When the Lacedaemonians heard of it, they called him home the first time.
And when being gone out the second time without their command in a galley of Hermione, it appeared that he continued still in the same practices and, after he was forced out of Byzantium by siege of the Athenians, returned not to Sparta, but news came that he had seated himself at Colonae in the country of Troy practicing still with the barbarians and making his abode there for no good purpose, then the ephori forebore no longer but sent unto him a public officer with the scytale commanding him not to depart from the officer and, in case he refused, denounced war against him.
But he, desiring as much as he could to decline suspicion and believing that with money he should be able to discharge himself of his accusations, returned unto Sparta the second time.
And first he was by the ephori committed to ward (for the ephori have power to do this to their king);
but afterwards, procuring his enlargement, he came forth and exhibited himself to justice against such as had anything to allege against him.
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