Some space of time after this, the outlaws of Boeotia being seized of Orchomenus and Chaeroneia and certain other places of Boeotia, the Athenians made war upon those places, being their enemies, with a thousand men of arms of their own and as many of their confederates as severally came in, under the conduct of Tolmidas the son of Tolmaeus.
And when they had taken Chaeroneia, they carried away the inhabitants captives and, leaving a garrison in the city, departed.
In their return, those outlaws that were in Orchomenus, together with the Locrians of Opus and the Euboean outlaws and others of the same faction, set upon them at Coroneia;
and overcoming the Athenians in battle, some they slew and some they took alive.
Whereupon the Athenians relinquished all Boeotia and made peace with condition to have their prisoners released.
So the outlaws and the rest returned, and lived again under their own laws.
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