Later from the North.
the Herald on Lincoln's Situation — riot in Detroit, &c.[from our own reporter.]
Fredericksburg, March 12.
--I have received the New York Herald of the 9th inst., and send you what there is of interest in it: ‘
Gold closed on the 8th at 155; Exchange 172.
The Herald says this will convince Europe that our currency is not going to wreck, and will assist Mr. Chase's projects.
He is receiving two millions a week from internal taxes, and will soon receive five million.
He has funds for sixty or ninety days, and expects victories in that time which will sell United States bonds at present prices and make gold lower. ’
Virginia sixes are quoted at 69; Tenn., 61½
The Herald has a long editorial on Lincoln's powers responsibilities, and dangers.
There must be no more joking and trifling.
The rebellion must be suppressed in the next six months. If necessary, the Cabinet must be reorganized.
If he does not secure "military successes" there will be a popular revulsion against him, as the responsible head of the Government, in the next autumn elections, which will bring him into irreparable disgrace.
If the military blunders, disappointments, and disasters of last year are repeated, the verdict of the people will be so overwhelming against him that the House of Representatives, from the pressure of public opinion, will be constrained to institute articles of impeachment against him, and the Senate, though controlled by a majority of his own party, will not be able to refuse a trial, or to resist judgment of "inability" on the part of the President "to discharge the powers and duties of his office." In the event of such a judgment, Hamlin will succeed him — a man of great experience and much administrative ability, although set down as a radical Republican.
Lincoln is a conservative, and always in favor of a conservative war policy; but still his failure by next autumn to put down this rebellion, with the overwhelming means and powers at his command, may result in his removal, and in the promotion of the Vice President to his place.
The only safety to President Lincoln and his Administration depends upon a vigorous, earnest, consistent, harmonious, and successful prosecution of the war in the interval to the elections of next October and November.
The Herald thinks two or three days will be efficient to put the roads on the Rappahannock in such fine condition that military movements will be quite practicable, and this fact, coupled with the reconnaissance recently made, indicate that "we may soon hear stirring news from the Army of the Potomac, which is in excellent condition, and ready to follow Gen. Hocker in any enterprise."
A riot took place in Detroit, Mich., on the 7th inst., the whites attacking the negroes and beating several of them to death.
A dispatch in the Herald says: ‘
"On the 8th the riot broke out fresh on a small scale, but was put down by the soldiers without anybody being hurt.
Several shots were fired.
A large number of suspected parties are now in jail.
No more negroes have died from their injuries to day. The number of deaths will not be as great as first telegraphed.
Thirty-five buildings were destroyed." ’
The New Hampshire election came off on Tuesday.
A Democratic triumph in not anticipated.
Gen. Curtis, commanding the Department of the West, is to be superseded by Gen. Sumner.
The Herald says there are several points through which "our armies have to reach the heart of the rebellion, all of which, in turn, are destined to become the of deadly contests.
There are : 1st.
The line of the Duck river from Chattanooga to Shelbyville.
Vicksburg. 3d. Port Hudson. 4th.
Mobile. 5th.
Savannah. 6th.
Charleston. 7th.
Wilmington. 8th.
Col. Carrington, in Indiana, has issued a procla-
mation against the Knights of the Golden Circle, and threatens them with exposure and punishment.
Fifty-two rebel prisoners arrived in Washington on the 8th, from the Potomac headquarters.
A large number of prisoners have arrived at Washington from Chicago, for exchange.
A number of spies and guerillas, from Missouri, have arrived in Washington, and are to be tried under military law.
Mr. Dumas, bearer of dispatches from the Consuls in Richmond, has arrived in Washington.
His dispatches are said to be of the greatest importance, and were to be forwarded at once to the English and French Governments.
A dispatch from Cairo says 3,0 0 men and a dredging machine are at work on the canal at Yazeo Pass.
The expedition was progressing favorably.
Admiral Porter thinks the Indianola and Webb were both sunk in the late engagement.
A bill has been introduced in the Missouri Senate for the gradual extinction of slavery.
All children born of slave mothers after the 4th July, 1863, to be free; to be apprenticed to their owners until 21 years of age. The House proscribes all enrolled as disloyal, from being teachers in Missouri.
Four of the Indiana traitors who fired on Federal soldiers, while engaged in arresting deserters' have been sentenced to pay a fine of $500 each.
The Washington Chronicle says the men in the North of Secession principles may possibly find a crumb of comfort in the fact that the Richmond Enquirer proposes to respond to their sympathies with the bayonet and artillery.
The Tribune says the aggregate vote in about six hundred townships in New York shows a small Republican majority.
So much for the "unprecedented political success" of the Democrats.
At recent elections in Decatur, Ill, Cedar Rapids, and DeWitt, Iowa, all the Republican candidates were elected.
The United States iron-clad Galena is now at the mouth of the James river watching the movements of the rebel iron-clad Merrimac No. 2.
New Haven grocers are giving nutmege instead of pennies for small change.
The Philadelphia mint is making nickels at the rate of $2,500 worth a day.
The milk producers of New York have determined to increase the price one cent a quart for the next six months.
The Washington Chronicle says: ‘
It would seem to be a well established fact now that a Confederate loan, based on cotton, has actually been negotiated. ’
The Alabama was seen on the 18th of February engaged in a "heavy fight."
The Chronicle says: ‘
Mr. Seward has said we should look to the British Government for every dollar's worth of property destroyed by the Alabama, and protests against those war vessels building in England for the "Emperor of China," which will "drive our commerce from the ocean. " ’
No ladies are allowed to visit the military prison, or hospital at Louisville till they have taken the oath of allegiance.
The Herald's Washington correspondence says the Republicans have sent the last man and last horse into the contest in New Hampshire.
They say had the Democrats there found fault with the manner of carrying on the war, instead of the war itself, they would have swept the State.
Andy Johnson, of Tennessee, has arrived in Washington.
The General Assembly of New York has unanimously adopted a resolution appointing a committee of two Democrats and four Republicans to wait on President Lincoln and inquire the cause of the arrest and detention of certain citizens confined in Fort McHenry.
The Herald devotes considerable space to the "cut off" to Lake Providence, also the Yazoo Pass, both of which it regards as a success.