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Your search returned 1,485 matching entries.

Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
Achaeus2 Lewis & Short 1,366 0 63 Belonging to Achaia; subst.
Adad Lewis & Short 0 0 0 name of the supreme god of the Assyrians
Aethiops Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 328 79 94 an Ethiopian, negro:
Agelastus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a surname of M. Crassus
abitus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 100 0 34 a departure, removal
abnutivus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 subst.
abstineo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,275 991 239 to keep back, keep off, hold back
accensi Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 unarmed supernumeraries of a legion, ready to fill vacancies:
accepto Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,268 28 226 to take, receive
accio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 857 441 192 to call, summon, send for, invite:
accitus2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 294 0 54 a summons, call
accommodate Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 fitly, suitably, in accordance
accommodatus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 fitted, fit, suitable, adapted, appropriate to, in accordance with
accommodus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 75 13 37 fit for, suitable for:
accredo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 5 5 5 to accord belief, believe fully:
adeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 12,089 2,151 752 to submit a cause to a referee:
adeo2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6,334 0 448 To designate a limit, to this, thus far, so far, as far.
adfatim Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 satisfactorily, sufficiently, abundantly
adfectus Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 furnished, supplied, endowed, provided, gifted
adfectus2 Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a state
adiumentum Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a means of helping, help, aid, support, assistance
adiuvo Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to help, assist, aid, support, further, sustain:
adjunctivus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 conjunctions that govern the subj. mood
adminiculabundus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 supporting one's self
adminiculator Lewis & Short 1 1 1 one who supports
adminiculor Lewis & Short 12 0 4 to support
administro Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 440 428 99 to manage, control, guide, superintend, execute, regulate, rule, direct:
admiror Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 769 585 256 to regard with wonder, admire:
admoneo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,290 795 297 to bring to mind, remind, suggest, put in mind of:
admonitio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 101 101 34 a suggestion, reminding
admonitus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a reminding, suggestion, request
admonitus2 Lewis & Short 353 0 90 A reminding
adoro Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 742 742 241 to call upon, entreat, supplicate, implore
adulabilis Lewis & Short 2 2 1 suited to flatter
aduro Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 505 505 134 to set on fire, kindle, scorch, parch, burn, singe:
adustus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 sunburnt, brown
advocata Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 one called to aid, a supporter
advocatio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 55 55 28 a summoning as counsel
advoco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,316 375 180 to call, summon, invite:
aeger Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,085 1,767 446 unwell, ill, sick, diseased, suffering, feeble:
aequor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,671 1,901 468 an even surface, level
aestas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,096 1,096 263 summer:
aestiva Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 564 0 112 a summer camp, summer resort
aestivus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 902 106 194 of summer, as in summer, summer-like, summer
agnomen Lewis & Short 21 21 19 a surname
agonotheta Lewis & Short 1 1 1 the superintendent of public games
agrarii Elem. Lewis 56 0 15 the agrarian party, supporters of agrarian laws,
ah Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,017 1,017 311 interj.—Of distress or pity, ah! alas! H.—Of reproach or admonition, ah! oh! V.—Of surprise, Oh! I see! H.
algensis Lewis & Short 1 1 1 that supports itself on sea-weed
alienatio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 22 22 20 a transfer, surrender
alimentum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 509 509 167 nourishment, nutriment, aliment
alimonium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 14 2 8 nourishment, sustenance, Ta.
aliquisquam Lewis & Short 0 0 0 pron. indef. subst.