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1 وَلَجَ ذ , aor. يَلِجُ, inf. n. وُلُوجٌ and لِجَةٌ; and ↓ إِِتَّلَجَ ; (S, K;) and ↓ تولّج ; (L;) He, or it, entered. (S, K.) You say وَلَجَ البَيْتَ, and ↓ اتّلجه , and ↓ تولّجهُ , He entered the house. (L.) And وَلَجَ الشَّىْءُ فِى غَيرِهِ The thing entered into another thing. (Msb.) As is said in the S and L, Sb says that وَلَجَ has for its inf. n. وُلُوجٌ, which is of one of the measures of the inf. ns. of intrans. verbs, because the meaning [of وَلَجْتُ البَيْتَ] is وَلَجْتُ فِيهِ: and it is said in the M, that Sb holds the intermediate particle to be dropped: but Mohammad Ibn-Yezeed holds the verb to be trans. without an intermediate particle. MF observes, that Sb's words appear to make ولج a trans. verb, which no one asserts it to be: that if he mean that it has as its complement a noun in the acc. case as an adverbial noun of place, it is like دَخَلْتُ and other intrans. verbs: but if he mean that it governs a simple objective complement, like ضَرَبْتُ زَيْدًا, his opinion is not correct. (TA.) 4 اولج ذ , (S, K,) inf. n. إِِيلَاجٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ إِِتَّلَجَ , as in the CK and in several MS. copies of the K) or أَتْلَجَ, (as in the L, and all the copies of the K consulted by SM, in this art., and in art. تلج,) in which ت is substituted for و, and this is the correct reading; (TA;) He, or it, caused to enter; introduced; inserted. (S, K.) ― -b2- The expression in the Kur. [xxii. 60; and other chapters,] يُولِجُ ا@للَّيلَ فِى النَّهَارِ وَيُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِى ا@للَّيْلِ signifies He maketh the night, by increasing it, to enter into, [or encroach upon,] the day, and maketh the day, in like manner, to enter into, [or encroach upon,] the night: (Jel:) or He increaseth the night with a part of the day, by taking from the latter and adding to the former, and in like manner increaseth the day with a part of the night. (S.) ― -b3- [اولج is often used for اولج ذكره; and hence as meaning Inivit.] 5 تَوَلَّجَ see 1. 8 إِِوْتَلَجَ see 1 and 4. رَجُلٌ خُرَجَةٌ وُلَجَهٌ ذ , (S,) and ↓ خَرَّاجٌ وَلَّاجٌ , and ↓ خَرُوجٌ وَلُوجٌ , (TA,) A man frequently going, or coming, out and in. (S, TA.) [This is the primary meaning: for others see art. خرج.] وَلَجَةٌ ذ A place, (S,) or a cavern, in which passengers shelter themselves from rain &c.: pl. أَوْلَاجٌ and وَلَجٌ, (S, K,) [or rather the latter, which is omitted in the CK, is a coll. gen. n., of which ولجة is the n. un.] or وُلُجٌ. (L.) ― -b2- Also, A bend, or place of bending, of a valley: (IAar:) pl. as above. (K.) وَلُوجٌ ذ and وَلَّاجٌ: see وُلْجَةٌ. وَلِيجَةٌ ذ Anything that is introduced, or inserted, into a thing, and that does not belong to it: any such thing is termed a وليجة of a thing. (A'Obeyd.) ― -b2- هُوَ وَلِيجَتُهُمْ He is an adherent to them; (K;) one who has entered, or become introduced, or included, among them,] and not belonging to them. (TA.) Pl. وَلَائِجُ. (TA.) ― -b3- وَلِيجَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A particular, or special, intimate, friend, or associate, of a man; syn. خَاصَّةٌ (S, K) and بِطَانَةٌ (S) and دَخِيلَةٌ: (K:) by these syns. A'Obeyd explains it in the Kur. ix. 16: and it is applied to one and to more than one: (TA:) or one whom a person takes to rely upon, or to place confidence in, not being of his family: (K:) and so some explain the word in the verse above referred to: (TA:) or it there signifies an intimate friend who is one of the polytheists. (Fr.) وَالِجَةٌ ذ i. q. دُبَيْلَةٌ, (K,) i. e., A certain disease in the belly. (TA.) A pain that attacks a man; or a pain in a man; وَجَعٌ يَأْخُذُ الإِِنْسَانَ, (so in two copies of the S, and in the L,) or وَجَعٌ فِى الإِِنْسَانِ: (so in the TA and a MS. copy of the K:) or a pain that attacks the teeth; or a pain in the teeth; وجع يأخذ الأَسْنَانَ, (so in a copy of the S,) or وجع فى الأَسْنَانِ. (So in the CK.) أَوْلَجُ ذ [More, or most, penetrating]: applied to language or discourse. [TA, in art. جمع: see an ex. voce مُجْمَعٌ.] تَوْلَجٌ ذ The hiding place of a wild beast, (or antelope, TA,) among trees, (S, K,) into which he enters (الَّذِى يَلِج فِيهِ); like دَوْلَجٌ: the ت, says Sb, is substituted for و, and the word is of the measure فَوْعَلٌ; for تَفْعَلٌ is scarcely found in Arabic as the measure of a subst., whereas فَوْعَلٌ is frequent. (S.) مَوْلِجٌ ذ A place of entrance; a place into which one enters: (TA:) pl. مَوَالِجُ. (S.) [See its contr. مَخْرَجٌ.] مَوْلُوجٌ ذ A man attacked by the disease called وَالِجَة, or دُبَيْلَة. (K, TA.)

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