Affairs upon the lines in the immediate vicinity of Richmond, are assuming a lively Yesterday morning the booming of heavy guns could be distinctly heard from the city, and reminded the listener of the scenes of the summer of 1863, when McClelgan with his host made a stupendous but fruitless effort to reach the Capital. We give below such facts regarding the progress of events as we have been able to collect.
From Gen. Lee's army.
There was some heavy skirmishing on Monday, in which we suffered some loss, and have reason to believe that more was insisted upon the enemy. We are informed that a portion of Rodes's division, supported by was sent forward to feel the position of the enemy, and came upon them in the neighborhood of Betheeds Church, in Honorer col. A right ensued, in which the enemy were driven back some two miles or more when our troops came upon the enemy breastworks and fell back. Meanwhile, Battle's and Daniel's brigades flanked the enemy's line of skirmishers, and succeeded in capturing 125 prisoners, who were received here last evening. Some of these prisoners stated that their "time was on Monday, and seemed to think it a hard case that they should have been captured at that interesting period. Eight prisoners, including a captain and a quartermaster, were also brought in yesterday afternoon. They were captured between Mechanicsville and the Pamunkey river on Monday evening. It appears that they got separated from their command, and were looking for their supply wagon, when they were taken by our cavalry. It was reported last evening that the Yankees had burnt the railroad depot at Hanover Court- House. Large signal fires were observed on the enemy's lines on Monday night, indicating, it is supposed, some movement on their part. Contrary to the popular expectation, no general engagement took place yesterday.--The heavy firing heard in the morning gave rise to lle that a battle was in progress, but it turned out to be skirmishing on the lines, with artillery duels at intervals. A rumor was extensively circulated during the day that Ewell had on engagement with the enemy and drove him back some three miles, capturing 500 prisoners; but of this there is no confirmation. A wounded soldier, who came down last evening, states that he received his wound in a skirmish below Atlee's station. All accounts agree that the operations of yesterday were confined to skirmishing at different points along the lines. There is no doubt of the fact that Grant is endeavoring to make his way to the Peninsula, in order to connect with his base of supplies at the White House. The of our army correspondent gives additional particulars of the situation of affairs on the lines.Our casualties.
Among those reported killed in Monday's night is Lieut Tucker Randolph, of this city, at to Pegram's brigade. His ds, however, have grounds for hope that this is orroneous, and believe that he is wounded and in the hands of the enemy.-- Lieut. Randolph was one of the most promising young officers in our service. His gallantry was conspicuous, and his superior officers have spoken of him in terms of the lightest commendation. Should it turn out to be true that he has indeed lost his life on the field of battle, it may with truth be said that Virginia has offered no nobler sacrifice to this war than this youthful and brave officer. We also regret to hear a report of the death of Col. Willis, of the 12th Georgia regiment, commanding Pegram's brigade. It is hoped, too, that this may prove to be orroneous. Col. Willis was a brave officer, and has participated in many of the hard fought battles of the war. It is said that Col. Gibson, of the 49th Virginia regiment, is wounded and in the hands of the enemy. We have thus far been unable to ascertain the number of our casualties. Some of the wounded were brought down yesterday.[from our own correspondent.]
Army of Northern Virginia,
near Mechanicsville, May 31, 1864.
Yesterday morning about three o'clock Gen. Early, was ordered to move from his entrenched position on our then right wing, and reconnoitre the enemy's position, for the purpose of determining the strength of his works and some approximate estimate of his force.
This Gen. E. proceeded to do, taking with him and his own divisions.
He had not proceeded far before his me of battle, consisting of Daniel's and brigades, of Rodes's division, and brigade, of Early's division, meet the enemy about one mile this side of Be Church, the force of the enemy be Warren's 5th corps of Yankee infantry mainly.
A severe fight ensued, and the enemy were repulsed and driven back nearly two miles, to their line of entrenchments, behind which they sought shelter, and which proving too strong for our forces, they retired to their original position, having accomplished the object for which they forward — the result of their reconnaissance being that the enemy were strongly entrenched, in heavy force, on our right (their left) Our losses will foot up two hundred and seventy-five wounded and as many as forty killed. Col. Willis, of the th Georgia, while leading Pegram's brigade, fell mortally wounded, and has since Col. Terrid, of the 13th Virginia, to next assumed command of it, fell mortally wounded, and his body was left in the enemy's hands when we retired from the enemy's front back to our original line.
The losses of the enemy in killed and wounded cannot be ascertained.
Their loss prisoners foot up 150, chiefly of the fifth ps. Some few of them being heavy arrymen from Washington city.
This morning everything on our right is quiet.
There has been some thing in Mahone's front, and it is said that between three and four o'clock this evening the enemy advanced with three lines of battle in Wilcox's front, but that he repulsed with considerable slaughter of their
The enemy are evidently shifting ground war is the York river road, and Grant awaiting Butler's presence in order renew the butchery.
The roads are quite dry, and the weather
exceedingly warm.
Grant is busy fortifying and his entrenchments are in full view of our lines. X