a noble army of brave men, with money, credit, all else necessary, and truth, on our side, are divided and distracted — whilst we are tolerating traitors and tories in our midst!

Inform our Government and people that our ship of State is now in a heavy sea, and that at no period since the rebellion broke out has so deep a depression fallen upon the hearts of loyal citizens as at present.

I would, gentlemen, start a new paper at once, at some eligible point, and urge all these considerations, and more upon the minds of the loyal hearted men of the country, but for two good and sufficient reasons First, I should he arrested by the United States authorities for stating facts, opposing follies, and declaring the honest convictions of my mind. And next, such is the rapid advance of the rebel forces that I should expect them to crush out my paper, as they did in Tennessee on the 25th of October last. I may be imprisoned for writing this article. I am not concerned about that. I suffered imprisonment, and the confiscation of all I had, on the other side of the line, for adhering to the truth, and I am ready to go to prison here for the same offence. If this rebellion is not put down I have nothing to live for, and would as soon die in prison as elsewhere.

I Improved the last Sabbath by preaching in the open air to the Philadelphia Corn Exchange regiment, a noble set of men, equipped by a noble band of patriots. I improve this Sabbath (September th) by writing this address to the Governors of the loyal States. W. G. Brownlow

The North to be Conquered.

St. Catherine's, C. W., is reported to be a great resort of Secessionists from the States, and a correspondent of the New York Post. writing from that locality, says:

‘ ‘"Under the influence of the recent Federal reverses, the Secessionists of this place have ventured to make some significant remarks. They openly declare that the Union shall not be broken; but that if the North is beaten, it shall be subjected to the rule of Jeff. Davis, who will be the next President of the still United States; for the Northern States will be held as subjugated provinces. This lets the cat out of the bag rather prematurely, and it does not at all suit the Canadians now sympathizing with the South, They openly say that they want the Union to be dissolved, and two or more Confederacies to exist in its place."’


A bill to exempt Quakers and others constitutionally opposed to bearing arms, has been defeated in the Iowa Legislature.

It is estimated that the army of the United States consumes daily more than six hundred tons of provisions.

The Memphis Appeal office was closed on the 6th for the publication of an article entitled ‘"Bull Run the Second."’

The city of Boston has yet to raise 4,500 volunteers to evade a draft.

Gen. Pope was serenaded and made a speech in Chicago on Friday night.

Gen. Shields, it is said, will soon be placed in active command.

The Cincinnati Commercial states, at Gen. Pope's request, that his report of his disastrous campaign in Virginia was published without his authority or knowledge, and contrary to his wishes.

A letter from Charleston, South Carolina, says cotton is worth eighteen and twenty cents there — In New York it rules at sixty cents for middling qualities.

The Albany Journal advocates an immediate call 500,000 more men.

Only 4,000 bales of cotton have been brought into New Orleans since its capture by the national forces on the 25th of April.

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Maryland (Maryland, United States) (3)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (2)
Mississippi (United States) (2)
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (2)
Galena (Illinois, United States) (2)
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (2)
Rocky Hill, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
North Haven, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (1)
New York State (New York, United States) (1)
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Milford, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Middletown (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Meriden (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Hartford (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Fort Warren (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Fort Henry (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Fairfield, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (1)
East Hartford (Connecticut, United States) (1)
Dallas (Missouri, United States) (1)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Fremont (4)
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Stillman (2)
Seymour (2)
McClellan (2)
Foote (2)
Jefferson Davis (2)
Brownlow (2)
Wethers (1)
Thurlow Weed (1)
Waterbury (1)
Thaddeus Stevens (1)
Shields (1)
Sheehan (1)
Seward (1)
Morgan (1)
Mills (1)
Marsh (1)
Richard Henry Lee (1)
Stonewall Jackson (1)
Hamden (1)
Greeley (1)
Europ (1)
Enson (1)
Roderick Dhu (1)
Clinton (1)
Cheshire (1)
Robert J. Breckinridge (1)
Athena (1)
Argus (1)
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December, 5 AD (1)
1864 AD (1)
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September 2nd (1)
September (1)
April 25th (1)
8th (1)
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