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Execution of deserters by citizens.

It has been briefly stated that Robert and James Saul, deserters, were shot by the citizens of Franklin county, Va., on Saturday last. They had been burning barns in the county. The Danville Register says:

Robert Saul, Jas Saul, and a man named Patterson, were brought forward for trial before a jury of the citizens who had taken the matter in hand, and., the evidence being deemed conclusive of their guilt, they were without any regular process of law condemned to be shot. On Saturday evening the two Sauls were conducted by a large body of citizens into an old field and executed in military style; Patterson having turned evidence against them, was sent to jail, and now awaits further consideration. Fifty one guns were fired at the two criminals who were shot, but no person belonging to the army took a band in the execution, the affair being managed and conducted wholly by citizens of the county. The men confessed their guilt previous to their execution.

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