Later from the North.
Through the courtesy of the officers of the
Exchange Bureau we have received New York dates of Thursday last, the 29th ult.--We make a summary of the news:
From Chattanooga — important movements on Foot — Grant Gone to the front, etc.
A correspondent of the
Herald, writing from
Nashville on the 22d.
gives the following report of affairs at
I left
Chattanooga four days ago. At that time nothing of especial importance as regards field operations was transpiring at that point.
Our officers and the enemy communicated almost everyday via the picket lines.
Reports reaching us through rebel couriers represented the
Union movements at several points in a favorable light.
When I left
Bridgeport, Ala., reports came in that the rebel
Gen. Wheeler was again about to threaten our lines of railroad communication between here and
Later reports seem to confirm this.
It is evident there is a force of rebels attempting to interrupt our railroad line of communication with the front.
A short time since a train was thrown from the track in consequence of the displacement of new rails, by which several persons were injured — some seriously.
It is to be hoped that by far the worst of the plot has developed itself.
About twelve o'clock last night a very unusual affair occurred.
It seems a torpedo was sunk in the ground at a point three miles this side of
Several freight and passenger cars, well loaded, passed over the torpedo.
As the locomotive which had been acting as pusher up the mountain was going back it exploded the torpedo, throwing the tender off the track, tearing it almost to pieces.
Fortunately, no one was seriously injured.
During this afternoon the same train was thrown off the track between here and
Many of the passengers jumped out of the car windows and off the top of the cars, but none, very fortunately, sustained injuries that will lay them up.
Two days ago three regiments from
General Schurz's division, of the eleventh army corps, were sent on an expedition by direction of
Major-General Howard.
They were eminently successful, took some prisoners, gained important military information, and captured three cars and a locomotive.
Do not think our forces are inactive at the front.
Although the roads are very had you will hear favorable news before long.
took one prisoner, who, it was evident, was engaged in throwing cars from the track.
The passengers wanted to hang him on the spot.
The prisoner is now in
Another letter has the following:
Army movements are going forward vigorously, and on a grand scale, in this department.
All the way from
Indianapolis to this place you pass immense numbers of wagons and large quantities of forage, army stores, and heavy batteries of artillery, together with any amount of bridge timbers, on
route to the front.
The railroad is well protected by the military, and from here to
Bridgeport Hooker's corps occupies and protects the line of communication.
The railroad bridge at
Bridgeport will be finished about the 1st of November. So will that over
Falling Waters, near
Chattanooga, and the road finished about the same time to the latter place.
Then, as soon as fifteen or twenty days supplies for the army are placed in
Chattanooga and the balance of the reinforcements reach
Rosecrans he will push after
Bragg's main army is supposed to be falling back to further fortify
Atlanta and the crossings of the
Coosa river, where the next great battle will probably be fought, as it affords the best grounds for it this side of
Hooker's and probably
Sherman's corps will probably make a similar movement to the one by
Rosecrans which secured the evacuation of
Chattanooga without a battle.
Gen. Rosecrans had secured the victory before the late battle was forced upon him.
General Grant and staff left this morning for the front.
Mr. Dana, who arrived from
Stevenson last night, accompanied them back.
General Rosecrans is said to be at
Stevenson, where I doubt not there will be a conference between
Hooker, and
The situation on the
Tennessee is, in its main features, unchanged.
We have a force at
Bridgeport working at the bridge.
Communication between
Bridgeport and
Stevenson, on the
South bank of the river, is not feasible for anything less than a brigade.
The rebels are indeed posting themselves on the shores and firing at the teams and passers on the
North road where it runs close to the stream.
Some officers have been wounded in coming.
The distance is between sixty and seventy miles wheeling, through a rough country.
By the railroad it is twenty-eight.
I am unable to say when the railroad will be finished; but in the meantime it is safe to say that
Bragg will hardly attempt to dislodge our army from
Gen. Heade's Army — Depredations of the Confederates.
A dispatch from
Washington, dated the 27th says skirmishing continues as usual.
On Monday night a supply train, consisting of 30 wagons, was captured by the
Confederates between
Warrenton and New Baltimore, on the
Gainesville road.
On Tuesday the rebels went to within fourteen miles of
Alexandria, and carried off 30 mules and a wagon master.
The guard, however, fired upon them and prevented their capturing the wagons.
A telegram from
Washington, dated the 28th, says:
There has been the usual light skirmishing along the front to-day, though indicating no probable engagement.
It seems a settled fact that for the present the enemy is resolved on the defensive to prevent our forces from crossing the
Rappahannock, as it is ascertained at last quite reliably that but a small force of cavalry and a brigade of infantry constitute all the rebel troops on this side of the river.
A number of residents of
Fairfax having been arrested within a day or so and imprisoned here, the entire country between
Washington and the army is nearly relieved of all guerillas.
Several deserters from the enemy have just come into our lines, and relate startling stories of the sufferings of the rebel troops for clothes, and even food.
They also add that
General Hill is under arrest for falling to carry out his instructions in the advance of his corps on
Gen. Meade.
General Buford's cavalry division was attacked by rebel infantry, near Bealton Station, on Tuesday at noon, and was forced to fall back upon our infantry, within one mile of
There were but few casualties on either side.
The artillery wagons recently captured by the guerillas near
Warrenton contained no property of value.
This is the second daring and successful raid during the present week almost in the heart of our camp.
It is believed the rebels have not pushed any strong force on this side of the
Rappahannock since their grand retreat.
Small bodies, however, remain at the various crossings.
They are circumscribed to these positions by the proximity of our forces.
The enemy's cavalry scout the neck as far as Stafford Court House and Hartwood Church.
The late Gen. Rosecrans--a Couple of his speeches — he Refers the opium question to his druggist — his farewell order.
The Yankee papers are filled with accounts of the dismissal of
Rosecrans, his speeches, &c.--He made a speech at the
Burnet House in
Cincinnati, on Monday, and expressed the opinion that if the forces now ordered there had been sent before, the "backbone of the rebellion" would have been broken at
Referring to his removal, he said:
I must remember also that you have some doubt why the
Government sent me here.
Let us ever bear in mind, my friends, that it is our duty to yield ready and perfect obedience to our Government at all times, and grant it the privilege of issuing orders for which we must presume it has good reasons until we know the contrary.--(Cheers). Therefore I hope there is no disposition among you to question the
I do not say to you to stifle your feelings, but to wait for further light.
To prevent any misunderstanding, I will state here that since the
battle of Chickamauga the
President has written me personally to express his satisfaction at what was done.
(Enthusiastic cheers.)
Some very kind friends, excellent friends of mine, of the cities of New York and
Washington, seem to be posted up in regard to my health.--(Laughter.) The Army of the Cumberland thinks differently — it thinks I am well enough; so I do myself.
(Laughter and cheers.) One of my New York friends has published to the world that
Gens. McCook and
Crittenden have conspired against me. Now I have the assurance from them to-day that they regret the use of their names in any such dishonorable connection.
(Cheers.) As to the quantity of opium I have taken, you will have to excuse me — I refer you to my druggist.
I arrived here one year ago with orders to report from
Cincinnati to the
I have the same orders now in my pocket that I then had. (Cheers) Now, friends and fellow-citizens, I presume the
Government does not intend to attack the character of her public officers; and I presume that the
Government is not responsible for these attacks upon me which were made so prominent in some of the public journals of
Washington and New York, which were copied into the papers of this city.
(Cheers.) I presume that our Government would not make such charges.
Whatever it does I am willing to have done.
I have nothing further to say than this: that if anything gives me hope for the future of our country it is the noble and self-sacrificing spirit manifested by the people, who, in spite of the weariness of war — of the loss of friends and relatives, of children, fathers, and brothers, and all that war entails — are devoted and unyielding.
(Cheers.) They are still convinced that if there is any hope for this country in the future, it is in the unity and preservation of our Government.
(Cheers.) It is for that I live, and for that I expect to die. (Long and continued applause.)
In another speech, at the Merchants' Exchange, he said:
I have been where I could see and hear from the enemy.
My hearing what was to hear, and seeing what was to be seen, has given me opportunities for judging of the
Southern condition that all have not possessed.
I will tell you one thing more, and that in reference to the opinions of those who think the war might have been avoided, and that some peace might have been procured before now if we had taken a different course.
But I tell you that the only way in which we can procure any peace is by throttling the enemy of the
The following farewell order was published to the Army of the Cumberland after
General Rosecrans's departure:
Headq'rs Dep't of the Cumberland.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 19.
General Order, No. 242.
The General commanding announces to the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland that he leaves them under orders from the
Major-General George H. Thomas, in compliance with orders, will assume the command of this army and department.
The chiefs of all the staff departments will report to him for orders.--In taking leave of you, his brothers in arms, officers and soldiers, he congratulates you that your new commander comes to you not as a stranger.--
General Thomas has been identified with this army from its first organization, and has led you often in battles.
To his renown, precedents, dauntless courage, and true patriotism, you may look with confidence that, under God, he will lead you to victory.
The General commanding doubts not you will be as true to yourselves and your country in the future as you have been in the past.
To the division and brigade commanders be tenders his cordial thanks for their valuable aid and hearty co-operation in all he has undertaken.
To the chiefs of his staff departments and their subordinates, whom he leaves behind, he owes a debt of gratitude for their fidelity and untiring devotion to duty.
Companions in arms, officers and soldiers, farewell, and may God bless you.
From Charleston — Dahlgren Furloughed for twenty days.
It is announced that
Admiral Dahlgren has received a furlough of twenty days "to visit
Washington." A correspondent of the N. Y.
World, writing from
Morris Island, says:
Much has been said about the relations of
Admiral Dahlgren and
Gen. Gillmore, but I have heard that the correspondents on
Morris Island are not permitted to write the origin of the difficulties between these commanders.
I am in a position to speak positively on the matter.
There has been no open breach of friendship between these two officers, but
Gen. Gillmore appears sensitive on the suspension of the siege, and is anxious to show, the admitted fact, that his portion of the labor allotted by the
Government has been heroically accomplished.
A significant circumstance, which will illustrate
Gen. Gillmore's position, has recently occurred.--The General sent dispatches by several of his officers to
Washington, in which, as I was informed, he declared that his army was necessarily inactive, and that the field for the operations of the navy was open.
While the dispatches did not denounce
Dahlgren in express terms, they stated that
General Gillmore, if he had certain matters and things at his disposal — which being contraband, I am not allowed to name — he would carry on the siege independent of the navy.
I have heard that the
Government has not only acceded to the request of
Gen. Gillmore, but has ordered the removal of
Admiral Dahlgren.
This alteration of the programme involves an important change, which will enable the army to accomplish much of the labor which is usually assigned to the navy.
It may be not amiss to state here that the work of removing the torpedoes and raftsin the harbor, which intercept the approach of our vessels, will immediately commence.
The dispatches of
Gen. Gillmore had scarcely been a few miles on their way when
Admiral Dahlgren heard of the circumstance.
entente coridale between the commanders may be judged when it is known that
Dahlgren at once wrote brief counter communications to the
Government, the bearer of them being his own son.
A telegram from
Knoxville, dated the 25th, reports a fight "today," in which a rebel force of 5,000 lost 300 killed, wounded and prisoners.
Gen. Wolford recaptured his wagon train, but lost his battery. "Our loss," says the dispatch, "is about 300. " It adds that
Gen. Sanders had driven the rebels below
[This telegram is evidently intended to describe the thrashing that
Wolford got on the 21st ult., where he lost his artillery.]
Brownlow and
Representative Maynard were addressing the people of
East Tennessee.
Knoxville they spoke to 28,000 people, and were received with enthusiasm.
The steamer
Mist, bound from
Helena to
Memphis, was boarded by guerillas on the 21st, robbed of $20,000 and then burnt, with her cargo of cotton.
Joe Shelby's rebel forces are reported to have been driven from the
State of Missouri.
Gen. Sigel is addressing the
Dutch in various parts of the
United States.
He was at
Rochester, N. Y., last.
Gen. Price is reported to be threatening Forts Blunt and
Smith, in Arkansas, with 9,000 men.
Governor Seymour is making speeches throughout the
State of New York in favor of the
Democratic ticket.
State of New York, under the new call for volunteers, and including her deficiency in the late draft, is to furnish 108,085 men.
The next Legislature of
Ohio will stand as follows: Senate, 29
Unionists to 5 Opposition;
House, 80
Unionists to 17 Opposition; Union majority on joint ballot, 87.
Gold was quoted in
New York Wednesday at 146½.