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115. About the same time the Argives, making a road into Phliasia, lost about eighty of their men by ambush laid for them by the men of Phlius and the outlaws of their own city. [2] And the Athenians that lay in Pylus fetched in thither a great booty from the Lacedaemonians. Notwithstanding which, the Lacedaemonians did not war upon them [as] renouncing the peace, but gave leave by edict only to any of their people that would to take booties reciprocally in the territory of the Athenians. [3] The Corinthians also made war upon the Athenians; but it was for certain controversies of their own, and the rest of Peloponnesus stirred not. [4]

The Melians also took that part of the wall of the Athenians, by an assault in the night, which looked towards the market place, and having slain the men that guarded it, brought into the town both corn and other provision, whatsoever they could buy for money, and so returned and lay still. And the Athenians from thenceforth kept a better watch. And so this summer ended.

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hide References (13 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (7):
    • E.C. Marchant, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 2, 2.2
    • E.C. Marchant, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 6, 6.4
    • C.E. Graves, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 4, CHAPTER XXXVII
    • Harold North Fowler, Commentary on Thucydides Book 5, 5.110
    • Harold North Fowler, Commentary on Thucydides Book 5, 5.116
    • Charles D. Morris, Commentary on Thucydides Book 1, 1.68
    • Charles F. Smith, Commentary on Thucydides Book 7, 7.43
  • Cross-references to this page (1):
    • A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890), SYLAE
  • Cross-references in notes to this page (2):
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (3):
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