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Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
Daesitiatae Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a people in the south of Pannonia Superior
Decebalus Lewis & Short 1 1 1 a Dacian king, subdued by Trajan
Decianus2 Lewis & Short 88 0 12 a Roman surname
Deipassianus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a believer in the capacity of the Divine nature for suffering
Denter Lewis & Short 21 21 14 the surname of M. Livius
Diadematus2 Lewis & Short 407 0 93 a Roman surname
dalivus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 supinus;
damnum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,087 435 430 hurt, harm, damage, injury, loss
dapsile Lewis & Short 0 0 0 adv., sumptuously, bountifully
datio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 19 19 10 a giving
debellator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6 6 5 a conqueror, subduer
decempedator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 1 a landmeasurer, land-surveyor
deceo Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to be seemly, be comely, become, beseem, behoove, be fitting, be suitable, be proper
decessus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 56 0 23 a going away, departure
decore Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 suitably, properly, becomingly, decorously
decoro Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,540 412 432 to adorn, embellish, grace, beautify, decorate
decorus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6,001 183 486 becoming, fitting, seemly, proper, suitable, decorous
decumates Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 1 subject to tithes, tributary
dediticius Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 35 35 15 surrendered
deditim Lewis & Short 0 0 0 adv., by surrender;
deditio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 658 658 71 a giving up, surrender, capitulation
deditus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 given up, surrendered
dedo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 25,885 1,249 888 to give away, give up, surrender, deliver, consign, yield, abandon, render
defero Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,173 2,139 402 to bring away, carry off, take down, carry, take, remove
deinceps Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 539 539 138 one after another, in order, in succession
demergo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 598 115 155 to sink, submerge, plunge, dip, immerse, bury
demersio Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a being sunk down, a sinking
demissus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,206 0 276 lowered, sunken, low-lying, low
demo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,793 544 585 to take away, take off, subtract, remove, withdraw
denominatio Lewis & Short 0 0 0 the substitution of the name of an object for that of another to which it has some relation, as the name of the cause for that of the effect, of the property for that of the substance
dense Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 closely, in quick succession
denuntiatio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 63 63 39 an indication, announcement, declaration, proclamation, threat
depressus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 sunken, low
deprimo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 329 329 171 to press down, weigh down, sink down, depress
derepente Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 30 0 12 suddenly, on a sudden
desaevio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 43 43 31 to rave furiously, rage
deservio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 675 55 203 to serve zealously, be devoted, be subject, be of service
desidia2 Lewis & Short 402 0 118 a subsiding, retiring
destina Lewis & Short 24 4 7 a support, stay, prop
desubito Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 on a sudden, suddenly
detineo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 510 410 230 to hold off, keep back, detain, check
detumesco Lewis & Short 8 8 5 v. inch. n., to cease swelling, to settle down, subside
devinco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 511 471 212 to conquer completely, overcome, subdue
dextimus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 sup. of dexter
diaphoreticus Lewis & Short 0 0 0 promoting perspiration, sudorific, diaphoretic
dicto Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 10,392 319 564 to dictate, suggest, remind
diduco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 423 423 115 to draw apart, part, split, separate, sever, sunder, divide, undo, relax
dignus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7,311 3,365 845 worthy, deserving, meritorious, deserved, suitable, fitting, becoming, proper
discutio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 776 712 225 to strike asunder, dash to pieces, shatter
dispensatio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 39 39 22 management, charge, direction, superintendence, provision, stewardship