Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Torso of a Kore from Moschato
Context: From Attica
Findspot: Found at Moschato, Attica
Summary: Standing female figure
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Free-standing statue: kore
Category: Separated fragments
Style: High Archaic
Technique: In-the-round
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 580 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.40 m
Scale: Slightly under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: High Archaic

Subject Description: A female figure holds her left forearm in front of her lower chest, and probably held her right arm at her side. She wears a button-sleeved, belted chiton decorated with an incised pattern down the center. Her hair cascades down the back where it terminates in a straight line, while eight wavy locks spread over her chest, four on either side.

Condition: Single piece

Condition Description: The torso is preserved from just below the neck to the waist. The arms are broken off below the shoulders, except for the inner part of the left forearm where it is attached to the body. The surface is scratched and pitted.

Collection History: Formerly housed in the Theseion.

Sources Used: Karouzou 1968, 10; Richter 1968, 39 no. 40, figs. 132-34