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Headword Dictionaries Max. Inst. Min. Inst. # Documents Short Definition
Amphictyones Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 4 4 3 the assembly of the confederated Greek States, Amphictyons
abdico2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 338 4 51 to forbid by an unfavorable omen, reject (opp. addico)
addico Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 494 220 157 to give assent.
adfirmatio Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 an affirmation, asseveration, solemn assurance
adsensio Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 an assent, agreement, approval
adsensus2 Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 an agreement, assent, approval, approbation
adsentio Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to agree with, assent, approve:
adsentior Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to give assent, approve, agree with:
adsentor Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to assent constantly, flatter, fawn
adseveratio Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a vehement assertion, protestation
adsevero Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to affirm, insist on, maintain, assert, aver
adsimulatio Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a feigned assent, Her.
affirmator Lewis & Short 1 1 1 one who asserts
aio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6,942 6,590 641 to say yes, assent, affirm
approbator Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3 3 3 one who approves
approbo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 185 147 79 to assent to, favor, approve:,
assensio Lewis & Short 69 69 21 an assent
assensor Lewis & Short 3 3 3 he that assents to
assentatio Lewis & Short 47 47 33 A flattering assent
assertum Lewis & Short 26 0 11 an assertion
assessorius Lewis & Short 0 0 0 pertaining to an assessor
assessura Lewis & Short 0 0 0 the office of assessor
astipulatio Lewis & Short 2 2 2 an assent to
astipulatus Lewis & Short 2 2 2 an assenting to
autumo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 81 81 45 to say aye, assert, aver, affirm, say
buleuterium Lewis & Short 2 2 2 the place where the Greek senate assembled
celebratio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 28 28 11 a numerous assemblage, concourse
celebritas Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 88 88 47 a great number, multitude, throng, crowd, large assembly, concourse
censeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7,540 769 409 to tax, assess, rate, estimate:
censeo2 Lewis & Short 4,484 0 288 to be angry
centuria Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 326 168 64 a division of a hundred, century, company
coeo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 3,107 1,031 343 to go together, come together, meet, assemble, collect
collectaculum Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a place of assembling
comitia Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 the Roman people in assembly, comitia curiata
comitiatus Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 27 0 2 an assembly of the people in the comitia
comitiatus2 Lewis & Short 33 0 3 an assembly of the people in the comitia
comitium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 2,877 796 171 a place of assembly, place of meeting
comprobo Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 256 256 92 to approve, assent to, sanction, acknowledge:
conciliabulum Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 56 56 31 a place of assembly, public exchange, market-place
concurro Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,995 975 346 to run together, assemble, flock together:
conduco Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 984 403 209 to draw together, assemble, collect, gather, unite:
conglomeratio Lewis & Short 0 0 0 a crowding together, an assembly
congregatio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 71 71 19 union, society, association
congregator Lewis & Short 2 2 2 one who brings together, an assembler
congressus2 Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 787 21 141 a meeting, assembly, conference, conversation, interview
conlega Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 a partner in office, colleague, associate, assessor
conligo Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to gather, collect, assemble, bring together
conligo2 Elem. Lewis 0 0 0 to bind together, tie, connect, bind, tie up:
consentes Lewis & Short 0 0 0 who formed the common council of the gods, assembled by Jupiter
consentio Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1,775 1,011 193 to agree, accord, harmonize, assert unitedly, determine in common, decree, unite upon:
consessor Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 11 9 10 one who sits by, an assessor, associate
consilium Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 10,216 3,928 581 a council, body of counsellors, deliberative assembly
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