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Progress of the War.

Gen. Jno Morgan--his Demeanor in prison — his Departure from Cincinnati.

A correspondent of the New York Evening Post writes from Cincinnati, July 30, as follows:

‘ For the several days since the arrival of the rebel General Morgan, crowds of people have besieged the city prison in order to get a view of the great "ubiquitous," but the burning rays of a July sun had a tendency to cool the ardor. A general order from General Burnside denied access to all, and even the mother of the prisoner was refused admittance. The "press" were not even favored, but your correspondent, by a mere accident, had a few moments' conversation with the guerrilla chieftain. He appeared quite at ease until he found that the "parole" dodge was useless, and that General Burnside refused to recognize it, when he became somewhat reserved and thoughtful He seemed to fear that he would be placed in uncomfortable quarters, as it was reported that he and his officers would be sent to Johnston's Island, which he was told was a cold, bleak place, and that the prisoners were treated roughly.

’ We told him such was not the case, but that he would, no doubt, be closely confined and closely watched; but that he would be treated according to his rank and the usage and custom of war. After about ten minutes conversation he was remanded back to his quarters, and as left he said to General Manson, who was standing by, "General, I wish you would intercede and get a drink of whiskey for me, as I am terribly dry." As he left, he courteously bowed, and, cigar in mouth, accompanied by his keeper, disappeared, much to the chagrin of the gaping crowd who were gathered outside the open windows of the reception room in the city prison.

At 9 o'clock this morning three companies of the 111th Ohio volunteer infantry, under command of their Lieut. Colonel, formed in hollow square in front of the city prison, having been detailed as escort to the rebel officers to the depot of the Little Miami railroad--First came John Morgan, dressed in blue jean pants, and having on a new grass linen blouse, his towering from prominent in the procession. He is a man of over six feet in height, weighing perhaps some two hundred pounds, with erect from, florid complexion, light hair, goatee, and moustache closely trimmed. He has rather a pleasant blue eye, full and sharp, and his gait is swaggering. Beside him walked Col. Cluke, a tall, raw-boned man of somewhat swarthy complexion, with dark hair and eyes, which have a sinister expression.

There seems much of the brute predominant in his features, and, while unpopular with his command, is spoken of as having a cruel disposition. Next came Morgan's Adjutant General, wearing a full rebel uniform, and by his side was the Quartermaster, a cousin of Gen. Morgan. Two and two, to the number of twenty eight, followed the whole, enclosed by double files of soldiers with loaded muskets and fixed bayonets. Most of the prisoners were smoking cigars, and we noticed a canteen freely circulating among them on their way down Ninth street to the depot. At the depot an immense crowd of people who followed them on their march made the streets impassable for wagons and horses. At 10 o'clock the rebels were placed in the cars, and, under guard of a full regiment of infantry, left for Columbus, where, by order of the Secretary of War, they will be confined in the State Penitentiary, in solitary confinement, until the release of our officers held as hostages in Richmond. Thus is the termination of the great Morgan raid, and Cincinnati breathes free once more.

Yankee Account of the occupation of Jackson, Miss.

The Memphis Bulletin, of the 22d ult., gives a description of the occupation of Jackson, Miss., on the 18th ult., by the Yankees. It says:

‘ After night set in the rebels had a band of music on their works, which played Dixie, and other tunes supposed to be peculiarly offensive to the "invaders" When day broke in the morning it was found that the rebel pickets had been withdrawn. Many of the soldiers crept up to the work and ascertained that during the night Johnston and his troops had evacuated the place. Soon other soldiers hurried in and a of plunder and destruc- tion took place. It was put an end to by Gen. Blair's division entering the town and restoring order. Inquiry made known that the evacuation began at six o'clock on the preceding evening, and was completed just before day. The rebel left but little behind. A very fine collaboration and some artillery ammunition was all. Some very fine English and German ammunition was found trampled down in the streets, and some of the newly invented General phosphoric explosive musket balls were also discovered. Fifty or sixty cars were found at the depot.

’ During the night a large fire had raged in the town. It became evident on inspection that the flames were not the result of Federal shells, but that ten or twelve stores, containing commissary goods, which could not be carried away, had been set fire to, and the con spread until fifty or sixty houses were consumed. This destruction, added to what occurred on the previous occupation of the place by the national troops some weeks ago, left Jackson but a poor wreck, looking little like the capital of a great State. So deliberately had the retreating army left the place that they took all their sick with them. Very few people were found in the place, and most of them were foreigners.

Our informant sited the headquarters of Gen. Johnston. He found them safely placed in an excavation, where so shot could strike or shell penetrate. After the place was in Gen. Sherman's hands, hundreds of deserters from the rebel army began to pour in. They said the struggle was a hopeful one; that there was no chance of remaining, and they were glad to get to the Federal army, and would fight against the old flag no longer.

In the afternoon of the day in which the place was taken possession of, Friday, Gen. Sherman sent out cavalry with orders to destroy railways, bridges and culverts, so as to interrupt communications. The troops that left with Johnston were expected to join Bragg. People in the country around were loud in their professions that they had been opposed to "this thing" in the outset, they wanted to have nothing to do with it, only to live quietly; that they had been pushed into it against their will, and they only wished they had Jeff Davis and his coadjutors to deal with; and that they believed that if the soldiers would not pillage and burn quite a warm Union sentiment would be exhibited; all of which may be taken with allowance. Jeff. Davis they accused of being guilty of not properly defending his own State and his neighborhood. Pemberton they cursed liberally as a traitor, unworthy of the confidence that had been placed in his ability.

The Federal loss, in the various skirmishes and assaults that had taken place, amounted to nine hundred men. Citizens said there had been much sickness during the summer months among the troops there. In the fields around were hundreds upon hundreds of graves, made principally since May last. When Johnston left Jackson he took away with him between fifty and sixty pieces of artillery; many of them were old and not very safe to use.

At Vicksburg the Federal works are being leveled, and rebel fortifications put into a more perfect condition than they were before. A number of the finest guns are being mounted, and the place will be held as a first class military fortification.

Jeff. Davis's house had been overhauled by some of the soldiers. Among other things found there were letters showing that a conspiracy to disrupt the Union had been in existence years before the election of Mr. Lincoln. Letters from Presidents Buchanan and Pierce were discovered. They showed no small obsequiousness towards the mighty Jeff.

Counterfeit Confederate money — Revolutions of a murderer.

David S. Shearer, the murderer of M. T. W. Taylor, near Kenosha, Wis., has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for life in the State Prison at Waupan, at which institution he was delivered on Friday last. The Milwaukee Sentinel says:

Shearer gave his profession, when asked by the entry clerk at Waupan, as a professional gambler. He scouts the idea of having killed Taylor, alleging that with his knowledge of counterfeiting money, &c., he could do better than to kill a man for and dollars. He also stated that the evidence against him on the trial was such that, had he been a juror, he would have convicted his own brother, and that the jury who tried him could find no other verdict than that of guilty.

’ Before his conviction Shearer was sent for by Gen. Rosecrans while he (Shearer) was in jail at Kenosha, but the Sheriff in Kenosha county refused to give him up. Rosecrans expressed his determination to have him hung, as Shearer had been a regular spy for the rebels.

Shearer was present at the battle of Corinth, and it was stated that he was drummed out of camp at that place. While in the South (Alabama and Arkansas) Shearer procured specimens of Confederate money — tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds — and with or from there specimens he had plates made in Cincinnati, and then had hair a million struck off This was sent by a trusty agent to North and South Carolina, and there it was exchanged for Carolina and Georgia money. The Carolina and Georgia money was then taken to Kentucky and there changed into Kentucky money. The Kentucky money was taken to the vicinity of Louisville and there converted into greenbacks. In this manner about forty live cents on the dollar not was realized.

"He also states that he bought, in some part of the South, a quantity of counterfeit greenbacks, made in England, for 15 cents on the dollar. To test the quality of this foreign counterfeit money, he (Shearer) took a one hundred dollar greenback into a bank in Louisville, presented it for change, and the banker readily took it, and gave him five twenty dollar greenbacks for it. Shearer states as a positive fact, that the counterfeit greenbacks that were made in England are such good imitation of the genuine that they cannot be detected, and that there are immense numbers of them afloat, and that they pass readily."

Confederate prisoners.

The Baltimore American, of Monday, has the following in its local column:

Brief mention was made of the arrival of about 120 rebel prisoners from Washington, and of their being sent in the 9:15 o'clock train of the Northern Central Railway on Friday night, en route to Johnson's Island, Sanducky Bay.

The following is a list of the officers, 26 in number:

Major H G Lewis, 32d N C regiment; Capt E D Oliver, Co. I, 18th Virginia; Capt J O Holland, Co. A, 18th Virginia; Capt Robert McCulloch, Co. B, same regiment; Capt B G Brown, Co. I, 27th Virginia; Capt J C A Bell, Co. H, 22d Georgia; Capt Anthony Konler, Co. G. 8th Alabama; Captain R Y Brown, Co. A, 18th Mississippi; First Lieutenant G W Jones, company I, 18th Virginia; Second Lieutenant J W Hack, 9th Virginia; Second Lieutenant J W Whitehead, company I, 53d Virginia; First Lieut S Crawford, Co. K, 6th N C, Second Lieut J T Martir, Co. L. 21st N C; First Lieut M F Jones, Co. D, 23d N C; First Lieut S J Evans, Co. B, 47th N C; Second Lieut J D Newson, Co. II, same regiment; First Lieut G M Whiting, Co. C, same regiment; Third Lieut Wyatt Lee, Co. C, 22d Ga; Second Lt G Songlesby, Co. G, 3d Ga; Second Lt C R Rice, Co. H, 8th Als; Second Lt W C Moody, Co. B, 2d Miss; Second Junior L Andrew London, Co. A. 16th Miss; and First Lt B F Wood, Co. H, 5th F a.

The following named are at West's Building Hospital; Lt. Col. M. A. Parks, 52d North Carolina; Lt Col. M. J. Bulger, 47th Alabama, Adj't F. C. Powell, 47th North Carolina; Capt John W Johnson, 11th Georgia; 2d Lt. Beverly Barksdale, 23d Virginia; 1st Lt. James P. Gleen, 13th Virginia; 2d Lt. G. W. Nixon, 32d North Carolina, and Assistant Surgeon B. C. Harrison.

The American. says:

‘ In the steamer Louisiana, which left port last evening, were the following named rebel surgeons, who, after teaching Fortress Monroe, will be conveyed by the flag of truce beat to City Point; A S. Gregory, surgeon 1st Va. infantry; E. M. Rowe, surgeon 14th Va cavalry; M. S Newlin, assistant surgeon 38th Va. infantry; E. C. Harris, assistant surgeon 56th Va. infantry; J. P. McCombs, assistant surgeon 11th North Carolina; with M L Whitten, chaplain 9th Alabama, with four hospital stewards, who had been left on the field at Gettysburg to attend to the rebel wounded.

Commercial affairs in the United States.-- on the specie — England Warts no more breadstuffs, act gold.

The New York banks' quarterly statement shows that they have $7,500,000 more than the amount of their whole capital invested in Government securities, their capital being $60,301,788, while they had on June 13th $76,801,701 of Government stocks. The amount of legal fender notes held by them on that date was $10,248,378, and as these are used by the banks instead of specie they represent the legal specie paying power of our banks, which is incredibly small, and far below what it ought to be. The New York World, of the 39, in its commercial review, says:

‘ The last weekly bank statement shows a less of $2,344,200 in specie during the week, and the shipments of specie to Europe for the same period were $1,725,748, thus evidencing that the European specie drain fell upon the banks. The only legitimate demand for specie is for exportation to foreign countries. In the United States Mr. Chase's legal tender note act has rendered it useless. During the last three months the unexpected large amount of produce exports has lessened the European demand for specie to balance our imports, and the gold market, therefore, has been quiet and dull, from the limited legitimate demand. We are now, however, entering on a season in which a different state of affairs is likely to create an active and large European demand for specie from this port. The reserve of bullion in the Bank of France in July was unprecedentedly small, being £12,676,553, against £15,688,877 last year at the same period, £14,367,693 in 1861, and £20,562,370 in 1860. The bank of France lost very nearly £2,000,000 in its reserve of bullion daring the last mouth. The movement of the crops, at this season and hence forth, always drains the financial centers of Paris, London, and New York. The gold coin and bullion in the Bank of England is also at the lowest point considered safe in ordinary times, being about £14,000,000. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the Bank of France will be compelled at an early date to adopt measures which shall increase its stock of bullion, and these will doubtless cause a drain of gold from the Bank of England, which will enforce higher rates of discount in London and Paris. The result will be a heavy drain of specie from New York to supply the European demand, and a curtailment of the British accommodations granted to the Anglo American bankers. In this view of the case, the prices of gold and foreign exchange must advance considerably during the fall, and sight bills will be cheaper, as remittances, than sixty day bills of exchange. The European harvests promise well, and as Europe has had three years in succession of a failure in the crops, it is reasonable to expect that this will be a year of abundance, or even fair, our exports of western produce will decline enormously, while our importations for the season being already ordered by importers, are fixed at a high figure, which cannot now be altered. To sum up, Europe will want gold this fall, and will not want breadstuff, Europe has shipped, and is shipping, a full amount of exports to this country, and will require less than last year of our produce to pay for there shipments; the decreased exports of produce will cause a serious falling off in the traffic of our Western and trunk lines of railroads, thereby injuring, in public estimation, the market value of railway securities. The opening of the Mississippi will also take largely from the earnings of our railroads. Last year the railroads had a monopoly of the Mississippi traffic. When the present stock-jobbing cliques have saddled the public with the stocks they now hold, they will have an excellent opportunity, this fall, of inangarating a profitable bear movement in stocks. The public, however, must be engineered into stock speculations this month, as September will begin to show the workings of all these unfavorable elements in our commercial condition.

’ High rates for gold and foreign exchange mean large profits on imported merchandize, and low prices for domestic produce — burning our candle at both ends is Mr. Chase's financial policy.

The supply of money on the market seeking employment in temporary leans is largely in excess of the demand, and strictly first class borrower are offered at four or five per cent more than they can use; the quotations for ordinary loans range from five to six per cent., and loans are easily negotiated.

The gold market has an advancing tendency, owing to purchases by foreign firms for shipment to Europe, in accordance with recent advices. In August of last year there were orders in this city for breadstuffs to ship to France, and this August there are orders for specie; but no breadstuffs.

Stampede of conscripts.

A letter from New York, dated August 1st, says:

‘ An extraordinary scenes was presented at the New Haven wharl, East river, on the arrival of the steamer Continental yesterday morning. A party of conscripts, one hundred and seventeen in number, were placed on board the boat, in charge of Captain Davis and a company of the 14th Connecticut volunteers. No sooner had the steamer to suched the wharf than a general stampede ensued. Forty of the conscripts made good their escape, but the remainder were captured and marched off, for safe keeping, to the Parke Barracks.--Some of the skedaddler lowered themselves down through the water-closet of the steamer into the river, and, being good swimmers, had no difficulty in reaching terra firma beyond the vision of the guards. They then exchanged their wet clothing for dry, (the long shoremen sympathizing with them and ministering to their necessities,) after which they put off, on the double-quick, for parts unknown. Captain Davis is in a heap of trouble about them, but his men are accruing the city in the hope of being able, before nightfall, to bring the wandering sheep back to the fold.

The Peterroff —— the Hiawatha

The following Items are from a New York letter, dated August 1:

Judge Batts has rendered a decision condemning the Angle-Rebel steamer Peterhoff for constructive running of the blockade. This decision is one of more than ordinary importance. The British journals have all along assumed that as the Peter off was not bound to any American port under blockade, (but to Matamoras, a Mexican port.) her capture was wholly without warrant. The British Foreign Office have also had some sharp correspondence with Mr. Seward on the subject, and it is believed that "John Ball" has only deferred pressing his claim because of a belief that the American Court would decide in favor of giving the vassal up. Judge Batts, therefore, has pronounced a judgment which is certain to make a great sensation abroad.

’ The notorious blockade runner Hiawatha has at last been finally disposed of. She was put up at auction to day by Marshal Murray, at the Atlantic docks, Brooklyn, and the bidding on her was spirited, running up from five thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars, at which price she was knocked down.

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