
Averill's Raid.

Information received yesterday leaves no doubt of the fact that the enemy under Averill are still in the neighborhood of Salem, in which point they retired yesterday morning, after making a feint of falling back towards Sweet Springs. It is believed that several streams in the route of their retreat have been so much swollen by the recent rains as to be past fording. If such be the case, proper vigilance on the part of our authorities may succeed in bagging the greater portion of them.

When they first entered Salem, on Wednesday, they captured William Oakey, the telegraph operator, and killed a Mr. Chapman, proprietor of one of the hotels in the place. On Wednesday night, after burning the depot and commissary buildings, as well as the Court-House, they retired to Mason's Cove, where they encamped for the night.--It is also reported that they destroyed the extensive tannery in the town.

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