Detail from S, Mycenae, Grave Circle A

Detail of clamp cutting in orthostate of enclosure wall, from SE, Mycenae,...

Overall view from S, Mycenae, Grave Circle A

Detail of double ring of orthostates, horizontal covering slab, and cuttin...

Plan, Mycenae, Grave Circle A

Retaining wall for ramp to palace, Mycenae, Great Ramp, Grave Circle A

Context: Mycenae
Type: Tomb
Summary: Grave Circle A is inside the citadel walls at Mycenae, S of the Lion Gate.
Date: 1550 BC - 1500 BC

Enclosure: diameter 27.5 m.; wall 1.35 m. thick and 0.92 to 1.52 m. high. Shaft Graves 1 to 4 m. deep.

Region: Argolid
Period: Middle Bronze Age


A circular area enclosed by a low wall with a wide entrance facing the Lion Gate. In circle were 10 grave stelai carved in low relief and 6 shaft graves containing 19 bodies.


Originally outside the citadel walls, Grave Circle A seems to have been established as a heroon and was enclosed within the enlargement of the fortress at ca. 1250 BC.

Other Bibliography:

Rossiter 1977, 268G. Mylonas 1983, 30-45