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“ Barley and wheat, and his trees are laden and weighted with fair fruits,
Increase comes to his flocks and the ocean is teeming with fishes.

Hom. Od. 19.109

And Musaeus and his son1 have2 a more excellent song3 than these of the blessings that the gods bestow on the righteous. For they conduct them to the house of Hades in their tale and arrange a symposium of the saints,4 where, reclined on couches crowned with wreaths,

1 Cf. Kern, Orphicorum Fragmenta, iv. p. 83. The son is possibly Eumolpus.

2 For the thought of the following cf. Emerson, Compensation: “He (the preacher) assumed that judgement is not executed in this world; that the wicked are successful; that the good are miserable; and then urged from reason and scripture a compensation to be made to both parties in the next life. No offence appeared to be taken by the congregation at this doctrine.”

3 νεανικώτερα is in Plato often humorous and depreciative. Cf. 563 Eνεανική.

4 συμπόσιον τῶν ὁσίων. Jowett's notion that this is a jingle is due to the English pronunciation of Greek.

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