31 Sculptures whose Context is Delphi

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Daochos Monument, Daochos I, drapery and legs, frontal view

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Daochos Monument, Daochos I, torso, from left

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Daochos Monument, Daochos II, plinth, from right

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Daochos Monument, Daochos II, plinth, from left

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Daochos Monument, Sisyphos I, torso, detail of right profile

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Daochos Monument, Sisyphos I, tunic and legs, detail of right profile

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Daochos Monument, Sisyphos II, herm support

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Daochos Monument, Sisyphos II, upper torso and head, frontal view

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Daochos Monument, Telemachos, cutting in base

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Kleobis, head and upper torso

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Kleobis, head and upper torso, right profile

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Knidian Caryatid Torso, detail of right profile including hand

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Knidian Caryatid Torso, mid-section of torso, frontal view

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Naxian Sphinx, right profile

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Naxian Sphinx, detail of right wing

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Sikyonian Metopes, Ram

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Sikyonian Metopes, The Ship Argo

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Siphnian Caryatid, back view

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Siphnian Caryatid, left profile
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