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Your search returned 1,485 matching entries.

Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
Fidius Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 856 2 129 the god of faith, a surname of Jupiter
Figulus2 Lewis & Short 191 0 43 a Roman surname in the
Fimbria2 Lewis & Short 92 0 20 A Roman surname in the
Flaccus2 Lewis & Short 1,521 0 129 a Roman surname;
Flamen3 Lewis & Short 929 0 71 a surname in the
Flamma2 Lewis & Short 7,261 0 631 a Roman surname
Florianus Lewis & Short 21 21 5 a Roman surname.
Florus2 Lewis & Short 3,032 0 333 a Roman surname.
Fluonia Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a surname of Juno
Frontinus Lewis & Short 13 13 8 a Roman surname.
Fuscus2 Lewis & Short 307 0 75 a Roman surname;
Gallus4 Lewis & Short 23,138 0 459 a Roman surname in the
Geidunni Lewis & Short 1 1 1 a people subject to the
Glabrio Lewis & Short 74 74 30 a surname in the
Glaucia Lewis & Short 95 15 25 a Roman surname in the
Gradivus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 270 192 109 a surname of Mars
Graeci Lewis & Short 9,464 0 191 founded on Greek subjects
Grannus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a surname of Apollo in several Germanic
Grosphus2 Lewis & Short 10 0 4 a Roman surname
Gurges2 Lewis & Short 1,900 0 357 a surname.
Gutta2 Lewis & Short 322 0 83 a Roman surname
fidepromitto Lewis & Short 0 0 0 to be surety
fidus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8,876 976 619 trusty, trustworthy, faithful, sure, credible
fidus2 Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a league
fimus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a reeking substance, dung, manure
finitor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 18 8 9 a limiter, surveyor
firmamen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3 3 3 a prop, support
firmamentum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 102 102 37 a strengthening, support, prop
firmo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,414 1,723 502 to make firm, strengthen, fortify, sustain
flagrantia Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 111 5 40 a glow, ardor
fluctus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,887 1,887 513 a flood, flow, tide, wave, billow, surge
fore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 subj. imperf.
fortuno Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8,457 507 688 to make prosperous, make happy, speed, further, prosper, bless
fossa Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,842 0 214 a dilch, trench, fosse
fretus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 4,398 29 461 leaning, supported, relying, depending, trusting, daring, confident
fretus2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,503 0 279 see fretum
fretus3 Lewis & Short 2,503 0 279 a strait;
fui Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 perf. of sum
fulcimen Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 1 a prop, support, pillar
fulcio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,074 118 322 to prop up, keep up by props, stay, support
fultor Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a supporter
fultura Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 38 0 14 a prop, support
furcillo Lewis & Short 5 1 3 to support
geniculatus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 66 0 4 having knots, hnotted
gero Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 13,209 6,356 831 to bear about, bear, carry, wear, have, hold, sustain
gero2 Lewis & Short 119 1 46 that carry off
glomero Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 265 247 151 to wind into a ball, gather up, roll together, collect
granditas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 8 2 3 grandeur, sublimity
gravedinosus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3 3 3 subject to colds, taking cold easily
groma Lewis & Short 3 1 2 A surveyor's pole
gubernabilis Lewis & Short 0 0 0 susceptible of being governed
gusto Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 269 269 122 to taste, take a little of
habeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 37,568 31,495 1,020 to have, hold, support, carry, wear
habilis Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 177 175 97 easily handled, manageable, handy, suitable, fit, proper, apt, nimble, swift