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The works of a watch in a man's Breast.--remarkable case.

--In that valuable periodical, the Medical and Surgical Journal, the April number of which has just been published by Messrs. Ayres & Wade, we find the following most remarkable case of a recovery from a gunshot wound in the lung.

Mr. R. D. Q., 22 years old, of scrofulous temperament, in January, was leading on his gun, the muzzle in contact with his left sale, when it exploded, tearing a hole in the chest of three or four inches in diameter, carrying with the load of shot fragments of the third, fourth and fifth ribs, and the whole of a very large, heavy English gold patent lever watch, except the ring to which the chain was attached which singular to say, was found in the lining of his waistcoat, on the right side. In Selden found the patient apparently about to expire, and, from the impending suffocation upon the ingress of air within so large an opening, he could make no exploration of the wound.

Closing the wound with a large compress and bandage, opinion and stimulants were freely administered. Reaction took place, and in a fortnight sufficient adhesions were established to permit exposure of the cavity of the wound and to recognize and remove the metal face of the watch from some six inches at the bottom of the wound. For several weeks fragments of the watch continued to present themselves and were extracted; some from upon the diaphragm, others below the clavicle.--The lung collapsing, was not torn to pieces, though wounded in several points. Both the heart, covered by the pericardium, and the north were exposed to view and to touch. Suppuration was enormous; hemorrhages frequent. The collapsed lung became bound down by adhesions. The whole side of the thorax sank. Sustained by every article of nutritious food calculated to supply an inordinate appetite, the patient's recovery was slow, until the wound, progressively reduced, could only admit a catheter. The supervention of the tentement metaleque during the progress of the case offered the enviable opportunity of viewing the cause of its production. Mrs. Andrews and Higgins, (whose patient Mr. D. was,) were perfectly assured that the burning of the table on the surface of the pus was the rationale of the sound. Fragments of watch and bone together, with shot and other extraneous matters, continued for some time to be ejected by expectoration with sputa, Mr. D. possesses now every part of the watch except the hands, a considerable portion of the small works having been expectorated. The openings into the lung were of sufficient size to allow a current of air to escape, and if directed against the flame of a candle to extinguish it. Mr. D's health continues feeble, but is as robust as it had been during the past five years.

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