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Greeley in a good Humor.

The New York Tribune has a Christmas article congratulating the country upon the peaceful manner in which the heroes of the war (on either side) have betaken themselves to the ordinary pursuits of life. The allusions to the Southern soldiers speak well for Mr. Greeley's liberality of feeling. Here are some of them:

‘ "Look at that vast multitude of routed, beaten, discomfited men, whose valor has almost atoned for the sins of rebellion!" "Our gallant grey brothers are even now clamoring around Washington," &c. "So with the Generals of the Rebellion. The greatest of them all is now a teacher of mathematics in a university. Sherman's great antagonists are in the express and railroad business. The once-dreaded Beauregard will sell you a ticket from New Orleans to Jackson; and, if you want to send a couple of hams to a friend in Richmond, Joe Johnston, once commander of great armies, will carry them. The man whose works Grant moved upon at Donelson edits an indifferent newspaper in New Orleans, while the Commander of the Rebel cavalry at Corinth is his local reporter. Marshall practices law in New Orleans; Forrest is running a saw-mill; Dick Taylor is now having a good time in New York; Roger A. Pryor is a daily practitioner at our courts; and so with the rest of this bold, vindictive and ambitious race of men."

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