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1273. ἄλλος other, rest often precedes the particular thing with which it is contrasted: τά τε ἄλλα ἐτί_μησε καὶ μυ_ρίους ἔδωκε δα_ρεικούς he gave me ten thousand darics besides honouring me in other ways (lit. he both honoured me in other ways and etc.) X. A. 1.3.3, ““τῷ μὲν ἄλλῳ στρατῷ ἡσύχαζεν, ἑκατὸν δὲ πελταστὰ_ς προπέμπειwith the rest of the army he kept quiet, but sent forward a hundred peltastsT. 4.111.

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