'I was expecting this outburst of indignation; the causes of it are not unknown to
me.1 And I have summoned an assembly that I may remind you of your resolutions and
reprove you for your inconsiderate anger against me, and want of fortitude in
In my judgment it would be better for individuals themselves that the citizens should
suffer and the state flourish than that the citizens should flourish and the state
A private man, however successful in his own dealings, if his country perish is
involved in her destruction; but if he be an unprosperous citizen of a prosperous city
he is much more likely to recover.
Seeing then that states can bear the misfortunes of individuals, but individuals cannot
bear the misfortunes of the state, let us all stand by our country and not do what you
are doing now, who because you are stunned by your private calamities are letting go the
hope of saving the state, and condemning not only me who advised, but yourselves who
consented to, the war.
Yet I with whom you are so angry venture to say of myself, that I am as capable as any
one of devising and explaining a sound policy;
and that I am a lover of my country, and incorruptible.
Now a man may have a policy which he cannot clearly expound, and then he might as well
have none at all;
or he may possess both ability and eloquence, but if he is disloyal to his country he
cannot, like a true man, speak in her interest; or again he may be unable to resist a
bribe, and then all his other good qualities will be sold for money.
If, when you determined to go to war, you believed me to have somewhat
more of the statesman in me than others, it is not fair that I should now be charged
with anything like crime.
1 Your anger is inconsiderate and unmanly; you forget that the fortunes of the individual depend on those of the state. If you believed that I was wise, loyal, disinterested, when you consented to the war, why should you attack me no?
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