53 Vases whose Shape is Calyx krater

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Image from Svoronos

Top left: Dioskouroi relief showing Dioskouroi leaning on spears, facing e...

Side A: boy on right

Side B: youth in center

Asteas' calyx krater: Drawing of side A, showing a phlyax play (three...

Asteas' calyx krater: Drawing of side A (detail), showing a phlyax pl...

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Side A: scene at center

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Side A: Hermes

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Image of Berlin inv. 1969.9

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Image of Berlin inv. 1969.9

Calyx krater depicting an Amazonomachy: Drawing of the figural scene (deta...

Calyx krater depicting an Amazonomachy: Drawing of the figural scene (deta...
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Side A: scene at center

Side A: Zeus pursuing Aegina

Side A, lower register: bearded man, fleeing woman

Side B, lower register: seated woman with mirror

Side A: Greek warrior

Side A: Trojan warrior
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