We arrived yesterday evening from the army at Potidaea,1 and I sought with delight, after an absence of some time, my wonted conversations. Accordingly I went into the wrestling-school of Taureas,2 opposite the Queen's shrine,3 and there I came upon quite a number of people, some of whom were unknown to me, but most of whom I knew. And as soon as they saw me
1 A Cortinthian colony in Chalcidice which was a tributary ally of Athens, and revolted from her in 433 B.C. In the next year an Athenian force met and fought a Peloponnesian force at Potidaea, and then laid siege to the city. Thus began the Peloponnesian War.
2 A professional trainer.
3 There was a shrine of Basile, or the Queen (of whom nothing is known), some way to the south of the Acropolis. Cf. Fraser, Pausanias ii. p. 203.
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