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We have received copies of New York papers of Tuesday, the 28th instant. Gold, 203 1-4.

The entrance of the Yankee troops into Wilmington.

The correspondents from Wilmington claim that Terry's troops, before crossing the river into the city of Wilmington, captured three hundred and seventy-five prisoners and two pieces of artillery. The following account of the occupation of the city is given:

‘ With the dawn of day this morning, the pickets of General Casement observed innumerable white flags, or articles intended to serve as such, waving along the wharves of Wilmington. Conjecturing aright that these were peace tokens of the people, in the absence of the evanescent rebels, the pickets hunted up and down the shore for skiffs and boats, and in these and on rafts hastily constructed, the skirmishers of General Casement were soon across the river, almost before their commanding officers were aware of the good news of the evacuation of the city. The main body of General Cox's column was unable to get over immediately, owing to the want of transportation; otherwise, it would have been doubtful which general of the parallel columns would have had the honor of first occupying the city.

’ As it was, the troops of General Terry pushed into town about 9 o'clock, and with that discipline which characterizes their veteran organization, waited not to loiter about, as soldiers are wont to do when they enter the limits of towns generally, but pushed on after the retreating foe--one regiment only, the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth New York, being left as a temporary guard until other dispositions might be made by General Schofield.

Major Terry met the Mayor, Mr. John Dawson, who expressed his willingness to surrender the city and place it under the protection of the Union troops.-- Major Terry communicated the fact to his father, General Terry, who, at the court-house, thereupon formally received the surrender of Wilmington from its chief executive, His Honor Mayor Dawson.

Were the city of Wilmington located north of Mason and Dixon's line, with the present 22d day of February occurring in the earlier years of rebellion, when the passage of troops "off to the wars" was a novelty, and an inspiration to the most enthusiastic patriotism, the advent of our army could hardly have called forth more vehement popular demonstrations. Flags, stained with age in the hiding places to which they had been consigned during the thraldom of rebellion, were brought forth to kiss again the bright sunlight and to wave a welcome to their redeemers. White hands fluttered less white kerchiefs from piazza, porch and window as the stream of glistening bayonets and travel-stained blue uniforms poured through the streets of Wilmington. It well repaid the bloody charge at Fisher, and obliterated the memory of the repulse of Christmas.

Major-General Cox has been appointed Military Governor of Wilmington and its vicinity.

The One Hundred and Fourth Ohio veteran volunteers, Colonel Steel's brigade, has been detailed as the provost-guard of the city, and the commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Jourdan, has been appointed provost marshal. The fine band of this regiment discoursed some excellent music during the formal occupation of the city. The performance of the Star Spangled Banner and other national airs re-animating the long-repressed patriotism of its inhabitants.

We obtained possession of some railroad property. At the Charleston depot, on Eagle island, one locomotive and a number of cars are a portion of the spoils of our victory. In the city, at the Raleigh depot, we have two locomotives and a few cars. On the platform at this depot is a Whitworth gun, which the rebels in their flight failed to carry off.

The rebel privateer steamer Chickamauga, which was trapped in the Cape Fear by the capture of Fort Fisher, has moved some twelve miles up the river to escape a contest with Admiral Porter's gunboats. She took the alarm yesterday, and sought a safer anchorage. The other steamers — for the most part small river boats — have gone up in the direction of Fayetteville.

At noon, the fleet of Admiral Porter fired a salute in honor of Washington's birthday — a feu de joie at the same time in token of the double victory at Charleston and Wilmington.

Soon after, the fleet began advancing. A channel had first to be cut through the obstructions opposite Fort St. Philip. The small boats accomplished this in a short space of time, and the Malvern, Admiral Porter's flagship, passed through, leading the way for the rest of the fleet. The Malvern, on coming abreast of the city, fired a salute, which had the effect of bringing the citizens, in a great concourse, to the wharves, where, throughout the afternoon, they gazed with much interest upon the Yankee gunboats.--The Malvern was followed by the Sassacus, which, in time, was followed by such others of the fleet as were signalled to come up.

The Yankees in Charleston — the Correspondence Attending the surrender.

The papers are full of all sorts of stuff about Charleston, and so many "spread-eagle" stories about waving of "old flags" and new handkerchiefs, "tears of joy," etc., that one hardly thinks even a Yankee can read them without being nauseated. The first troops which reached Charleston was a detachment of nine men, under a Lieutenant-Colonel Bennett. They started in a boat, and having waved the "old flag" over Sumter, went on to the wharf. A letter says:

‘ On landing it was not deemed advisable by Colonel Bennett to advance into the city, as he was informed that a rebel brigade was still at the depot, taking the cars, and that a force of cavalry were scouring the city and impressing men into the ranks and driving the negroes before them. As he had but nine men with him, he confined himself merely to sending to Mayor Macbeth the following peremptory demand for the surrender of the city:

Headquarters United States Forces, Charleston, South Carolina, February 18, 1865.
Mayor Charles Macbeth, Charleston:

In the name of the United States Government, I demand the surrender of the city of which you are the executive officer,

Until further orders, all citizens will remain within their houses.

I have the honor to be, Mayor, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Colonel commanding United States forces, Charleston.

To this demand, Colonel Bennett was subsequently handed, by a committee from the Mayor, consisting of Aldermen Gilland and Williams, a letter which he was about to dispatch to Morris island:

To the General Commanding the Army of the United States at Morris Island:

The military authorities of the Confederate States have evacuated this city. I have remained to enforce law and preserve order until you take such steps as you may think best.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,

Charles Macbeth,Mayor.

After a brief interview, in which the Aldermen informed Colonel Bennett that the city had been fired by the rebels in various places, and that the town was threatened by a total destruction, as the firemen were all secreted, in consequence of the operations of the rebel cavalry, who were impressing them and driving them from the town whenever found; and they desired protection from the rebels, in order that the firemen might perform their duty without fear of being seized. More troops were then landed, and the town was taken possession of. The houses were all closed and the people remained within.

The Courier remained and continued publication, merely dropping "Confederate States of America" from its heading, and forgetting to place in its stead United States of America. Its tone was somewhat changed, too, being subdued and neutral. This morning it was taken possession of by Lieutenant-Colonel Woodford, Provost-Marshal-General of this department, and placed in charge of George Whittemore, correspondent of the New York Times, and George W. Johnson, of the Port Royal New South, who will issue, to-morrow morning, a loyal paper. Both Mr. Whittemore and Mr. Johnson are gentlemen of talent and experience, and will make a good, live newspaper of the Courier. They will achieve a success, I am sure. All the printing material in the job offices in town have also been turned over to them.

The Charleston Courier of the morning of the 20th--its last (Confederate) issue — thus describes the horrors of the evacuation of the city:

The terrible scenes through which this community has passed since our last issue can only be conceived by those who witnessed the dreadful reality.--The saddest part of all is the loss of life which occurred between eight and nine o'clock Saturday morning from an accidental explosion of powder and the blowing up of the Northeastern railroad depot. About one hundred and fifty persons — including men, women and children — were either instantly killed or perished in the flames, and about two hundred wounded. Of the immense destruction of property no estimate can be formed, but it will amount to several millions.

Early Saturday morning, before the retirement of General Hardee's troops, every building, warehouse or shed, stored with cotton, was fired by a guard detailed for the purpose. The engines were brought out; but with the small force at the disposal of the Fire Department very little else could be done than to keep the surrounding buildings from igniting. On the western side of the city the conflagration raged with great fury. On the wharf of the Savannah railroad depot several hundred bales of cotton were awaiting shipment on the blockade-runners; also, several thousand bushels of rough rice. On Lucas street, leading to the depot, was a shed containing twelve hundred bales of cotton, which, together with several other sheds and buildings filled with cotton, belonging to private parties, fell a prey to the flames. Lucas's mill, containing some thirty thousand bushels of rice, and Mr. R. T. Walker's warehouse, at the foot of Broad street, filled with commissary stores, were also destroyed.

Shortly after eight o'clock occurred the terrible explosion at the Northeastern railroad. The explosion was tremendous, and shook the whole city. It appears, from all accounts, that this dreadful catastrophe was caused from the careless handling of powder by some boys, taking handfuls and throwing it into the cotton fire at the depot. In doing this they unwittingly laid a train to the apartment in which it was stored. The spectacle which followed was horrible. --In an instant the whole building was enveloped in smoke and flames. The cries of the wounded, the inability of the spectators to render assistance to these rolling and perishing in the fire, all rendered it a scene of indescribable terror. The flames spread with great rapidity, communicating to the adjoining buildings, including the fine large residence of Dr. Seaman Deas, on the northeast corner of Chapel and Alexander streets, all of which were destroyed. The buildings on the opposite side of the street were soon enveloped in flames, and the fire now became unmanageable. All the buildings embraced in the area of four squares on Chapel, Alexander, Washington and Charlotte streets to Calhoun street, with few exceptions, were destroyed. About 10 o'clock, fire broke out in the large four-story brick building of Madame DuRee, at the northeast corner of East Bay and Laurens street. This, with the adjoining building on the northeast corner of Minority street, were all burned. Another fire broke out about 11 o'clock in a range of buildings on the west side of Meeting street, next to the court- house. Five buildings were burned; the walls only were left standing.--The alarm of fire Saturday night, in Ward four, was caused by the burning of the inside of a millinery establishment on King street.

In addition to the above fires, the new bridge from the city to James island was set on fire, and was still burning on Sunday night.

The burning and blowing up of the iron clads Palmetto State, Chicora and Charleston was a magnificent spectacle. The Palmetto State was the first to explode, and was followed by the Chicora about 9 o'clock, and the Charleston about 11 A. M. The latter, it is stated, had twenty tons of gunpowder on board.--Pieces of the iron plates, red hot, fell on the wharves and set them on fire. By the active exertions of Superintendent Thomas Turner, the gas works were saved. The explosions were terrific.--Tremendous clouds of smoke went up, forming beautiful wreaths. A full Palmetto tree, with its leaves and stems, was noticed by many observers. As the last wreath of smoke disappeared, the full form of the rattlesnake in the centre was remarked by many as it gradually faded away.

From Grant's army — what Lee's movements are to be.

The last reports from Grant's army are chiefly speculations about apprehended movements of General Lee:

All females and others not connected with the Army of the Potomac have been ordered to leave the lines.

Parties from the front report that our lookouts and the various signal stations have, within the past few days, discovered large bodies of rebel troops moving to and fro, which leads to the belief that Lee is receiving reinforcements from Beauregard's army, or is massing his troops at some point for the purpose of attacking our lines. Our troops are necessarily watchful, and will not be caught "napping."

Deserters who came into our lines, on Thursday and Friday, say that the people of Petersburg had been notified by the rebel military authorities to remove themselves and their effects from that city within four days.

There are other circumstances which tend to confirm the belief that Lee will soon contract his lines by evacuating Petersburg and falling back behind the Appomattox river.

The Herald's City Point correspondent gives a report that Johnston commands at Richmond, and Lee has gone South to meet Sherman.

Intended operations against Mobile.

A letter from Cairo to the New York Tribune says that the Federal army now going to the Southwest is intended for the capture of Mobile and then to operate against Selma, Montgomery, and other cities. It says:

‘ If the enemy evacuate Mobile, and escape with his garrison to Selina, he will no doubt be joined at that place by Taylor's forces and what militia may be at present under arms in Central and Southern Alabama. If so he will have an army of about sixteen thousand veterans and six thousand militia--twenty-two thousand in all. It is not necessary to add that we can outnumber him in men and material, and it is possible — it is really probable — that a general engagement of a sanguinary nature may take place in Central or Southern Alabama. Time will settle this speculation.

’ If everything works well, Kirby Smith's army will be attended to before next summer. This will require two expeditions--one up the Red river and one up the Rio Grande. All of the munitions of war, in fact everything but food for this army, is carried up the Rio Grande by European vessels, while Texas and Eastern Louisiana furnish the bread and meat. Kirby Smith has not got a very large army, and can easily be cleaned out when a sufficient force of Federal troops are ready to get to work about the matter right.

A correspondent, writing from Eastport, Tennessee, to the Pittsburg Chronicle, says:

General Thomas left here last week, and has gone to Nashville. The day after he left, a fleet of twenty-nine boats left here with troops, etc., (but not for Nashville). The public may form their own estimate of their number and destination — previous to which, General A. J. Smith left, and where he goes there is a fight looming in the distance. General Wilson now command the troops in this vicinity. Colonel Steward is post commander. There was a scout who came in to-day by way of luka, and who brings the intelligence that small bodies of the enemy are scattered through the country, and that it is impossible to come up with them. General Forrest sent in a flag of truce yesterday of some trifling matters. They were not allowed to enter our lines. About thirty of his men came within five miles of Eastport, and within sight of it, yesterday, and captured seven men, four whom they killed while trying to escape.

’ To-day a pontoon bridge has been thrown across Bear creek, and a large scouting party sent out to scour the woods in that direction. Eastport is flanked on the east by this creek, and it is navigable for some twenty miles by small boats. The hills in the rear are nearly as high as those around Pittsburg, and on which the army are camped.--Yesterday seventeen boats came up with a number of troops. If Taylor, Forrest. & Company think to find a vulnerable place to make a strike, I think they will be mistaken. The gunboat Carendelet is lying here to organize the convoys and co-operate with the army in the defence of the place. Captain Rogers, late of the Naumkeag, and resident of Pittsburg, commands her. At the present time there are some forty boats at the landing, among which are a number from Pittsburg. I think before long you will hear of a movement that will astonish the rebels a little. The roads at the present time are in very bad condition, and if the army was ready to move, nothing could be done until they dried up.

Yankee accounts from Texas.

A gentleman, "detained" in Texas for the last ten months, has arrived in Detroit with some wild stories about the immense blockade business done there, and of Confederate affairs generally in that section of the country:

He states that immense quantities of cotton are daily arriving at the Rio Grande from Texas. A cotton operator estimates that there are five thousand large wagons, drawn by six and eight mules each, engaged in the hauling; the

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Terry (5)
R. E. Lee (5)
A. G. Bennett (5)
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Charles Macbeth (3)
George Whittemore (2)
W. H. Taylor (2)
Kirby Smith (2)
George W. Johnson (2)
Grant (2)
Forrest (2)
John Dawson (2)
Cox (2)
Casement (2)
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Williams (1)
White (1)
Ward (1)
R. T. Walker (1)
Thomas Turner (1)
W. C. Thomas (1)
Steward (1)
Steel (1)
A. J. Smith (1)
Sherman (1)
Schofield (1)
Rogers (1)
Montgomery (1)
Jourdan (1)
Johnston (1)
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Gilland (1)
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Christmas (1)
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