
Sunday night left the opposing forces on the Southside of James river in the same relative positions they had occupied for two days, but there was a decided impression upon the public mind that a general engagement would occur yesterday, and in this was no disappointment. Desultory Brag continued through the night, and about five o'clock on yesterday morning the commenced in earnest. The attack was by our forces, and among the brigades engaged were Gracey's, Kemper's, Johnson's, Barton's, Corse's, and Ransom's. It is stated that after the battle commenced, our men allowed the enemy to get possession of a fortification, when a fight took piece, almost hand-to-hand, the opposing being at times within ten yards of each other, and almost blinded by the dense smoke of the musketry. The result was that the enemy were driven some distance, who heavy loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners.

At an early hour in the morning the following official dispatch was received from Gen. Beauregard, commanding the forces on the Southside.

Drewry's Bluff,
May 16, 1864--6.30 A. M.

To Gen. B Bragg,
The progress is very satisfactory. Gen. the enemy's fight flank this morning and is driving him towards our hold still on the fight, and are the enemy back in front of our and capturing some artilleries.

stormed the breast works, that four stand of colors and about three prisoners, losses, on the whole, appear not to be heavy.

It appeared afterwards, however, that the number of prisoners captured was much greater than stated by Gen. Beauregard.--About a thousand were received at the Libby yesterday, including the following commissioned officers:

Brig Gen Heckman, 1st brigade, 2d division, 10th corps; Col H C Lee, Lieut Col W G Bartholomew, Capt J H Nutting, Capt R. R Swift, 2d Lieut W. T. Davis, 2d Lieut Justin 1st Lieut and Adj't T W McMns; Lieut John H Ladd, 1st Lieut J L. Skinner, 20th Mass; Capt Edgar Kissum, 2d George Peters, 3d Lieut J M Drake, Jersey, Capt R A Willia, 8th Maine regiment, 2d Lieut S P. Hodges, 12th N Y regiment, Capt James Belger, 1st Rhode Island artillery, Capt J E Lewis and Capt H McRonald, 11th Pa; Col Richard White, Capt D W Fox, 55th Pa; Captain Henry Bichel, 6th Connecticut regiment, Captain H Jenkins, Jr, 40th Massachusetts regiment, Captain D Stone, Capt Jas H Pierce, 1st Lt and Adj't John regt 1st Lt M P Pierson, 10th N Y; 2d Lt Jas H Pitt, 118th N Y; 2d 7th Conn; Captain H M Phillips, 39th Mass; Lt, Col F T Barnett, 1st Lt and Adj't Jas Gottshell, 2d Lt Pat O'Connell, 1st Lt and Adj't P H Lay, 2d Lt H , 117th N Y.

These prisoners represent fifteen regiments besides Brig. Gen. Heckman, who has figured quite conspicuously in the campaign on the Southside. The Col. White, mentioned above, is a brother of the White of the Pennsylvania Legislature, who was for some time a prisoner in our hands. It was confidently stated by our wounded men that we had killed or captured an entire brigade, and it was reported yesterday evening that a large number of prisoners were on the Richmond by the country road.

The fight commenced on our left, below Drewry's Bluff, on James river, and extended with more or less severity along the whole line. The enemy's line extended to the vicinity of Drewry's Bluff, leaving but a small space between their right flank and the river. Their right flank was turned by a force under Gen. Ransom, and they were driven towards their centre with considerable loss.

The bring could be distinctly heard from the city and was the occasion of considerable excitement. As the favorable accounts came in however, everybody seemed satisfied, and a large proportion of our non tants repaired to Rocketts to attend upon our wounded as they arrived by the boats.

The firing ceased between three and four o'clock, the advantage remaining decidedly with our troops. We have many rumors from the battle field which we do not deem necessary to mention. It was, however, reported last evening that our forces had Gen Gilmore's corps cut off from the gunboats, with every prospect of their capture.

We have heard our own Jossea on yesterday estimated at one hundred and fifty killed and a thousand wounded. A considerable proportion of those brought in had received light wounds.

Altogether, the situation on the Southside is decidedly favorable, and Butler must look to his laurels. Indeed, it is not believed, that this redoubtable individual is in any position of danger, but either on board a gunboat or on the way to Fortress Monroe.

Most of the prisoners brought in yesterday were genuine Yankees; but there were some few Dutchmen among them, who speak a word of English.

The casualties in Kemper's Brigade.

The following is a partial list of the casualties in Kemper's brigade, in the fight of yesterday.

1st Va. Regiment.

Killed: Serg't J W Wynne, Corporal Jno A Via, co H; privates J Toomey, co E; A Figher, co I; R Walthall, co G; A Goven, co D.

Wounded: Private W W Turner, co D, , slight; Corp'l G E Craig, co D, scalp, slight; Corp'l W A Stober, co B, chest, serious; Lieut E W Martin, co H, leg, slight; privates H S Gillespie, co C, leg, slight; H C co C, neck, severe; W H Crigger, co B, abdomen, severe; C A Wills, co I, abdomen, severe; T Harvey, co G, arm, severe; B F Garrett, co D, hand, slight; J R Daniel, co B, face, slight.

Eleventh Virginia--Field and Staff: Lieut Jol K Otey, severely wounded; Capt R M Mitchell, Act'g Major, slightly do; Adj't C Tyree, severely do, Serg't Maj W A Tool, slightly do.

Company A, Lieut J Kennedy comd'g, severely wounded.--Killed: Private Turner. Wounded: H Mitchell, slightly;--Stevens, do.

Company B--Killed: Sgt R Slatt, B Harney. Wounded; Capt F Wharton, slightly; H W Lazenby, do; Privates A Farmer, mortally; J Dowdy, severely; A Holcombe, do; Williamson, slightly; M A Haden, severely; Sandifer, do; R Sandifer, do; E Wharton, do; Sgts J T Wells, do; W M Phillips, slightly Private C B Finch, severely.

Company C, Capt W H Morgan commanding.--Killed: C Allen. J Monroe, J Depriest. Wounded: Sg't E G Gilliam, severely; Corp'l G R Crusy, do; privates B Woody, do; R W Jones, do; J E Walker, do; T Harvey, do; A Rosser, do; W Rosser, slightly.

Company D, Capt James commanding.--Killed: A Fluke. Wounded: W Guspelli,

slightly: N J Baker, do; C D Raider, do; W D Jones, severely G M Carper, do; J P Lemon, do; R Lemon, do; J Kelley, do; H Harris, do; G W Garp slightly.

Company E, Lieut Norwell commanding.--Killed: Ro Clark, P Spilliam. Wounded: L Williamson, severely; H Gilbert, do; W P Gilbert, do; S Hurt, do; Sg't E G Williams, do.

Company F, Capt Douthat commanding.--Killed: Serg't R G Kyle; private W J Trent. Wounded: Privates E Thomson, J H Gardner, R M Lucus, J T Luens, J R Burke, C B Turner, J Whitworth, C H Haley; Lieut Ragan.

Company G, Capt Smith commanding.--Wounded: Lt J A Franklin, severely; Sgt A C Guy, slightly; Corp'l W H Shafer, severely; Privates W S Nelson, slightly; J J Old, do; R Kent, do; S Booths, do; J Wills, do; J Conley, do.

Company K, Lieut Hardy, commanding.--Killed: Lt Hardy, Privates Isaacs and Cash. Wounded: Privates J Ray, M Painter, H Walkup, severely.

Company I, Lieut Embry commanding.--Killed: Private Jessee Embry. Wounded: Corp'l O A Burnett, severely; Privates J W Allen, slightly; J T Edwards, do; C Courtney, do; S Jacobs, do; J G Kemper, severely; Sergt W M Embrey, do.

A victory in the Valley.

The popular mind was rendered jubilant yesterday morning by the receipt of the dispatch from Gen. Breckinridge, which we publish elsewhere. The location of this fight is about half way between Winchester and Staunton. The battle extended over a distance of about nine miles. From the following dispatch it will be seen that the Lexington Cadets bore an important part in the contest:

Staunton, May 10, 1864.

To Gen. W. H. Richardson:
The corps of Cadets were with General Breckinridge in the fight with Sigel yesterday at New Market, and behaved splendidly. They lost five killed and fifteen wounded, to will Cadets Corbett, Jones, Crockett, McDowell, and Stanard, killed; and Cadets Carnell, Stuart, Bill, Randolph, Johnson, Dillard, Berkeley, Wise, Triplett, Marshall, Shriver, Watson, Reid, Turner and Whitson, Wounded.

H. M. Bett, Maj., and C. M.

News from Gen. Lee's army.

The news from Gen. Lee's army is very meagre, though it is believed that nothing of much importance has occurred. The following official dispatch, though dated the 16th, was probably written by General Lee on Sunday night:

Spotsylvania C. H.,
Via Guiney's Station, May 16th.

To His Excellency, President Davis:
The enemy has made no movement against our position to-day. He has retired his right and extended his left towards Massaponax Church, occupying the line of the Ni river, his main force being apparently east of that stream.

(Signed) R. E. Lee.

The line of the Ni river is said to afford a very strong position, but we rely upon Gen. Lee to take a stronger one.

The following private dispatch from Mayor Slaughter, of Fredericksburg, was received yesterday morning:

Guiney's Station, May 16, 1864.
The Yankees advanced in force about two miles on our right. They hold Massaponax Church. All quiet to day-no firing. Immense Yankee trains are passing from the telegraph and plank roads to Fredericksburg. They can be seen from Hicks's Hill.

The Danville Railroad.

Spears's raiding party has made no further demonstration against the Danville railroad, and accounts of the destruction of property on the Southside road are contradictory.

The enemy repulsed in Northern Georgia.

A dispatch was received at the War Department yesterday, from Gen. Jos. E. Johnston, dated Dalton, May 15th, in which it is stated that the enemy made several assaults upon his position on Saturday last, and were repulsed.

From Southwestern Virginia.

We have some further accounts from Southwestern Virginia, though the news is not of so positive a character as that received at the War Department, and published yesterday. It is stated that the greater portion of the raiding party are making their way back, though at last accounts there was still a small force in Montgomery county, who made their appearance in Christiansburg on Friday last, made a short stay, and then retired in the direction of Blacksburg. Some prisoners who were taken in the fight between Morgan's cavalry and Averill say that the latter was defeated with severe loss.--Averill himself received a slight wound in the head. The fight took place about six miles from Wytheville, on the road from Tazewell, on Monday week. The enemy's force was composed of a portion of the main body of the raiders, which was sent off as a diversion, while the larger force went towards the New River bridge. It is believed that the enemy's entire force in Southwestern Virginia is not loss than eight thousand men. The party which attacked Dublin and the New River bridge was under command of Gen. Cook, and numbered about five thousand men, with twelve pieces of artillery.

Incidents of last week's fighting.

The Charlottesville Chronicle, has some readable incidents of last week's fighting. We copy some of them:

‘ A Yankee Colonel, taken prisoner in one of the fights, was questioned by one of our Generals as to his (the Colonel's) opinion of the final result of the series of battles.

’ The Yankee Colonel replied, "if we have four to your one, we shall whip you. If we have three to your one, it will be a drawn battle. If we have only two to your one, we shall be whipped." This account we have from the General in person. It is stated on high authority, too, that the prisoners of rank freely assert, that it Grant is whipped in this fight, he will find it impossible to keep up his army, and the war will be virtually over.

From the General above referred to we also learn that numbers of knapsacks and guns were found in the embankments which constituted the fortifications from which the Yankees were driven by our troops in one of the engagements of the Wilderness, and that our men picked the fortifications to pieces in some places in order to get out the clothes contained in the knapsacks, and to secure the guns (small arms.) This shows that the panic of some of the Yankees at least, and the haste and confusion of others must have been great.

The voices of the subaltern officers of the enemy could at times be distinctly heard by our men behind the entrenchments (ours), at first entreating the men to fight; telling them that it was necessary to fight well only once more, whip Lee, and that then the rebellion would be crushed. As entreaties failed, and the flagging spirits of the motley crew refussal to respond to the eloquence of these leaders, threats and curses, loud and deep, succeeded, and in some instances the officers used their swords pretty freely on their men.

Our wounded soldiers, many of whom have been conversed with, estimate our loss at from one tenth up to one-fifth of the enemy's. One of our Captains states that he rode, eight hundred yards over the field on Wednesday, the 11th instant, and that he believes he saw five hundred dead Yankees, and that he was informed that the Yankee dead lay much thicker where Gen Ewell fought. We understand that Gen Ewell puts the enemy's loss up to Tuesday at forty thousand in killed, wounded, prisoners, and missing.

Prisoners are continually arriving at Orange C. H., some of them humble, but most of them impudent. Only two negro soldiers have yet reached Orange C. in uniform. One of them said but little. The other, a cavalryman, was somewhat more --said he was unhorsed at the first fire; that he had made the discovery that he was unfit for the duties of a soldier, and expressed a desire to return to picking cotton, in which very rea

desire we sincerely trust his negro ship may be gratified.

Many of the Yankee troops who stormed our fortifications came tumbling over the works, cursing and abusing the "d — d rebels," and landing among our men, who found them so drunk that they did not know what they were about.

Numbers of the sober once who were in the advance had their knapsacks on, and after being made prisoners were asked by our troops, "how did you expect to fight such a battle as this encumbered by your knapsacks?" The reply was in the true Yankee spirit: "We meant to surrender at the first opportunity, and we brought our knapsacks along because we wanted to have our plunder."

The condition of Gen. Longstreet.

It will be grateful news to the public to know that Gen Longstreet is rapidly improving. hear from Lynchburg that be was sitting up on Saturday, and his Surgeon expects that he will the in the saddle again by the first of July. His right arm is partially paralyzed, but it is expected that time will restore to the limb the usual vitality power.

The losses in Gen. Lee's army.

Our losses up to Saturday night last, in the battles between Lee and Grant, commencing on Thursday, 5th of May, were comparatively slight. The Charlottesville Chronicle understands that Dr. Gill, Gen Lee's Medical Director, instructed our authorities at Orange C H, not to approve of any telegram which should estimate our loss up to Saturday night at a higher figure than six thousand in killed, wounded and missing; and the Doctor said that he felt convinced that forty-five hundred would cover our whole loss up to that time. We have it from high authority that Gen Lee himself estimated the enemy's loss at full thirty thousand.

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R. E. Lee (8)
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Richard White (2)
Wharton (2)
M. Slaughter (2)
Sandifer (2)
Ransom (2)
Phillips (2)
Morgan (2)
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Harvey (2)
Lt Hardy (2)
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Jessee Embry (2)
W. T. Davis (2)
Jonathan C. Breckinridge (2)
Averill (2)
Allen (2)
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S. Williams (1)
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H. M. Walthall (1)
Walkup (1)
Walker (1)
Tyree (1)
Triplett (1)
Trent (1)
Toomey (1)
Thomson (1)
Swift (1)
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Stevens (1)
Stanard (1)
Spears (1)
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Pitt (1)
Pierson (1)
Pierce (1)
George Peters (1)
Otey (1)
Lt Pat O'Connell (1)
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Monroe (1)
McDowell (1)
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Kyle (1)
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Joseph E. Johnston (1)
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Isaacs (1)
P. Hodges (1)
Heckman (1)
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Harney (1)
Haley (1)
Guy (1)
Gracey (1)
Jas Gottshell (1)
Gen Gilmore (1)
Gilliam (1)
Gillespie (1)
Gill (1)
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Burke (1)
Bragg (1)
Henry Bichel (1)
H. M. Bett (1)
Berkeley (1)
James Belger (1)
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Barnett (1)
Baker (1)
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