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Fatal accident from the Careless use of Firearms.

--A member of the town guard of Manchester, commanded by Captain Mosby, was instantly killed, at an early hour yesterday morning by a fellow soldier, under the following circumstances. One of the men, who had just come off guard duty, entered the barrack where a number of his comrades were sleeping, and one of them waking at the time, he pointed his musket, which he still retained in the direction of the other one's person, for which his comrade remonstrated with him. This, instead of causing him to cease, only made him more assiduous in showing that no possible danger could result from his procedure. Finally the musket exploded, and the ball entering the head of the half sleeping soldier blew the entire the head of the half sleeping soldier blew the entire top of his skull off. The originator of the accident was taken in custody.

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