Collection: Athens, Acropolis Museum
Title: Marble lamp
Context: From Athens, Acropolis
Findspot: Found at Athens, Acropolis
Summary: Circular lamp with eight protomes
Object Function: Other
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Furniture
Category: Single monument
Style: High Archaic
Technique: Incised
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 600 BC - ca. 575 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.095 m; Diam. 0.17 m
Region: Attica
Period: High Archaic

Subject Description: The rim of the circular bowl of this sanctuary lamp is decorated with four female heads alternating with four rams heads. Each female head is portrayed in the Daedalic style, with triangular face, thick locks of hair on either side of the head, and flat brow. The ramsheads are spouts for the wicks.

Condition: Nearly complete

Condition Description: Comprised of two or more rejoined fragments; stained and scratched.

Material Description: Island marble, according to Brouskari

Sources Used: Brouskari 1974, 66, fig. 121

Other Bibliography: J.D. Beazley, "A Marble Lamp," JHS 61 (1941) 38-40, figs. 17-18; Langlotz & Schrader 1939, 330-31 no. 452, pls. 384-86; Payne 1936, pl. 17