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A Gigantic Bankruptcy.

--In the London Court of Bankruptcy, on the 27th ult., Zachariah Charles Pearson, of Nicholas Lane, Lombard street, and of Kingston-upon-Hull (trading under the title of Z. C. Pearson & Co.,) came upon his adjourned examination. This was one of the largest failures which ever came into the Court, not excepting the Royal British Bank, or the great speculations in leather, Messrs. Lawrence, Streatfeild & Mortimore. The debts were more than £645,000, and the deficit acknowledged to be £213,574. The bankrupt's speculations were various — from a sale of the celebrated vessel, the Merrimac, for £131,785, to £1764 of acceptances to Mr. L. Seymour on account of the Southern Times. The case was adjourned for examination of accounts till October 29th, when the meeting for the final order will take place.

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